Jenna got bit!
mummy2girls wrote: Jenna got bit! (OMG do i know how to speak english.LOL) anyways...i was taken jenna and the little girl for a car ride and everyone was happy and laughing, then all of a sudden jenna was crying bloody murder! I turned around and saw this look of guilt on the girls face. I asked what happened and she said jenna was trying to take away a book she was holding so she bit her finger. I looked at her finger and i saw bite marks!!! Poor jenna is getting alot of war wounds..
This girl has been biteing alot lately! She even bit me on my hand one time... what do you guys do about biteing.
aspenblue1 replied: Poor Jenna.
~CrazieMama~ replied: Awwwww, poor Jenna.....Luckily for me Brianna does not so this.... Sorry I am of know help.
MommyToAshley replied: Awwweee! Poor Jenna! (((hugs)))
My cousin who was a year younger than me used to bite me all the time and I still remember it to this day! Her mom used to smack her hand or spank her but it never did any good. (which now, I don't agree may have been the best form of discipline) My Mom kept me away from her for a little while until she outgrew the stage. Sorry, not much help. I hope Ashley doesn't become a biter. I don't know why some kids do and some kids don't.
mummy2girls replied: I just am in a bad situation...I am not the parent of this child so i have to watch what i do..not that i do hit or would even do something like that. I have tried taken privileges away, timeouts, and sending to her room...but its really hard because she does have down syndrom and even though she is 4 she is at an age 2 stage. I just dont know how to get through to her so she knows that biteing hurts.
When she did bite her jenna cried really hard and the girl was begging me to make her stop crying. as much as this seems bad for me to do it i just let her cry. I held her hand and kept telling jenna she is ok and that i loved her and i did give her kisses on her finger..but i wanted the girl to know that what she did hurt and that hopefully that scream in her ear did help a bit.
A&A'smommy replied: Poor Jenna!!!!! ugh i hope she stops soon!!! sorry i dont have a clue about what to do there!!!
coasterqueen replied: Poor Jenna.
booey2 replied: Hugs to Jenna, from the sounds of it you did the best thing by letting Jenna cry, hopefully the other little girl might get a little bit of an understanding that she truely hurt her. At the age/stage they really don't know that they are hurting someone else they have to get a little older. Great job though with how you handled. it.
ediep replied: poor Jenna, I thibk you handeled it well, hopefully she will think about that crying before she bites again!
kimberley replied: poor Jenna! hope she is okay and the little girl passes this phase soon.
jem0622 replied: Biting is a phase and it will pass. Sorry that she was bit. It happens unfortunately. And regardless of the mental capacity of the simply and firmly tell them that biting hurts. I always gave my boys something that was okay to bite and it would deter them from biting others.
HUGS Julie
jen replied: Poor Jenna!