Is this naughty?
Josie83 wrote: Okay you'll never guess what Cassie did today . . .
She went to nursery this morning and I've just been to pick her up just now. her teacher took me to one side when I'd got her and said that when they were having story time a mobile phone started ringing and they couldn't figure out where it was coming from . . .
When they located it, it was Jason's phone in her book bag! It turns out that Cassie had swiped Jason's phone when we weren't looking and put it in her book bag! When I asked her why she'd done that she told me that she'd brought it in case she wanted to ring me and speak to me
So one half of me thinks that this is quite naughty, but then the other half of me thinks sort of sees the logic in what she was doing. She is such a little monkey! What do you lot reckon? xx
amymom replied: I think what a smart girl!!! I would just explain why she can't have a phone at school, and let her know you are always available and leave it at that. I think NO punishment is in order. She was being very logical. What a cute story to tell her when she is older.
luvbug00 replied: I agree. no punishment needed here I think that is very heart warminig.
gr33n3y3z replied: I agree with the other ladies
she is a very smart little girl.
Insanemomof3 replied: LOL that is so cute.
ammommy replied: That's really cute and smart I'd just explain to her that she can't take other people's belongings, but if she needs to talk to you her teacher can call for her.
A&A'smommy replied: I think its cute LOL!!
DansMom replied: I love Cassie That is very cute!
Kirstenmumof3 replied: Awwww that's so sweet! I don't think she did anything wrong, but I would talk to her about it and explain to her that the phone belongs to her daddy.
ediep replied: I think that is really smart!!! LOL!!!
Josie83 replied: Lol . . . thanks you lot. I thought so to but at the time I just wasn't sure. You're right it is just herbeing a clever clogs! We explained to her that she shouldn't take mummy or daddy's phones because that's who her teacher calls if she needs us. We told her that we'l always be here for her if she needs us.
Then she said "but mummy, what if I just want to tell you I love you?" How can you be mad at a child who says that? xx
Winifred replied: I think it's smart and very cute. She probably didn't think of it as stealing, but she just wanted to talk to you if she wanted to. I don't think punishment is necessary, just say not to do it again and it should be fine.