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5littleladies wrote: Brianna is running around the house singing "Cat poop! Yeah yeah!". LOLOL!!! rolling_smile.gif rolling_smile.gif

Maddie&EthansMom replied: OH NO!!! Silly little girl! rolling_smile.gif laugh.gif

Boys r us replied:!!!!! tongue.gif

favre4fan replied: rolling_smile.gif FUNNY!!

Nicole replied: rolling_smile.gif Hahahahaha!!!!!

coasterqueen replied: What a riot! rolling_smile.gif

Josie83 replied: rolling_smile.gif rolling_smile.gif rolling_smile.gif xx

~Roo'sMama~ replied: laugh.gif rolling_smile.gif laugh.gif What a funny girl! wub.gif

kimberley replied: LOL! ummm... why? unsure.gif rolling_smile.gif

AshleyRose replied: rolling_smile.gif rolling_smile.gif Lol that reminds me of my little sister. A couple years ago she would say "poop dog" instead of "dog poop" and run around saying that! rolling_smile.gif

5littleladies replied:
I have no idea! blush.gif She's just a crazy little girl. tongue.gif

A&A'smommy replied: LOLOLOL silly girl!!

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