Look what my baby is doing!
Boo&BugsMom wrote: He's getting so big.
stella6979 replied: Oh geez Jennie, he is so flippin adorable. That last pic cracks me up.
moped replied: OMG that is sooooo cute - and he is so proud of himself!!!!!!!!!!
How old is he now?
grapfruit replied: Aww look at that! He's such a ham! He knows he's melting you!
A&A'smommy replied: awwwww he is SOOO cute!!!
mom21kid2dogs replied: Too cute! The cup looks bigger than his head!
My2Beauties replied: Wow, at only 6 1/.2 months old that is awesome that he is taking a sippy. I love those Nuby sippies, those are the only ones we could get Hanna to take when we were taking her off the bottle.
Boo&BugsMom replied: 6 months. He tends to like to chew on it a lot though.
~Roo'sMama~ replied: Aww what a big boy!! Allie started drinking out of a cup at 6 months too. I ended up switching her to a straw cup though because once she got the sippy cup half empty she would just suck in air because she wasn't tipping it far enough.
Boo&BugsMom replied: That's Aiden's problem...the tipping. He tips it up a bit, but not a whole lot.
Mommy2BAK replied: Oh my goodness, it seems to me like that little guy was just born, time flies by so quickly!
BAC'sMom replied: Wow he sure has grown
CantWait replied: What a sweetheart. He's getting to be such a big boy already.