My family is going to live in a bubble
coasterqueen wrote: That's it!!! I've decided that my family just needs to live in a bubble. Actually each one of us needs to live in their own personal bubble. We have N E V E R had this much sickness in our lives. The girls have always been so healthy (well except Megan's monthly fever business ) but this year is OUT OF CONTROL. There have only been 2 weeks since Thanksgiving that none of us have been sick. Otherwise there is at least one person in our house sick daily. I've missed so much work, my mother has watched the sicklings therefore getting sick herself (and dad), Ryan's missed work, etc, etc, etc. I'm going NUTS!!!! Ryan is home with Megan this morning and I'll be home with her this afternoon.
I DESPISE school and it's germs.
Sorry, had to get that out. Go figure, my bosses 3 kids (who go to the same school as mine) haven't been sick at all, YET mine are bringing home every germ they can find. I know we aren't the only ones because the teachers have told me it's all over the school.
Ok, don't mind me. I needed to scream my frustrations somewhere.
Kaitlin'smom replied: I will send you some get well and stay well vibes
~Roo'sMama~ replied: I'm sorry Karen! Last winter was like that for us. I was so frustrated, because the kids and I never even went anywhere and we still got sick. Dh's co-workers were always sick so I suppose he was bringing home the germs to us. I hope you guys can kick the sickness soon! Spring will be here soon I hope!
TheOaf66 replied: wow Karen we are in the same boat.
Ours started at around Dec 1 when during dec both boys had chicken pox Jan was fun as the Mono plague hit...first taking Tanner Then Aiden got that along with periorbital cellulitis in his eye Then Jennie got hit with it This week Tanner had strep
Notice who is still scott free
I have about had it so I sympathize with ya
coasterqueen replied: Well I guess you are the lucky one, then.
We've all battled strep throat (Kylie has had it twice), we have all battled nasty colds 2x, the girls had stomach flu, and Kylie has had an ear infection.
Here's hoping you all stay well in your house too.
DVFlyer replied: Wow... compared to Troy's family, we've got off scott free...
But we have what seems like an ongoing sickness - cold/ flu- for 4 months. It just keeps making the rounds.
lisar replied:
MommyToAshley replied: It seems like everyone we know is sick or has been sick. Yesterday, Ashley said she didn't have any homework because there were so many kids out sick. Something is definitely going around.
Hope you all feel better.
Crystalina replied: It's really bad this year. Part of our hospital was actually closed down d/t the flu and RSV.
jcc64 replied: There is a lot of wacky stuff going around this year. I've never been as sick as I was over the holidays, and now it seems everyone around me is getting the same virus. Hope you all beat it soon. Spring's coming soon!
moped replied: EXACTLY the same story in my house - i cannot believe that sonce October at least one or all of us has a cold/flu. The WORST!!!!!!!!
I think ti is because this is Jacks first year of preschool.........BLAH
coasterqueen replied: Thankfully Kylie didn't have as many sicknesses last year (when she was in Pre-K). She had a few more than she ever had before, but not too bad. This year she's in Kindy and then it's Megan's 1st year of Pre-K, so I guess the double dose of kids in school is what is causing it, not sure.
Hope sickies leave your house as well.
Cece00 replied: I couldve written your post myself.
This winter, we've gone through- countless # of colds, 6 rounds of "stomach bugs/flu", bacterial pneumonia, strep throat, other random viruses, and the other day- scarlet fever!!
Pass those bubbles my way, please
coasterqueen replied: Well I hate to say it, but I'm glad we aren't alone or else I'd seriously think something was wrong with my family.
I got the lovely pleasure of spending 2 hours in the Urgent Care this weekend for a severe sinus infection for myself. I've been on so many antibiotics (as well as the girls) that I have no immune system left.
Megan still has a fever, can't sleep because she can't swallow due to those huge tonsils of hers . Luckily we go to the ENT today and I'm sure he'll put her on ANOTHER antibiotic for it.