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My son might be sick? What do u think? - help me..and i am also venting some!

TANNER'S MOM wrote: My son Tanner in first grade came home yesterday telling me that his teacher told him that if he went to the bathroom as much tomorrow as he did today he would be in trouble and she would call his mom at work. This made me very mad! He has never been in trouble, he is a straight A student. And me being his mother began to worry.

Well last night I watched what he drank. He two glasses of milk. Then a sip of water before bed. He PEE'd the bed. He hasn't had an accident like that in like 2 years?

I made him a doctors appt and sent a nice little note to teacher stating that I felt like there was something wrong and he would be going to the doctor today after school and she could refrain from getting on to him until we figured out if indeed there was something wrong. I didn't tell him what the note said so he wouldn't take advantage of it either.

Do you think I did the right thing or am I over reacting?
Another question? He has ringworm. I saw it and thought Oh MY GOd!! Then my boss said no biggie, put some anti fungal on it and be done, I called the doc and they gave me the same advice. Do you think this could have anything to do with it?

Kirstenmumof3 replied: I don't know what to say! I'm glad you are taking him to see the doctor today after school! Please let us know how it turns out!

favre4fan replied: I am not sure about the ring worm but I think the teacher was out of line. Poor little guy he could have a bladder infection or something and can't help but to use the bathroom alot. I think you did the right thing until you find out whats going on.

Boys r us replied: I don't know anything about ringworm so I can't help there. But I will tell you that MY Tanner one weekend was going to the bathroom constantly and he seemed fine in every other way, so I didn't think too much of it. We were at a Jazz Festival downtown, so I assumed maybe he just thought using the portapotty was cool?
but then he had a fever spike and blood in his urine all of a sudden and I took him to the hospital, he had a urinary tract infection..which is more common in boys than people think..according to the dr.

jcc64 replied: Honestly, I would be pretty upset with the teacher. I'm sure there are some kids who use the bathroom as a time waster, but clearly this isn't the case with your child, and I think it showed a real lack of sensitivity on the teacher's part. I'm sure the dr will be able to get to the bottom of it- best of luck.

Alice replied: As annoyed as you might be at the teacher, there's a chance she might have hit on a problem-- is there any chance he could be diabetic? (NOT to frighten you- I'm sure there are a zillion other reasons, but that's the one that popped into my mind as I read your post.)

Let us know what the doctor says.

ediep replied: poor guy, I definately do not think you are overreacting, I would do the same thing!
Good luck!!

MommyToAshley replied: I think you handled the situation perfectly! I hope it is nothing serious, let us know what the doc says.

My2Beauties replied: I would be mad at the teacher as well and I think you handled the situation appropriately. As a child I had a lot of UTI's and had to use the bathroom frequently, my mother always had to tell the principal's office and write letters for me because the teacher's were so rude. I'm glad you are having him checked! What a good mommy you are and keep us posted!

MomofJandB replied: I think you handled the situation perfectly. I was a child of lots of UTI's as well and going to the bathroom was taboo. I never asked, held it too long, hence the infections! I'm glad you are taking him in! Peeing in a cup is painless compared to what could happen if it is a UTI and goes untreated!

I hope he's feeling better!

PS--know nothing of ringworm...hope that disappears for you guys quickly!!

redchief replied: I agree with the possiblity of a urinary tract infection. As part of the test to rule that out, sugars are also often tested which would rule out diabetes. The appearance of ringworm (I've had that) is an indication that his immune system may be a little supressed (normal after a course of anti-biotics or after an illness).

At any rate, an untreated UTI could have long term implications and needs to be ruled out with Tanner's symptoms.

As far as the ringworm goes, topical ointments usually do the trick. Impetigo can sometimes be mistaken for ringworm too, so you should show the lesion to the doc too, so as to be certain you are using the correct topical ointment.

Good luck with it, and hope you're both feeling better soon.

loveydad replied: my son had ringworm. It was just a nasty rash circle thing on his arm. He got it from a cat. The doctor prescibed some antibotics (a cream) and it went away within...a few weeks anyway... But I really doubt that would cause any problems in the way you're thinking. It's not a big deal though, it goes away, and its not - really-- i guess communicable. I do know that back in the day, we used to get it all the time.

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