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Mayo Clinic Complete Book or Pregnancy & 1st YR - GREAT Free Book for PG mommies!

MommyToAshley wrote: This freebie was mentioned before in another thread, but I thought it deserves it's own thread to make it easier to find! It is such a great resource for PG mommies --and it's free!

This is a free hardcover book that statefarm gives away. The book is the Mayo Clinic Complete Book of Pregnancy and Baby's First Year
If it asks for the login it is:
name = good
password = neighbor
DO NOT Capitalize

Hillbilly Housewife replied: I've gotten this book! It's awesome! Very helpful!!!


ediep replied: this is agreat book. I have it also. Don't miss out!!!

madaise replied: Doesn't every mother on the internet have this book? LOL. I got it a couple years ago.

Hillbilly Housewife replied:
thumb.gif lol!!!

It's a great freebie!!


dhoppygirl replied: I ordered it, but then moved and it was never forwarded to my new address...I wonder if the new tenants kept it mad.gif ...hmmmmm

MommyToAshley replied: bump.gif bump.gif

I am just bumping this up for some of the new PGers. It really is a great resource and I would recommend ordering it if you haven't already.

A&A'smommy replied: yeah i recently got this book to because of the other post about it! I really like it, its very BIG and VERY informative!

MomToMany replied: I got mine about 4 years ago, when PG with Ethan. We went through State Farm at the time, and I mentioned it to the receptioist, and she gave me a copy right there.

thumb.gif An awesome book!

MommyToAshley replied: Since we have so many new PG members, I thought I would give this post a bump.gif

Kirstenmumof3 replied: thumb.gif Yeah I recieved one of these when I was pregnant! A lot of information!

MommyToAshley replied: bump.gif

lisar replied: I couldnt get the name and the password to work. Please let me know. Statefarm sent me an awsome wedding book but not a baby book. Let me know I would love to have it.


MommyToAshley replied: I just tried it and it worked fine for me.

Make sure you are typing the user name and password correctly. It is case-sensitive so don't capitalize. It doesn't work if you copy and paste either, you have to retype it so be sure you spell it correctly.

3xsthefun replied: I'm glad we can still get this book, I just ordered it for my friend. smile.gif

lisar replied:
I got it to work apparently I just found out that I cant spell. LOL rolleyes.gif


~KARA~ replied: this is a wonderful (free) book!!! I was just reading mine today!

Julz81 replied: I just ordered mine, i should get it within 2 -4 weeks

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