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OMG, My friend had exciting news

3xsthefun wrote: I got a phone call from my friend today telling me she is pregnant. She thinks she is about 6 weeks pregnant. I am so excited for her! She is really hoping for a girl, but really does not matter long as the baby is healthy.

I'm really happy for her and hope she has a healthy and happy 9 months. She has been wanting a baby for such a long while now!

Congrats to Susan!

She don't have a computer or I would have her join her.

Maddie&EthansMom replied: thumb.gif Tell her congrats from your friends at PC! wub.gif

amynicole21 replied: Seems like everyone I know is getting pregnant recently! Congrats to your friend. thumb.gif

ions_momma replied: Congrats to your friend! I just found out about 2 weeks ago that one of my friends are pregnant too! Its exciting!

mom21kid2dogs replied: wub.gif wub.gif Congratulations to your friend! wub.gif wub.gif
Hope she has a healthy & happy pregnancy!! thumb.gif

mammag replied: Congrats to your friend! Is this her first?

That's great news!

uwishucudfly replied: Tell your friend congratulations! Wishing her a happy and healthy nine months!

3xsthefun replied: Yes, this is her first. smile.gif Thanks everyone for congrats to her. smile.gif

I've already offered to babysit after she has the baby and goes back to work.

lisar replied: Congrats to your friend. I just found out last week that a good friend of mine (that i dont see we live so far apart) is having a girl like me.


~KARA~ replied: Congrats to your friend thats great!!

iluvmysweetiepies replied: wub.gif Congratulations to your friend! wub.gif

aspenblue1 replied: Congrats to Susan!

A&A'smommy replied: Congratulations to her!!

3xsthefun replied: Thanks everyone for the congrats!

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