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MommyToAshley wrote: My legs are burning! DH and I went on an almost 3 hour bike ride. Well, we stopped at a park and let Ashley play for awhile, so it was probably 2-1/2 hours. The bad part is that it was up and down hills, and I was pulling 30 extra pounds (Ashley in the trailer on the back of the bike).... so now my legs are really hurting.

Excercise experts, what should I do tonight to keep from being so sore in the morning?

Ashley did have a great time, she kept saying "let's go again!" LOL!
Here she is in the trailer:

paradisemommy replied: eat lots of bananas and cantaloupe if you have any smile.gif...that's a start and will help in the soreness!! rolling_smile.gif

amynicole21 replied: Just be sure to stretch grouphug.gif Good for you, though! I've been thinking about getting either a seat for the back of the bike or one of those trailers... We don't ride much, but I think that Sophia would love it.

Hey, why didn't TLCDad tow the baby? rolling_smile.gif

ctymom replied: Oh I bet she had a blast in that! I can picture myself sitting in one of those (adult size of course lol) while relaxing and watch the scenery. wink.gif

I could use a workout like that!


MommyToAshley replied: Thanks for the tips. I do have some bananas, I'll try those. smile.gif

And, I did stretch a little afterwards, but I didn't stretch BEFORE we went riding. wacko.gif I'll have to remember that.

We had planned to take turns towing her, and we were going to just switch bikes (easier than switching the trailer). He did tow her for a bit, but I didn't like his bike. I didn't like the seat or the way it peddled so I preferred to tow the extra weight. rolling_smile.gif

alice&arik replied: Stretching before you exercise is actually bad for you. It can cause injuries like torn ligaments and strains. I learned that in the Army. We always stretched before we ran and stuff, and other instructors told me that is how I broke my foot and a lot of other people had torn stuff. If you think about it, your legs have already been working all day walking around and stuff, so you don't really need to stretch. But after a workout is good. It is good to hold each stretch for 10 seconds and repeat each one a few times, because each time you stretch you are stretching a littel farther.

Bananas are really good for leg cramps, it is the pottasium in them. And drink lots of water. I really shouldn't be giving advice though, I havn't worked out in a long time. blush.gif blush.gif rolling_smile.gif rolling_smile.gif

MommyToAshley replied: thumb.gif Thanks everyone... surprising enough I am not sore this morning. In fact, if it doesn't rain, we're going on another ride today.

Kaitlin'smom replied: sounds like you had a good time, glad your legs are hurting. This is something DH and I need to do also, where did you ride?

MommyToAshley replied:
We just rode all around our neighborhood and the adjoining neighborhood. We were going to go to the bike trails (Eastwood Lake) but the bike rack we bought doesn't fit my car (which has the car seat). So, we have to get a different type of bike rack. We'll probably just ride around here again today, and get a bike rack later this week.

You and Dave should go riding with us sometime!

ediep replied: rolling_smile.gif I love taking Jason on bike rides. We have the seat on the back of my bike. He loves the view but he hates the helmet that I make him wear. After we get going, though, he usually forgets that he has it on his head. rolling_smile.gif

ps- if you are sore, just take 2 advil and lots of water.

Boys r us replied: Sorry about the sore legs!! But it sounds like fun!!! It seems the only bike I ever get to ride anymore is the stationary one at the gym sad.gif

coasterqueen replied: Ugh, I know what you mean. When I go walking with Kylie we go up and down hills, (2 miles total) and my thighs and butt always are burning. I just stretch afterwards.

Biking sounds like fun. I'd love to do that but it's just too dangerous around her to tow or have Kylie in a bike seat on back of bike. We live in country and people fly down the roads. We could go into a park, but that's a pain to put bikes in van to do so, lol. I don't think I've ridden a bicycle in 12 years. ohmy.gif

Kirstenmumof3 replied: grouphug.gif I'm cringing reading this Dee Dee! I hope your legs are feeling better! Now I'm not so sure I want to put that child seat on my bike! biggrin.gif Glad to hear that Ashley enjoyed herself! Do you put a helmet on her when she is in the trailer? We had to buy a helmet for Claudia to wear while in the child bike seat.

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