It's almost christmas time & that got me thinking
Boys r us wrote: what's the crappiest gift you've ever gotten! LOL
A few years back at work, this lady who is a complete WEIRDO made a gift for me..LOL Seriously, if you could see'd laugh!
I came in to work and there was this tiny little gift all wrapped up on my desk. I saw it was from her..which was VERY ODD! Considering that she would never even contribute a dish, a soda, chips..NOTHING to our food days we would always have..yet she'd be the first in line to pig out!
Anyways, I opened it and it was this tiny owl. Before I could really put too much thought into it...she was at my desk and was telling me all about it. She and her DH had carved it out of a chicken bone! LOL.. I instantly wanted to puke..but decided puke and laughter didn't go together too well. Anyways...somehow over the years, I've managed to hold onto it, largely in part to the fact that is most definitely the STRANGEST christmas gift I've ever gotten!! LOL I keep it on my desk here at home now! not sure why...except that it makes me laugh when I see it!
2nd to that, another year this woman who is all of 80 pounds soaking wet..yet always on a diet, gave me a wrapped up box of Slim-Fast bars. I was p*ssed for a moment until I realized that everyone else in my dept. was opening the same gift. LOL That was a time when I was very happy with my weight so the gift was defintiely odd to, I'd probably be thrilled with it I'd love to lose about 30 pounds!
Here's the owl:
Hillbilly Housewife replied: That's hilarious!!
gr33n3y3z replied: I think I remember you talking about the same woman before except in the food line LOL
I really never got anything strange maybe the ppl. have good taste lol
My3LilMonkeys replied: That's pretty well done....but strange.
The oddest gift I ever got was from my office secret santa last year....a book of children's christmas stories with a cassette tape recording of them included. I get the book, kind of, since everyone in the office knows I have kids, but cassette tapes? In 2006?
My2Beauties replied: Hmmm....let me think. I haven't really gotten a really BAD gift per se, but my MIL is extremely and I mean extremely horrible with sizes. My SIL probably wears about a size 9-10 or so, she has a really cute shape, she's sort of tall too, she will buy her clothes for Christmas every year that would fit Desiree then she buys me clothes that would fit Brian It's hilarious, my SIL will open her present and she'll whisper to me something like um..I think this was meant for you or Desiree, and I'm like honey I'm not even that small. Sometimes she'll get me something SO small that it almost looks like it could be an oversized shirt for Hanna or something....this goes on every year! I'm tr ying to think of something'll come to me I'm sure.
Kaitlin'smom replied: OMG I remember your chicken story
hummm I am sure I can think of something odd or terribel I got I just need to think about it.
ediep replied: ewwwww that grooses me out!!! A chicken bone????
the strangest gift I got was a holiday dish that had a sticker on the back that said ---not for food, may be poisonous
My2Beauties replied:
A&A'smommy replied: haha thats nuts Nichole!!!
I have never really gotten anything weird like that.. I think the worst gift I ever got was a cheap food processor that worked like twice
amynicole21 replied: My FIL (who had previously NEVER given us anything in his life, except a headache) got us a HUGE plug in, light up picture of a waterfall that plays a loop of weird music that is only about 5 seconds long, so it keeps repeating itself and drives me crazy. We have it still in the box in our garage
Calimama replied: Weird!! I've never gotten anything too weird, but last Christmas DH's grandma sent me a box full of hair rubber bands.. like 10 sets of these plastic hair rubber bands.
lisar replied: Thats grooss a chicken bone!!! Let me think about mine though.
lovemy2 replied: That had to be a re-gift - just took her awhile to have the right person to re-gift too
lovemy2 replied: I haven't really ever gotten anything wierd but MIL has a knack for ugly and pointless
mysweetpeasWil&Wes replied: OMG! The funniest part of that story is WHY in he** did that lady think YOU would want that owl?? Did she make one for everyone Nichole? Really odd. Did she carve it and think "oh, I think Nichole in my office would love this." Sorry...I'm having a good laugh.
Now let me think. I suppose the worst gift was from my SIL one year, which is strange because she is also the SIL that gave me a Louis Vutton bag one year, has a ton of money....But she gave DH and I (joint gift) this clock that was made from a large piece of drift wood. It was soooooo UGLY! She was living in Woodstock at the time and I think she picked it up from a flea market or art fair there. Said her friend makes them. I wish I had a photo, but it was just this LARGE log type thing with clock hands stuck in the middle, no numbers, just a log. I wanted to burn it!
Ohhhhhhhhhh, yes, another one would be the lovely rotting Xmas bread we received in the mail from DH's Oma. It was wet and gooey, and moldy and looked like she had made it 5 years ago. Let's just say it looked more like a meatloaf than sweet bread. Nasty.
MoonMama replied: Rae you mean you don't carve animals out of your left over chicken bones with co-workers in mind? So sorry Nichole I couldn't help myself. That is really odd. Why would she do that?
My oddest gift was from my SIL (who is way coo-coo bananas anyway, she asked me to bring her back a leaf from Disney World ), she have me this HUGE gift bag FULL of gumball machine items and those stickers from the sticker machines you see everywhere. Like probably $150 or so worth. And it was all stuff I had seen recently in gumball machines. I think she must have cleared them all out in one sitting. WTH? Seriously how ccrazy is that?
holley79 replied: Shawn's dad bought me some old lady smelly bath crap. There was a bottle of lotion or something missing from it. Now how sorry is that.
MotherForever2043 replied: I would have to say...A few years ago when we use to have a cat. My friend gave us a self cleaing litter box. It was so random and different.
HuskerMom replied: