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New to the board - introduction

coasterqueen wrote: wavey.gif Hi there everyone! I am new to the board. Amy invited me over here a while back and I finally got over here :-)

I am 28 years old. I am married to Ryan. We have 1 child, Kylie Elizabeth, who was born 9/7/02. I am a breastfeeding, slinging, co-sleeping mama. I work full-time so I pump during the day. Not sure what else to post :-)

I am very glad to be here! If you would like to see my beauty you can see her at

Karen & Kylie

MomToMany replied: wavey.gif Hi Karen! Welcome to the Parenting Club Forums! My name is Mollie (26), and my DH is Shane (33). We have a daughter together, Hannah Rose, born 4-21-02. I have 3 boys from my first marriage; Logan 10, Quentin 8, and Ethan 3. We're expecting again in March 2004. I'm still nursing Hannah at 15 months, and will let her self-wean when she's ready.

Glad you could finally join! "See" you around!

mckayleesmom replied: Hi, Im Brianne, wife to Liethan and mother to 3 month old Mckaylee. Welcome to the board, hope you like it. I love it. You have a beautiful daughter by the way.

maliksmommy replied: Welcome! My name is Diann, DH Aaron and DS Malik 9/4/02. I work full time and live in Kansas City. Your daughter is adorable we look forward to hearing more from you and watching your daughter grow biggrin.gif

amynicole21 replied: Hey you! Glad you made it over here. I think you'll like it smile.gif

supermom replied: Hey Karen!
Welcome to Parenting Club. I'm Beverly, mother to four and one on the way. Mine range in age from 18 down to 3, and one more due in about 2 1/2 weeks (they've all got a bet going as to my delivery date - lol!!)

You have a darling daughter! I am sure you'll like it here, I've felt right at home all along here and everyone here is great!

Hope to get to know you better, and see ya around!

aspenblue1 replied: wavey.gif Welcome to the board.

My name is Carrie (28), my DH is Jason (28). We have 1 child Isabellla born 09/06/02. I am also a BF mother working full-time.

Kylie is so addorable.

DansMom replied:
Hi and welcome!!! I am also a breastfeeding, cosleeping momma who works full-time and pumps. I did sling for a while, but he won't be contained at this point. wacko.gif

Glad to have you aboard!

Mommieto2Girls replied: Hi wavey.gif welcome !!!

I am Charlene(26) and DH is Chris(29) and we are first time parents to Madison Elizabeth(8/27/02). Friday is our 10 wedding anniversary. You will love the board everyone is great and helpful and friendly. Your daughter is beautiful and I love the web site. We can't wait to get to know you. biggrin.gif

MomToJade&Jordan replied: wavey.gif Hi Karen and welcome.

I am Carrie-Ann and the first time Mom to Jade who is now 11 months old. I am glad that you were able to come over here. This is a great bunch of people and we have a lot of fun. I hope you enjoy the board. biggrin.gif

ediep replied: Hi and welcome!
I am Edie, DH Scott, and DS Jason who is also 10 months old.
Looking forward to getting to know you

MommyToAshley replied: Hi Karen and welcome!

So glad you finally decided to join us! I am Dee Dee, Mommy to Ashley born 9/5/02. I am looking forward to getting to know you and Kylie better.

By the way, nice web site, she is absolutely beautiful!

mummy2girls replied: Hi, my name is shelly(jennasmommy) i have a 9 month old daughter jenna born 11/01/02 I am a single mom WELCOME

~CrazieMama~ replied: My name is Michelle (25) single mom of 2. Tyler who is 8 years old and Brianna who is 16 months wub.gif . I hope you like it here. Lots of helpful and fun people here. biggrin.gif

Guest_alice&arik replied: Hi Karen, welcome! You have a beutiful daughter. I am really curious about her swimming lessons. What are those weight things and are they heavy. Our family is all big swimmers and my brother is a lifeguard and tought swim lessons, but i have never seen them before. How often do you go? Does she do good by herself, or not yet? Anyway it is nice to meet you and hope to hear from you. wavey.gif wavey.gif

Kirstenmumof3 replied: wavey.gif Hi Karen,
I'm Kirsten! Welcome to the Parenting Club! Looking Forward to getting to know you better! wavey.gif

coasterqueen replied: Alice&erik -

The weight things are actually a metal pole with two foam thingies attached to the pole. Not sure how else to describe it. Kind of like a floatation device. She would much rather eat it, though. LOL. She went for 7 weeks, one night a week and the class lasted about a half hour, I think. We are going to start her back in late fall when it is too cold to go outdoors. It gives her something to do, teaches her to not be afraid of the water, and she gets to see babies her own age. Since I am a WOHM she only gets interaction with the three other kids at the sitter and they are older than her. So the swim lessons are perfect! I'm not sure if the next class is the same as the one she took or if they will put her in a different type of class. It will still be a Mommy and me class, I do know that.

Karen & Kylie 9/7/02

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