July 20th - Hanna's Surgery
My2Beauties wrote: Hey all,
I'm sort of freaked out right now. I took Hanna to the ENT last Friday morning and the Docs said she definitely needs tubes. The last antibiotic she was on, Zithromax, is supposed to be the strongest of all (it's like a Z-Pack they say) and she still kept the ear infection.... poor baby! So on July 20th she goes in to get the tubes put in. Everyone at the office was very nice and helpful and answered all of my questions. I watched a video of how the procedure is done and they gave me all this paperwork to read, however I am still scared of the anesthesia! That freaks me out, she's only 8 months old! They say the surgery takes only 5 minutes, literally, and that most children are just a little groggy and maybe a little sick to their stomach for a couple of hours post-op! After that they say the majority of babies and small children carry on as normal with no discomfort. My boss's little girl had tubes put in her ears at 6 mos. of age and she said that that very same day she was up crawling around and carrying on as usual and never once acted like anything bothered her. Even after all of the pep talks I'm still scared for her. I just don't want her to feel the slightest bit of discomfort for even a day or be really drugged up !!! I mean they made me feel better about the whole situation with the actual tubes by answering all of my questions about water being in her ear, chance of infection, getting more ear infections, etc....but again...the anesthesia has me freaking!!!! Please send support and crossed fingers for good luck!
amynicole21 replied: Oooh, good luck to Hanna! I am glad that the doc made you feel more secure about the surgery. I've heard that there has been a lot of resistance to the Z-pack lately. I think docs prescribe it way too much
I'm still putting off getting a second opinion for Sophia I know what they are going to say and I'm just as freaked about the surgery as you are.
My2Beauties replied: Yeah it is really scary, it's just that I want to try anything to stop these ear infections! She has had 6 in 8 months, I don't want her to be in pain anymore. For the past two months she has just constantly kept one!!!!!!!!!!!! That scares me more than the surgery because of the possibility of hearing loss. I know a woman who went deaf as a child due to ear infections, she got them so bad her eardrum busted and they couldn't do anything for her. Since then she has had a couple of surgeries to help her regain some of her hearing but she isn't no where near 100%! I mean the surgery itself seems ok now that I've seen the video and what is involved, everyone I know that has had it done to their kids said you're literally only waiting for like 5 minutes, but then again it's surgery and there are always possibilities of complications! Argh..I just wish she didn't get ear infections!
MommyToAshley replied:
Even though it is a fairly common procedure, I'd be just as nervous... it's a Mommy thing. I am glad the docs helped to reassure you. Hopefully this will help to put a stop to all those ear infections.
Kaitlin'smom replied: awww poor mommy and baby, I would also be freaking out if Kaitlin had to have any type of sergery! I hope this helps and she does not get any more infections.
coasterqueen replied: P&pt's coming your way.
kimberley replied: i am sure everything will be just fine. my thoughts will be with you both.
My2Beauties replied: Thanks guys!
Kirstenmumof3 replied: Awwww poor Hanna! Claudia had the procedure done last March and she came through it just fine! I'm sure she will be fine!
A&A'smommy replied: She will be okay hun! I know that doesn't make you feel better I think I would be seriously freaked out too! I'm sending you LOTS of calming vibes keep us updated on how she does after the surgery! ((((BIG HUGS))))
KatieLeigh79 replied: They will be fine *Big Hugs* My little guy is currently on his 16th infection in 13 months, and he seems to be resistant to everything but my Dr. just won't seem to do tubes, even though I'm beginning to think if it helps ease his pain a little bit maybe that is what needs to be done.
My2Beauties replied: KatieLeigh79....That is what is happening with Hanna, those antibitics are bad news!!! Babies are becoming too resistant to them. I would take him to an ENT...does your insurance require a referral? He definily needs something done for him! Ear infections are painful plus can be very serious!
momof2girls replied: YOu will be in my thoughts, although its done all the time I know any mommy would be worried she will be fine and hopefully better after this is done.
jem0622 replied: They haven't tried Rocephin shots, huh? We resorted to that with my eldest DS and then I said 'I give...please hand me a referral to the ENT for tubes'. Nathan got them when he was just over a year. I have to say they were such a blessing. Sure I was anxious about the surgery, but his recovery was so fast and he started talking up a storm.
She is young and for her...if she is having infection after infection...everything she hears sounds like she is in the ocean. It will help intervene early so that her speech and hearing are not affected.
The surgery is so fast. It might take her some time to wake, but she'll be a-okay.
HUGS to Hannah and Mommy!
My2Beauties replied: Thanks everyone, your support has let me feel a little better about the surgery! Lots of thanks coming everyone's way!
aspenblue1 replied: Poor Hanna! Sending lots of P&PT's