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Mother in Laws

mckayleesmom wrote: Just wondering who gets along with their mother in law and who can't stand their mother in law. Anyone got any interesting stories? I love my new mother in law, but I was engaged before and my ex's mom was horrible.

kit_kats_mom replied: Well, my MIL is a good hearted woman who means no harm but she gets on my every last nerve. She is VERY religious, so much so that she will not watch even the news (or TV at all for that matter) or socialize with anyone who is not part of her church. She lives in a totally different world and it is so hard to talk to her about anything. She collects these creepy dolls and is just rather silly. For example, her husband raises clydesdales. He was out of town for a few days and she decided that the horses needed a haircut. They now have a herd of the silliest mo-looking clydesdales on earth. Here is a link to the pics; She is such a DORK! What was she thinking? This is the only tangible evidence I have of her goofiness. rolling_smile.gif

She also has no idea how to treat a baby. She was picking Katherine up by her elbows during her last visit. I had DH tell her not to do that and he told his mom that her sholders would pop out of joint. She kinda laughed and said....get this..."your shoulders used to pop out of joint all the time when you were little" No DUH lady? OMG! She is just a wierdo. I do feel sorry for her though. My mom would die if she didn't get to see the baby at least twice a week. I know MIL wants to be around more but I'm glad she isn't. blush.gif

mckayleesmom replied: My new mother in law races horses so Im pretty sure she wouldn't cut her horses hair.

My ex fiancees mom is a different story. When my senior year in high school came around my mom decided to move I moved in with my fiancee and his family so I could finish high school in the same school and be with him. Well my boyfriend was always really big on being responsible and taking care of your stuff,,,bla bla....Well one day I was running late for work and I couldn't find my keys and ended up walking to work, and I had a spare key in the drawer at work and had a friend go and drive my car up to me. Well when i got off of work I found my keys in the car and I knew my boyfriend would lecture me so when I got home I hid them under a pile of laundry in our room and was going to say that the dog was probably playing with them and that was why they disapeared. When my boyfriend got home from work he kept looking outside for them and saying that I probably dropped them outside and he was getting irritated with me about it. Finally he gave up looking and we went to town to get something to eat, when we got home my keys were hanging on the doornob of our room. So my fiancee called his mom to ask her where she found them.....guess where she said she found them people?.........outside underneath a tree. I almost freaked out. I went into the bathroom and just stood there cause I couldn't believe she would lie. Not only did she lie, she was going through my room. I didn't say anything them but later that day when she got home she just kept talking about it and acted proud of herself for finding them,,,and my fiancee kept saying...." I told you you dropped them outside" over and over. Finally I snapped and told him to shut the #$%^ up. (yes those were my exact words). When we went into the room I confessed what I had done and he knew I was telling the truth cause his mom was famous for this stuff. She was always trying to make stuff up and rat me out on stuff that wasn't true and finally he got wise to her and would call her on it, but she would just get worse and worse.. I always thought she just hated me, but it turns out she hated all her sons wives and girlfriends. There was a time when none of the wives and girlfriends got along till we put two and two together and found out the reason we didn't like each other is because of made up stuff she told us about the other to turn us against each other...she definantly has issues. Finally I couldn't take it anymore cause he refused to move out and so I left him and when he asked why I left I told him to thank his mother for him being single. He still lives with her to this day.

mckayleesmom replied: Kit Kat, I tried to look at your pics but it asks for a user name and password.

kit_kats_mom replied: Oops! I forgot about that...user name: babyboard password: babyboard soooo original I know! LOL

ashade75 replied: I have the MIL from hell. She is just a whack! I have tried to get along with her but..... she is just plain crazy!!!

DH says it is because she has had so many surgeries on her ears. I say it is because she is mental and belongs hospotalized.

One day I was suppose to have my wisdom teeth cut out. I had a bad sinus infection so they couldn't do it. She didnt know I didnt have it done, but came over to the house and grabbed me by the checks and asks how are you feeling while shaking and squeezing my face (you know like grandmas do to babies with chubby checks)
Then proceed to shake me down for my presciption pain medication.
Had I had my teeth cut out, she would have had a fist in the mouth!!!

She calls me every other name than my own. I have been Milly, Sherry, Rachel, Amber etc.

She is a nut ( I think she does it for attention). It is so bad the kids dont even want to see her. The only explaination I can think of for my DH turning out ok is that his grandma raised him. Thank godness for small miracles!

kit_kats_mom replied:
My FIL is like that. He came to visit his first and only grand daughter when she was 4 months old. He called her Elizabeth, Mary, Monica...everything but Katherine. Now I KNOW he has the birth announcement. You'd think he would have known her name. Grrr

mustangmomma1981 replied: I have to say I have a pretty nice MIL smile.gif She is pretty quit much like myself so she is not nosey at all. And I love her for that. As for my FIL he is ok. But he drives me crazy because he is always wanting Rob to help him do something rolleyes.gif Don't get me wrong I don't mind him helping them. But sometimes I'd like to have him on the weekend.

dolfinrse replied: My mil is really nice, she would do anything in the world for anyone. The only thing that bugs me is that with Zachary she tries to tell us what to do. "Make sure he has a jacket and a hat on" In the meantime it is 80 outside and he really doesn't need a jacket on. Also, she will tell you the same thing 3 or 4 times in a row. It's not that she is getting old, I think she just wants to make sure you understand or heard what she said. She also asks my dh to do the simplest things for her. In NJ we have stickers that go on your plates every year when you renew your inspection, well, every year she asks him to put the stickers on for her. Like I said, she's not helpless she still works full time and knows what is going on. Those are the things that make me crazy.

MommyToAshley replied: My MIL and FIL are both wonderful. We get along great... I guess I really lucked out. smile.gif

MomofTay&Sam replied: My MIL is NUTS!! Lets just say I walk lightly and try to avoid her at all times. I swear she can smell me coming! (not that I stink!) We live with them just for a short time now and not much longer either. Yesterday Sam was in the kitchen for a good hour playing while I made bottles. MIL sat at the kitchen table and never once said a word to him, NOTHING. Then 2 hours later she says.. "Am I going to see Sammy today?" DUH I couldnt even let this one slide. I said he was just in the kitchen for a hour! When she says?? LMAO!! I have let her watch him only when I am around, she leaves the room..I mean leaves and goes to another room and sits down??? I do have a walker I use only in the kitchen and we all know how dangerous they can be if left alone! We have told her and told and told her. When Sam was little..around a month we left him with her for almost 5 hours. She never changed his diaper once!

MIL hates my choice in baby bottles, I use two different kinds to. LOL
MIL is always sticking her fingers in his mouth to feel his teeth! YUCK
MIL says MILK is fine at 6 months, "we didnt have formula"
Quality time with MIL and Sam is her sticking him in a baby seat while she is on the comp.
They have been home two weeks and I have not left Sam alone with her and I never will!! How could this woman raise 5 sons??

We made our baby food back in the day! WELL I would rather be at the park or out for a walk with Sam then making baby food! They do not eat baby food for 18 years yanno..LOL

Schnoogly replied: Let's see...both my MIL and FIL (divorced) are awful. MIL is bipolar and doesn't always take her meds. DH had an awful childhood. She has a 14 year old, and when the girl was 6 I went to her house for the first time and was totally paralyzed with disgust--they never clean and there was trash about 6" deep on the floor and the 6 year old was running around with no shoes on on broken dishes and with bugs all over. DH had many things thrown at him as a child and his mom freaks out and cries and guilts him over her lack of money claiming Dh doesn't love her b/c we won't give them money. She is now married to an ex-con who creeps me out.

FIL had custody of DH and SIL for many years and was very neglectful--DH went to school with broken wrists once (he fell out of his bunk bed) and FIL didn't believe him until the school nurse sent him home. He also abandoned them in stores all the time to walk home themselves.

So they get no unsupervised visits, in fact haven't met Iain yet b/c they live in another state. At least MIL is afraid of me and treats me OK, in fact she's better behaved when I'm around.


Kirstenmumof3 replied: I love my mother inlaw, although it never started out that way! We butt heads quite a bit, but all in all she has been wonderful!

Now that said, you have caught me on a day when we are butting heads! She is driving me CRAZY! We do not agree on how I discipline my children! They misbehave and she gives them whatever they want! If my DS wants to play checkers, they play checkers! If he wants to play cards, they play cards! Now normally this wouldn't bother me to much, but it's the way he DEMANDS and the DISRESPECT he shows her! Whatever he asks for she does! And it is really starting to bother me! Whenever I say "NO" she says "well mommy said NO" or "you better listen to mommy, you don't want her to get angry"! This really has to stop, because no matter what I say to my DS he will always think of me as the "BAD GUY"! banghead.gif banghead.gif banghead.gif


MommyToAshley replied: ROFLMBO!!! Those were some funny lookin horses! hehe rolling_smile.gif rolling_smile.gif

supermom replied: Well, I could rant and rave for several pages about my MIL......she is really a piece of work, and what I would really like to say is that I am sure glad she lives halfway around the world, so I don't have to see her but about once every two-three years.

On our last visit over there two years ago, she would ask us what we wanted to do or what we wanted to go and see, and we'd discuss it the night before.....then the next day, with every intention of getting to go where we wanted, she'd take us on every side trip she could think of on the way to where we were going. When we finally got to where we WANTED to go, it was usually too late to see or get to do much of anything....

And, not only that, but usually we were left out of any conversations because they would all speak Swedish around us. Mind you, every one of them except my husband's younger brother and my FIL spoke English (they are required to take it in school) and spoke it quite well. And, usually my FIL was at work, so there wasn't any excuse to just be so gosh darned rude!! He actually understood it pretty well, but was a little afraid to speak it in case he made a mistake (He's a pretty good guy, really, not at all like MIL) and I kept telling him his English was far better than my Swedish!

They insisted that we not rent a car while we were there (we're talking a twenty minute drive to the nearest town) because it was "too expensive". After the first week, I insisted that we did just so I could get out of there and go where I wanted when I wanted!! And it wasn't that bad of a cost, either. We spent three weeks there and then another 4 days in Stockholm (big, big city where DH lived before he moved here) and I have already informed him the next time it will be the other way around - 4 days at MIL and 3 weeks in Stockholm!!

Arrrrggghhhhhh.........and they think they might be coming over for a visit after the baby gets here - I am hoping they find they can't afford to for a while.

MomToMany replied: thumb.gif I like my MIL. She's very nice, and knows not to interfere with the kids! She did ask me once if I'd keep nursing Hannah when she got teeth, and I said of course! We don't really see her that much, except when we go & eat at the cafe that she owns and cooks for. She's practically married to that place.

My X-MIL on the other hand.......well, I could type all day about that witch mad.gif mad.gif . mad.gif The sad thing is, I still have to deal with her, because of the kids visiting schedule mad.gif !

MomToMany replied: thumb.gif I like my MIL. She's very nice, and knows not to interfere with the kids! She did ask me once if I'd keep nursing Hannah when she got teeth, and I said of course! We don't really see her that much, except when we go & eat at the cafe that she owns and cooks for. She's practically married to that place.

My X-MIL on the other hand.......well, I could type all day about that witch mad.gif mad.gif . mad.gif The sad thing is, I still have to deal with her, because of the kids visiting schedule mad.gif !

Heather replied: OMGoodness...I think if I started talking about my MIL (from hell) I would never stop, I would take up all the memory on this page, you will be sitting here for days and well, your eyes will probably pop out of your head because I would be badmouthing her so bad...Okay take a breath. Sorry...I do not care too much for her. She has done too much to our (my husband and mine) relationship. We use to get a long very well, we use to hang out all the time...but now... smash.gif banghead.gif I mean of course she is my DH Mother but I really feel that if someone has done me wrong SEVERAL times, I should not have to be forced to like someone...

mummyof2boyz replied: I've got a nutty MIL.nuts.gif
She was in the nut house about 6 years ago for about 1 month. She is on all different kinds of meds. She annoys me sometime. I do try to get a long with her as much as possable. We lived with her for a little while after we first got married. Well she was always on DH case. He would not stand up for himself so I did. That was the last night we stayed there. She new she was in the wrong,cause when we were moving our stuff out that night, she was up in her room crying and told DH that we did not have to move out. But I insisted on it. Then she went nuts after that, she discovered online personals, oh boy. Yeah, we don't want to know what she did, but when she would leave(eewwwwww)naked pics of yourself lying around the house for everone to see, thats to far. THEN, she would tell me, infront of DH, a quote from her.......ready........ok......."Want to here about the smallest d*ck ing the world".....eeewwww. Come on lady. I don't want to hear and I KNOW DH does not want to hear. Then she continued to say"I just slept with him to get into the jacuzzi". Oh God, why me??? Oh she also likes to walk around her house, while we are there sometimes, with not top on. Eww again. There aremany many stories about her but I don't think I have the time. he he I get kinda scared sometimes thinking about what kind of MIL I will be. I hope I am a good one.

Hillbilly Housewife replied: Ha.

Grab a drink, get a pillow, prop up your feet, and get really comfortable.

My MIL has GOT to be the wickedest witch in the west.

But she does mean well. (ya right!)

1) She tried breastfeeding Zach. yes, MY son. She read somewhere that ANY woman can breastfeed ANY child, and that all it took was some practice.
She totally misunderstood that. Imagine my shock when i step out of the bathroom and see her sitting on the couch, with Zach's mouth around her nipple. Can you say EW?

2) She told members of her family that they were the godparents, without telling us. The day of the baprism, when they asked for the parents and the godparents to stand, we (me and DH) stood, as did DH's brother and his wife, who we picked to be the godparents, who were sitting WITH us, and then MIL's sister and brother stood up as well, on the other side of the aisle, a few rows down. The priest was confused, asked who the godparents were, and as DH is starting to tell the priest that his brother and his wife are, MIL yells that her sister and brother are, and that they should be the ones to go up to the front of the church. The priest was taken aback (understandably) and asked DH and I who we had chosen as the godparetns. I was LIVID, so I said to the priest, loud enough for the entire church to hear, that we chose M & N to be the godparents, and that we had no idea what MIL was talking about. Well she threw a hissy fit, started crying, and left the church. Her sister and brother were embarassed at their sister's actions, of course, but they just apologized for the confusion, sat down, and were very gracious the rest of the ceremony. Now isn't that a lovely video souvenir? We kept it on tape too, for our own reasons. We did make an edited copy, which we sent to anyone who requested it, but we kept the original for MIL should she ever ask for one. Ugh.

3) MIL, in my opinion, makes very bland food. I am used to lots of spices, and I make my dishes very flavorfull. It's nothing against her cooking abilities, but I got to the point that I would have to bring my own spices to put on my plate. Lol! She understood that I liked my stuff with lots of flavor, and wasn't insulted. It was fine. So I have this MEXICAN DINNER PARTY at my house last summer...with MEXICAN FOOD. Which is generally spicy. No brainer, you know? She offers to make some chili. I say sure, but SHE HAS TO MAKE IT SPICY. She made chili, it was spicy all right. It was spicy FOR HER, so she assumed it was spicy enough. I was SOOO mad, because las tminute, I had to go and get some more cayenne peppers and red hot peppers to put in the chili, as well as other spices. Not a big deal, but she just cooks toooooo bland fr me.

4) MIL stole some clothes out of my closet. When we lived at MIL's house for 3 months in between living at our appartment and moving to the house we bought (we were homeless for 3 months, but we could easily have gone to my mom's istead....I wish we would have.) So, we had a room upstairs. Our clothes were in the dressers and the closet. I get home one day, and go to our room to change for an outing I had that night with my mom. Being pg at the time, I didn't have a lot of nice fitting clothes, and this particular shirt was one I ADORED. I go to get it, and I know it was there because I washex it the night before so it would be ready for me to wear...and it's not there. A few other shirts aren't there as well, and a skirt I was planning on wearing to work the NEXT day wasn't there as well. I call DH and ask him if he's seen those items, and he hadn,t. MIL gets home from work, and she IS WEARING MY SHIRT, AND MY SKIRT!!!!!!!!!!!!! i was SOOO mad, I asked her why she was weraing my cothes, she said "no, you must be confused, this is MY clothes." and she never admitted that she took them. The next time she wasn't home, I went snooping in HER room, found my missing clothes, and took them back. She never mentioned them again.

5) She kicked my cat on numerous occasions, just because she doesn't like him. He is the sweetest cat in the world - he still has claws, and wouldn't use them for anything. He even lets Zach clobber him, then slobber on him! lol! She actually tried putting him down the garbage chute at my old appartment. he got away from her though, and ran into a neighbour's appartment. The neighbour knew us, so he didn't mind having my cat play with his puppy for a while before bringing him back to our door...

6) She gives vodka to her plants. 3/4 water, 1/4 vodka. And yes, they are thriving beautifully.

That's jsut the start of it. I'm actually laving work early, becaue I'm not feeling the greatest (aka - I,ve got better stuff to do at

mummyof2boyz replied:
OMG. I would have slapped the back of her head!!! How dare she! If that is possable to do she still should not have tried. OMG. I can't get over that! Poor Zach must have been wondering what was going on with this old woman shoving her boob into his face. That is just wrong.

kit_kats_mom replied:
Ok, Ok, you win. Maybe our MIL's should get together. They both sound like they are definatly not the brightest crayons in the box. rolling_smile.gif I would love to be a fly on the wall if they did get together. That would be some funny conversation.

I cannot believe she tried to BF your son! That is the wierdest thing ever! OMG!
as for the cat, I would have kicked her back and stuffed her butt down the trash chute. What a hateful thing to do. wacko.gif

mckayleesmom replied: Ya you win,,,If I caught my mother in law trying to breastfeed my daughter ...lets just say she would be walking with a limp for a while and have a huge patch of hair that wouldn't grow back on her head...That is disgusting,,,,eeeewww mad.gif

Reminds me of that movie The Hand That Rocks The Cradle.......

ashade75 replied:
That is just gross! Ewww! Crazy woman~~~

Made me think of my mother in law for a moment (the boob thing).... she is a not so attractive middle age woman who carries her teeth around in her purse....

She insist on wearing halter tops with no bra. Her boobs hang to her belly button. They look like socks with sand in them. One day my car was being repaired and I asked them to pick me up from work. SHe gets out of the car and stands on the street downtown with a hot pink halter top on with her boos hanging out the bottom. The next day at work everyone was asking if I saw that woman standing outside last night.

I just head my head down (didnt want them to know it was my MIL)

So (Zach's mom) when you said your MIL tried to breatfeed your son I got this picture of my MIL boob trying to feed a little babay (YUCK!)

MomofTay&Sam replied: OMG there are SOME crazy MIL's in our lifes. We wont be this way will we? The Granny nursing is the wildest thing I have ever heard of. Topless granny?? OMG Naked pics granny? Please say I won't loose my mind like this. WAhhhh

momofajcl replied: I get a long great w/my MIL. She's awesome! It helps, I think, that we live in VA and she lives 5 hours away in PA. LOL! I don't know if we would get a long as well if we lived close to each other.

Kaitlin'smom replied: Okay first YOUR MIL TRIED TO BREASTFEED ZACH EEEEWWWWW! I probalby would have killed mine if she even tried that!

A MIL that wears HALTER TOPS< okay the 70's-80's are OVER! And to have her pick you up from work with them hanging out eeewww!

What horrible mental pictures! I hope to be a good MIL

As for my MIL we get along great! I love her! Her son is an only child so she now has a daughter and now a granddaughter to spoil, and boy are they ever! They allways bring something for Kaitlin, well lots really, my favorite thing is the dipers! Simple but very handy and helpful! I could not ask for better in laws, I am also really close with his grandparents! wub.gif

ediep replied:
Kaitlin, I totally agree!!!! Breastfeeding and haltertop grandmas is completely scary!!!!!

My MIL is very cool. SHe is a liitle insecure when it comes to babysitting Jason. She will call us when we go out (which is NOT OFTEN) maybe 2 times in 8 months to ask us stupid, he still wants more food can I continue feeding him? I'm like uh yea, we feed him if he is hungry!! She watched him when we went to a christmas party, Jason was only 3 months old and she called us to say he has been crying for 20 minutes....does he always do this? I'm like NO, he must be hungry. She says should I put his pajammas on first or just give him a bottle? WHATEVER...if the boy is freaking just get the bottle!!
She also watched him a few weeks ago when DH and I were at my grandmas funeral and she called us to ask if the jar of bananas was already opened.... of course my dh's cel phone was turned off because we were at a funeral, she sent dh's brother out to buy more baby food.

Kaitlin'smom replied: My MIL has not watched her alone yet, she lives almost 3 hours away so she is not easily avaible to babysit, but given the chance she would as long as her papal go t to be there also! He loves her so much! wub.gif

mckayleesmom replied:

mckayleesmom replied:
"Love wasn't put in your heart to stay, Love isn't love until you give it away". --Michael W. Smith

booey2 replied: Well I don't have a mother in-law, DH's parents divorced shortly before we got married. Listening to all you ladies I am kind a glad.

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