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New pictures! - TONS

MoonMama wrote: Here are pictures of Braedin from the last few days. I have some really cute ones I got last week. But I'll post those next week.

Coloring with sidewalk chalk.
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Mommy tickling me! rolling_smile.gif The friendship bracelet I'm wearing mm little sister made for me, wub.gif Braedin has one too. You'll see it later. wub.gif
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We got him a playset this past Wednesday. He LOVES it.

This is the playset.
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These are just a bunch of him playing on it over the last couple of days. wub.gif wub.gif

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MoonMama replied: user posted image
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MoonMama replied: user posted image
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This puddle was more fun! rolling_smile.gif rolling_smile.gif
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HuskerMom replied: He is soooo cute! wub.gif I love the close up smile one! wub.gif

AlexsPajamaMama replied: Ok I cant pick a favorite got tons of cute pictures of him playing on his new play set!! smile.gif smile.gif

mom21kid2dogs replied: He just gets cuter & cuter! wub.gif

paradisemommy replied: he's such a sweetheart!! great pictures! LOVE the new playset!

stella6979 replied: What a little lady killer you have there. He has such a contagious smile. I can't help but smile when I look at him. wub.gif

Sarah&Mackenzie replied: What a cutie! wub.gif

my2monkeyboys replied: So adorable!!!
BTW, do you have to put anything in his hair? It's so curly and shiny!! wub.gif
Love the pix!!!

Brias3 replied: What a CUTIE!

MoonMama replied:
I do. He had a special shampoo and conditioner (by Silken Child) because if not his hair is kind of funky and just weird laugh.gif also his hair gets dried out a lot easier then mine and DH's even. Then in the morning I spray his hair with a little water and then a detangler (also by Silken Child), then he get a product (by Just For Me) and is a moisturizing lotion for hair. But again that's to keep it from drying out and also to tame it a bit, if not its CRAZY with all those curls, laugh.gif and the detangler lets me actually be able to brush/comb through it. I get everything at Sally's Beauty Supply.

ETA: Its either that or cut them all off ohmy.gif and I just can't bare to do that. noooooo.gif

grapfruit replied: I think I like the one where you're tickling him. laugh.gif Cracks me up! smile.gif

MommyToAshley replied:
I love that pic too!!!

What a cutie pie! wub.gif

Kaitlin'smom replied: so adorable

A&A'smommy replied: he is SO cute!!! love2.gif

My3LilMonkeys replied: wub.gif I swear he gets cuter every time you post a new pic!!!

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