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boyohboyohboy wrote: I was outside with all the boys tonight, the older two were playing in this soft light rain, running around in our yard, and andrew was in the pack and play in the garage..minding our own business, when the neighbor lady comes over, with her three yr old dgt and her neice and nephew...they were playing with the kids, and talking to the baby, grabbing him and touching the pack and play..and all our outside toys, when the one little boy came to me and I noticed he had blisters all over his mouth and hands and feet....
I asked the lady what he did ...and she says OH THEY HAVE HAND FOOT AND MOUTH DISEASE! WHAT!!!???

I have three kids, one of which is a 10 month old I know we get germs from all over, but come on why come and infect us on purpose....

as if we as a household are not sick enough! mad.gif

A&A'smommy replied: OMG I would be TICKED growl.gif growl.gif

mckayleesmom replied: Oh that contageious? I would be livid.

Boo&BugsMom replied: OMGoodness!!! Did you flip out on her? I would have!!! growl.gif

Celestrina replied: mad.gif I swear, some people have no common sense.

Kirstenmumof3 replied: hug.gif hug.gif OMG I can't believe that she would do that! I really hope your children don't catch it! hug.gif hug.gif

mysweetpeasWil&Wes replied: Oh gross. I'm so sorry Stacy. That is just rude on her part. What was she thinking? So what did you say to her? I would seriously flip out. As in "please take your kids out of here now" and "you have some nerve not telling me upfront". But I'm sure she took you off guard.

I would call your Ped in the morning and just ask if they think you should bring the boys in to get checked. hug.gif

MoonMama replied: ITA with Rae!

Oh I would have had some not nice words! growl.gif growl.gif growl.gif growl.gif

boyohboyohboy replied: I was so taken back,just looking at all these blisters on these kids, and seeing her little one touching my baby,and then seeing the blisters on her hands....i let her finish her sentence and then I said i needed to take the kids in for a bath...

the thing is the entire neighborhood had a "welcome" bbq for us last sat. and she was there, as well as the entire neighborhood of kids...she said that the first kid got it the wed before the we were all exposed way back then!
and now I feel like not only cant I let the kids out to play with hers, but the other kids in the neighborhood havent come down with it yet but might be carriers!

and the first thing they get is a fever, and we went to the zoo on tuesday and that night jake got a fever of 103 for 24 hours and then it went away, and i thought well he got some germ at the i am wondering if he has the hand foot and mouth and the spots are coming!

we just talked to the neighborhood at the picnic about jakes issues and his allergies and his poor immune system, what is wrong with her..

i think at some point i am going to tell her that next time she should keep them home.

sparkys2boys replied: OMG I would be ticked.. what a thing. I would have seriously said something to her.

stella6979 replied: What a complete moron. mad.gif I sure hope it doesn't spread to you guys or any of the other neighborhood kids. hug.gif

Teesa®© replied: OMG, I can't believe someone would do that while knowing about it!!! She sure has nerve!! growl.gif growl.gif growl.gif growl.gif

Apart from calling your Ped, have you started a chain calling around the neighbourhood to let everyone else know? I know it's not your place, but obviously SHE doesn't have the decency to do it growl.gif

luvmykids replied: That is just EW, I'm sorry. Colt had it when he was little, I can't remember when it's not contagious but if it's any consolation, the girls didn't get it. That was still ridiculous of her not to tell you until they'd had their hands all over everything growl.gif

MommyToAshley replied: OMG!!! I would be so furious!!! I am like you though, a lot of times I am so shocked that I don't actually say anything right away. There's a girl in the neighborhood that her Mom is like that... she took her daughter trick or treating when she had strept throat, brought her kids over here when they were sick, etc. She still calls to do stuff with us, but I usually try to avoid her. It's hard though since they live in the same neighborhood.

Calimama replied: Oh gross!!! What a dumb woman. rolleyes.gif

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