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OMG! I am SO scared right now!

coasterqueen wrote: A guard was just shot over at the capitol building right across the street from where I work! He "held up" in the capitol building afterwards but my boss just called and said STAY INSIDE because he's running the streets now. Our building has an easement which is where our office is and it's a great hiding place sad.gif

I am so scared right now. I also have to pee and our bathroom is down the hall. I''m too freaked out to leave the office because our building is "open" meaning anyone can roam freely in here. sad.gif

Maddie&EthansMom replied: ohmy.gif ohmy.gif ohmy.gif ohmy.gif Be careful!! grouphug.gif I would be scared, too.

My2Beauties replied: ohmy.gif ohmy.gif ohmy.gif Oh no, please be careful!!! Thinking of you, let us know when you get home so we know you're safe sad.gif

amynicole21 replied: OMG!!! That's awful! Stay inside grouphug.gif

coasterqueen replied: Well still no word. Our friends at the capitol building said they have been told to barricade themselves in their offices LITERALLY and all state agencies around our office has been told to barricade themselves in too.

My boss just called in again and said we are not to leave to go home until he KNOWS the suspect has been caught because he IS roaming around somewhere here sad.gif.

Kaitlin'smom replied: ohmy.gif oh how very scary....stay safe, I will be thinking of you

DansMom replied: OMG! That's terrifying!

MommyToAshley replied: OMG!!! ohmy.gif How scary! I think I would rather pee my pants than chance going down the hall. Stay safe, and I hope they catch him soon!

Boys r us replied: OMG!! PLEASE STAY SAFE!!!!!!

coasterqueen replied: UGH! They say he's still wandering and lose. They've locked down all the local schools too since most are getting out right now and most kids walk home. sad.gif I sure hope they catch him before my co-worker leaves at 4:20 (about an hour from now) or at least tell us it's safe to go outside. I've decided I'm leaving with her. I'm not staying in this office by myself. This building becomes abandoned at 4:30. No way I'm staying til 5!!!!!!!!!!!

TLCDad replied: Be careful. Thanks for keeping us posted.

TLCDad replied: They just said something about this on Fox News.

Edited to say that there is an artcle on their website too:,2933,132944,00.html

coasterqueen replied:
I know I just found out on our local "capitol fax" that the guard at the capitol died sad.gif

coasterqueen replied:
Yeah I just read both. These are SOOO conflicting from what we are actually getting here in town, lol. First there used to be metal detectors in the least in May there was when the legislature was still in session.

Also one report is saying the guard is dead and the other is saying he's in surgery. rolleyes.gif

That and the people at the capitol here said he didn't flee right away that he "held up" in the capitol for a bit then ran down the main street in front of office on foot then fled by car.

Who knows! rolleyes.gif

Kirstenmumof3 replied: ohmy.gif Stay Safe and please keep us updated!

coasterqueen replied: Boss called and told us to go home now. He's arranged a male escort to meet us at our office here in a few minutes to walk us the two blocks to our car. So I'm going home! Thanks everyone! grouphug.gif

aspenblue1 replied: Be careful. Have a safe trip home!

A&A'smommy replied: OMG how awful I hope your safely at home now! (((BIG HUGS))))

Josie83 replied: What a horrible thing to happenh! I'm so sorry that that guard died. I'm glad that you're okay tho. Ugh! xx

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