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Oh I am FUMING right now!!!

coasterqueen wrote: My boss has a his friend in his office...they closed the door...and what do I start to smell??? SMOKE!!!!!!!!!!! His friend is smoking in our office!!!!!!!!! mad.gif mad.gif mad.gif FOr some reason he thinks closing his door keeps the smoke out of the ventilation system! No brain I tell you!!!!!

My boss knows how I feel about smoking and especially having to breath it while pregnant. I avoid breathing smoke at all costs while pg! mad.gif mad.gif

I am so angry right now. He better be prepared for me to chew him a new YOU KNOW WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!! I've never gotten angry with my boss and what he hates most is a gnagging woman.....well...this one might just get me fired. mad.gif mad.gif

amynicole21 replied: Uh, isn't that ILLEGAL?!?! blink.gif I can't believe that... and aren't you in a Federal office building??? Pull the smoke alarm... that ought to get them to stop wink.gif Just kidding Redchief!!!

MomToMany replied: mad.gif Oh, I'd be fumimg mad too! I sure hope you say something to him!! My gosh, if your boss knows your PG, he should've been more considerate and told his friend to smoke outside.

mad.gif What an idiot!!

coasterqueen replied:
I'm not actually sure if it's illegal or not. I don't work in a federal building either. Not even sure where the smoke alarm is at in this old decrepid building. ROFL.

It just makes me so angry because I try to sympathize with smokers because I was one..but don't they have the decency to respect me as well???!!!! mad.gif mad.gif mad.gif

Maddie&EthansMom replied: There is nothing I hate more than smoke! I'm so sorry! The first job I had was at an insurance company and EVERYONE smoked. I went home smelling like a smoke stack everyday. It really sucked. I'm glad they passed the no smoking in public places rule around here. I'm with Amy...pull the smoke alarm. LOL! rolling_smile.gif

Boys r us replied: blink.gif I can't believe that!!! That is beyond inconsiderate..and I'd pull the freaking smoke alarm too!

~Roo'sMama~ replied: Ugh! mad.gif I'd be mad too... I'd go knock on his door and ask him to please have his friend smoke outside, or else I was leaving for the day! Cigarette smoke makes me literally sick so who knows what it's doing to the baby!

Kirstenmumof3 replied: ohmy.gif OMG I would be pissed! My DH tried to pull that little stunt, I do not allow smoking in my house at all. Anyway he went in the backporch and stood in front of the open screen door! I was like "EXCUSE ME, GET THE F*CK OUTSIDE!" Try not to get to excited when you talk to your boss, explain to him how this makes you feel! I hope this doesn't happen again! grouphug.gif

coasterqueen replied: The guy just left...he was here a freakin' 20 minutes! He couldn't wait til he got back outside!?!?! mad.gif

I just literally told my boss how inappropriate he was for letting him smoke in this office! He walked away very mad and that's not like my boss to do that. The last lady who worked here before me did that once and he never ever did anything for her nice again. sad.gif

Oh well, my baby's safety is much more important than how he is to me!

I'm just so peeved!

But we are talking about a man who doesn't really think much about women either. The only reason why he treats me so well is because I don't "nag" at him. He is nice to women who don't nag. rolleyes.gif We also live right down the road from each other.

Oh well I feel much better saying something to him and for saying it in NOT A NICE MANNER! DH said I should be nice..NO WAY! HE doesn't deserve it when he was rude to me! mad.gif

coasterqueen replied: Okay, well I know he's pissed off at me now. unsure.gif

I just called back to him to let him know that someone was on the phone for him and he usually says thanks in a very nice tone..he slammed the phone down instead. rolleyes.gif

Kaitlin'smom replied: HOW VERY RUDE AND INCONSIDERATE. I would leave a note telling him why I went home for the day paid of course and maybe that will get his attention and keep him and friend from smoking in the office

My2Beauties replied: mad.gif mad.gif That would make me so mad!

maestra replied: Maybe if you leave him alone for awhile it will just blow over. I'm sure he'll remember not to do that again!

Boys r us replied: That's bullsh*t!! Who does he think he is? he doesn't OWN the company..right?? Surely there are some sort of ground rules preventing smoking inside the building!

amynicole21 replied: OK, I just looked up Illinois clean air legislation and I guess it isn't illegal there yet. You can't even smoke in restaraunts here in FL, let alone the mall, a place of business, etc. I'm sorry he's acting like such a jerk, but I'm glad you stood up for yourself. thumb.gif

A&A'smommy replied: OH goodness Karen! The nerve of that man he KNOWS your pg and he SHOULD know that is isn't good for pregnant woman to be around smoke (((BIG HUGS))) I hope he starts being nice to you again and that THAT doesn't happen again!

kimberley replied: oh wow! that is crazy! we haven't been able to smoke in office buildings and malls for years, and now restaurants and bars are banned. they have even recently proposed banning smoking in cars... but i think that one won't go over too well. i am glad you stood up for yourself thumb.gif i agree, give your boss time and it will blow over.

coasterqueen replied: Yeah I LONG for the day we follow other states so I can go to certain restaurants and bars without worrying about smoke. I can't even go to most bowling alleys around here because the smoke is so bad. I used to be on a league before having Kylie sad.gif

My boss did lighten up before I left work so hopefully he just realized that I was serious about that one issue and wasn't really nagging on him, lol.

Josie83 replied: I think you have every right to be annoyed and to let your boss know why you're annoyed! how inconsiderate! And for the sake of twenty minutes . . . that's so rude mad.gif xx

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