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Kinda worried... - probably about nothing but anyway...

ilovemybaby wrote: I'm 20 weeks 1 day pregnant now. I am sure that when I was 20 weeks with Abby I felt her kick (pretty hard) for the first time. With this baby I hardly feel anything. I can feel butterfly movements and tiny movements. But it makes me worry that he/she is not doing well. Is that silly?
I told Paul and he said it worries him too.

At the US the tech said everything looks great except I have to have another US because he couldn't see the cardiac outflow tracts properly. So now I'm starting to worry that maybe there is something wrong with the heart. sad.gif
Heart problems do run in our family (on my dads side). My dads brother died from Congenital Heart disease. And his sister has a major heart problem she has refused surgery for.
Babys heart was beating though. The tech said there are four chambers and I could see it beating.

Am I worrying about nothing?

3_call_me_mama replied: Not sure I felt both of mine move a lot by 16-18 weeks. I'd call your Dr just to be safe. I hope everythign is fine adn your mind can rest soon. hug.gif

Lynda836 replied: I wouldn't worry. I couldn't tell DS was kicking until I felt it the same time I was watching my felt like gas...and that was at 20 weeks. I had to go back for another US at 23 weeks because they didn't get clear pics of the heart. It wasn't that they thought something was wrong, just that the little guy was moving so fast and he wouldn't sit still long enough for them to get the pic they needed. I'm sure everything's fine...but I know how you feel. Time passes so slowly when your worrying. Keep your chin up, and try not to worry smile.gif

ilovemybaby replied: Thanks. smile.gif
I have my second US tomorrow so I will ask the tech about it but I'm sure he will say everything looks fine.
Maybe it's a sign this one is a boy happy.gif He/she was lying in the exact same position Paul sleeps in at night HAHA And he/she had their legs together. Abby never did that.

ashtonsmama replied:
I'll bet so...I'm sure your little one is just fine, and if the tech has seen the heart and the HB is fine and strong, I wouldn't be worrying too much...
Good luck though hun! Hope everything is fine, try not to stress!

ilovemybaby replied: Thanks! smile.gif
I can't wait till my US tomorrow... I bought some chocolate. And someone told me to try a fake coughing fit HAHA So I hope that works!

jacobsmama replied: Well we get alot of calls from patients wondering about movement and when they are suppose to feel it. It is very common for some women to not even feel movement until 20-24 weeks and others feel as early as 16-18 weeks. I think it definetly normal what you are feeling and the movement you describe. As far as the u/s and the heart this is common as well alot of times due to babys position and different things.

Update us after your u/s and i'm sure you will be reassured. hug.gif

ilovemybaby replied: Thanks smile.gif Maybe it's just because I'm more overweight than I was last time. I first felt movement at 20 weeks last time. So maybe between 22-24 weeks will be when I really start feeling things.

I can't wait to find out finally the sex of this baby! I really hope he/she lets us find out this time! unsure.gif

Heather77 replied: I think being overweight can effect it, and also the location of your placenta. It's been around 16-18 weeks with all of my pregnancies, that I started to notice movement. With this pregnancy, I rarely felt movement at 18 weeks, and it wasn't until about 22 that I finally noticed it on a consistant basis. This time I am at my heaviest, and I also have an anterior placenta. Now I'm in my 31st week and the baby is moving constantly!

I'm sure anytime now your little one will be kicking like crazy! wub.gif

CosmetologyMommy replied: GOOD LUCK! KEEP US POSTED!

Mom2Boyz replied: I wouldn't worry too much about not feeling much movement at this point hug.gif I don't think I felt consistant movement with either of my boys til about 23 to 24 weeks. I'm sure your little one is just fine wub.gif

ilovemybaby replied: Sorry I should have updated this! I had my second US yesterday and baby is fine. I saw her moving! We even got a pic of her face and one hand in a fist LOL

MiniMomy replied: Did you say HER? YAY! A girl!

MyBlueEyedBabies replied: Did the dr. tell you where the plascenta was? I have had an anterior plascenta with all three now. With the first 2 I would feel very sporadic movements and had to do fetal testing just to make sure they were okay. When the plascenta is in front it is like the baby is hitting a pillow so all the movements get toned down and they are much harder to feel.

ilovemybaby replied: I have no idea if he told me or not LOL I was more interested in finding out babies sex at the time HAHA blush.gif
He would have said something if there was a problem though...
But she was moving around heaps this time so that's good.
And I can feel movements... just not strong. And I didn't start a pregnancy journal until I was nearly 25 weeks with Abby so I have nothing to compare to, to see if I felt a kick at 20 weeks or if it was just a butterfly movement. Oh well... rolleyes.gif

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