Is anyone from missouri? - maybe doing a big move..
luvbug00 wrote: Ok So we have been pondering moving to KC missouri. The housing is alot cheeper then here and I'm tired of the snobby unkind people I have to deal with here in my area. ( sure it's a top ten county in the country but the people are a big fat zero!) We just want to get away. From the people the struggles and all that jazz. ( and Brad wants season tickets to the cheifs games ) he has relitives in stockton but that's all. I just wanted to kno0w if anyone has been or lives there? I just have some Q about the area..
any responce would be great!
A&A'smommy replied: Where is KC Missouri? My dh is from missouri and we go to visit at least once a year I LOVE it there the shopping, the weather, the senery and the people are genuinly nice and I have NEVER lived there lol Good luck with your decision!
Connorsmommy lives there
Mommy2BAK replied: I live about 20 minutes away from the Missouri line, I am in Arkansas
coasterqueen replied: I live in Illinois, close to that area, but unfortunately don't know much about it. I went to college down close to St. Louis but we were so poor we didn't get out of the house much to go do any fun things.
Maddie&EthansMom replied: I have family and friends in/from MO, but I've never stepped foot in that state. I was telling Scotty's aunt and uncle last night (who are down here visiting from MO) that we will have to go see them sometime. They live in St Charles. No clue where that is in relation to KC, though. I know they live close to the arch.
luvbug00 replied: Kansas city sorry I abrivated. it's on this map it borders kansas and missouri
Thanks for all your imput
coasterqueen replied: I don't know about other states, but all the towns seem to run so close together you never know which town you are in. And everywhere is not far, even if it's a 30 to 45 minute drive to get there and you better know a LOT about all the freakin' highways around there or you'll get lost like I do EVERY time. I have friends that live down there and they'll offer to take us to some restaurant. We'll ask how far it is. They'll say not far at all. 45 minutes later we are finally there. It's a different way of living than what I'm used to in my area but there are tons of things to do around there that aren't here.
kit_kats_mom replied: I have family that lived in KC Mo for about 20 years. They've moved since retirement but they LOVED that city & so did I. There is a lot of culture there.
I also work with the school districts in MO on a daily basis & I've made some pals in the past few years. If you have any specific questions, let me know & I'll ask one of them.
A&A'smommy replied: OMG DUH Jessica!!!
A&A'smommy replied: OMG that is what I thought when my SIL took us out to eat Jeremiah didn't even notice but I was like WHEN are we going to get there
coasterqueen replied: Yeah and you probably asked yourself....what town am I in now? At least I always do when we visit them.
Maddie&EthansMom replied: This is what I have heard, too.
A&A'smommy replied: [QUOTE=boogabearzmom,Oct 13 2005, 10:24 AM] [QUOTE=alyssa'smommy,Oct 13 2005, 10:23 AM] Yeah and you probably asked yourself....what town am I in now? At least I always do when we visit them. [/QUOTE] YES omg there are SO many little towns everywhere and they are all pretty close to each other I don't understand because there is also a LOT of farmland... I think we are planning on going to the saint louis zoo next time we go up there. I heard its really awesome!
ETA: Nadia you would probably love it, I know i do even though its easy to get lost
luvbug00 replied: I really am tired of being in this area. My parents and stuff is here but I need to get away! I have looked at the school systems there and they look good. I'm just tired for paying all this money for nothing!. We wanted to get a house a while ago and it was going to cost us 350,000 for a two bedroom 2 bath for a townhouse. and for a condo here it's 250,000. How bout NO! LOL I love to sit in my car it's relaxing for me. I can handle that
Sarah&Mackenzie replied: I have some friends that live in MO, but I am not exactly sure where (can't remember the name of the town). I went there about 6 years ago and will be going next summer for a wedding. It was fun.
coasterqueen replied: I agree, I love the Missouri areas I've been in . I wanted to stay down there after college but Ryan wanted to move back to family.
Jessy Ann- the ST. Louis Zoo is great! Alyssa will love it!
Mom2Boyz replied: We live in Joplin, Mo. Just about 2 hours south of KC I don't know much about that area of the state, but I've heard it's nice. We'll actually be going to KC when Caden has his surgery since they have the closest childrens hospital.
kayla's mama replied: I'm not from KC, but I'm from the St. Louis area. The opposit end of the state. Anyway, from what I've heard Overton Park, or something like that, is supposed to be a really nice area. I've only visited KC once and I got really lost. From what I could see it seemed pretty nice. Thats pretty brave moving to a town with no family...we moved to Memphis from STL and I have NO family here but DH's.