New name - Help me pick one
lisar wrote: If you have any more suggestions let me know.
Crystalina replied: I would pick 'Mud-Mama' but it's not up there.
::ETA:: I said Mud Girls.
stella6979 replied: I chose Mud Girls too!
lisar replied: I like that or maybe
HuskerMom replied: I said Mud Girls too.
Calimama replied: I like mud girls too!
moped replied: Mud Girls
momofone replied: Mudgirls
lovemy2 replied: Mud Girls is cute
MotherForever2043 replied: Mud Girls!
3xsthefun replied: I like Mud Girls.
MommyToAshley replied: I think MudGirls is cute because I know you and your hobby. But, if someone didn't know you, I wonder if they would think it has to do with mud wresting? Just something to think about.