My week of heck - why I have been gone, it's bad..
MomofTay&Sam wrote: It all begun last Saturday night... Dh and I had a date, we went to dinner, saw timeline and did some shopping. Came home tucked the kids in and were watching a movie. BAM BAM BAM I got intense pains in my head, so bad I was on the floor. I said this will pass and I will be fine in the morning. I was up all night, the pain was constant but not as deadly as the first pain. DH begged me to go to the er, I said no it will pass. Sunday morning DH took my car to LAX practice, I woke up my head on fire!! I had Sammy and he had the car seat in my car, I just sat and cried waiting for him. He rushed me to the ER, I waited 5 hours and DH finally said SHEET how long are you going to make her wait? They had lost my file and I could have set there another 5 hours. I was rushed in, seen by two neurologists and had a cat scan done, plus alot of blood work. They sent me home with a script for aspern(which I didnt know until two days later that is was aspern) I struggled for the next 4 days with pain that wanted to make me (kill) (sorry but it was that bad) myself. On Wes I had another much more severe attack in my head, it was unbearable. I had to pace and hold my head while pacing. DH rushed my to the er again, they said we see nothing?? (like I was making it up?) Thank god for my friends, someone suggested a er dentist(this gets scary) I went to a er dentist that night, he was soooo nice and so knowledgable(I thought). He said you need a ROOT canal NOW. He showed us the x-rays and everything. He prescribed me some GOOD drugs, vicadon.sp and sent me home. 1st time I was pain free in days! My friends said get a second opoion (sp) so I did. Thursday night at 6pm I had a appt with a dentist that my DH does electicial work for. I went in high ofcourse because of the pain meds. Told him my story(he saw my arms were bruised badly from all the needles) told him which tooth needed the root canal. He said ok let me get some x-rays and go from there. He got the x-rays back and asked my DH to come in(I was freaking than!) I needed NO NO NO root canal, my wisdom tooth was rotton inside my mouth and causing all the pain! He gassed e shot me up and yanked it in 10 mins! The tooth was disgusting! I am scared to death of the dentist but I will keep all my appts now. I have no insurance and the cat scan alone is going to break me. This took 6 docs to figure out why I was in so much pain I wanted to die. GO TO YOUR DENTIST, and please get the wisdom teeth OUT! I had the tooth out on Thursday and got the flu Thursday night, every time I barfed the hole in my mouth would start bleeding! Sammy had the flu bad, WHAT a mess! Now we have 18 inches of snow..Thats my week!
alice&arik replied: Sounds like a bad week! Good thing they figured out the problem. I have all 4 of my wisdom teeth in and my dentist said they have plenty of room, (aka...I have a big they havn't given me any trouble in years. Hopefully nothing happens to them.
Were yours all the way through? Or just coming in?
MomofTay&Sam replied: I am 34 and thought I had all four? I had only ONE the bad one. I even made him check to see if the others were bad, he said you only had that one. It had three roots and was the ugliest thing I have ever seen. He explained that food particles can get under a wisdom tooth easier than anything and sit in there and decay the tooth. This could have killed me if the pain would not have started, the infection can go thru the blood to you brain. I could have 50 kids and never see this type of pain, the nerves involved will bring you to you knees. I had plenty of room to, something just got down in there. I would show you the tooth but it;s just not a good thing to see.
alice&arik replied: I have had food get unde there and always went to the dentist and they cleaned it out, but that was when they were coming in and had extra skin to get under. And that sure does hurt! Can't believe you went through all that. I had 2 root canals on my 2 front teeth, they are not fun. But they are all fine now.
CantWait replied: So sorry you had such a horrible week. I haven't had my wisdom teeth out, sounds scary. Hope next week goes much much better. And everyone is feeling well
Kirstenmumof3 replied: I'm so sorry you had to endure all that pain! I hope you are feeling better soon! I can't believe how the medical staff treated you, it was as if they thought you wanted drugs or something! I would file a complaint with the hospital explaining what you went through. That just isn't right! As for the first Dentist I would file a complaint against him as well. OMG I can just imagine if you had gone through with that root canal and then to find out it was your wisdom tooth! You poor thing, I know that kind of pain. I sympathise with you. Take it easy and be kind to yourself!
kimberley replied: sorry you had to go through all of that. i am glad you finally found someone who had a clue of what was going on. hope you feel better soon and have a good week next week!
aspenblue1 replied: I am so sorry you had such an awful week. I hope next week is better.
maestra replied: When I had my bad headaches in July and Aug, it was my teeth. That was the worst pain I have ever felt!! It turned out to be an over filled tooth from a filling. The doctors never even thought about my teeth. I hop you are feeling better, and I'm sorry about your terrible week!
Schnoogly replied: OMG That's horrible!!! Why they didn't just give you the vicodin in the first place until they figured out what was wrong I don't know!
And the flu on top of everything--poor you! I had my wisdom teeth out (all 3) by an oral surgeon and I can't imagine having the flu on top of that!
supermom replied: Oh, MY hun, that is sooooo awful, but I am sure glad it wasn't anything wrong in your brain or something......and that you got it taken care of quickly, and you are starting to feel better now......
I hope that you get over everything and get back to normal soon - HUGS!!
MommyToAshley replied: Ouccchhh! That is aweful, I am so sorry you went through all of that! I am glad you got a second opinion and was able to find out what was causing the pain!
I hope you all kick that nasty flu too. More hugs!
We're glad you are back, we missed you!
DansMom replied: That is ROUGH! I can't believe the incompetence of doctors these days. It's a good thing you went for that second opinion. You know, the last time I had major work done on a tooth I got violently ill---like the flu---the same night. The bacteria from my rotten tooth made it into my stomach and bloodstream from the work being done: just another possibility. If it lasted more than a day though, it was probably the flu. I hope you are feeling better now!
MomofTay&Sam replied: We were thinking about talking to someone at the hospital, for the cat scan atleast? I do not have insurance so this is going to be a big debt. I never go to the hospital, but couldnt take it anymore.
Tracy I was only sick for 24 hours, maybe thats what it was then? Wow!
MommyToAshley replied: If you call them before they bill you and tell them that you are self-pay, they will most likely give you a discount. Ashley's bills were not cheap by any means, but the 20% discount the hospital gave us did help a little.
amynicole21 replied: OMG what a nightmare!!!! I am so sorry you had to go through all of that! You would have thought that the ER docs would have checked that out too, though... I hope you are feeling better by now!~!
jen replied: OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I am so glad you are okay and after ALL of that they found what it was! Sorry you had to go through all of that!
Maddie&EthansMom replied: There is NOTHING worse than a tooth ache!! Trust me, I have been there (2 root canals)! I still have my wisdom teeth, but when the baby is born I will get them pulled. They are so hard to reach to clean and brush (therefore they rot). I'm so glad you figured out what was going on and were able to get it taken care of quickly. (((HUGS))) to you and to your DH for being so attentive.