I'm starting to feel sick
5littleladies wrote: And I'm not complaining one little bit! If I spent the whole first trimester with my head in the toilet I don't think I would mind.
A&A'smommy replied: awwww well I'm happy for you!!!
~Roo'sMama~ replied: Yay! I mean... I'm sorry. I hope you stay good and sick for the next few weeks!
Kaitlin'smom replied: well i hope you get to pull your head out every so often and check in with us
really I hope it stays on the mild side of feeling sick
MomToMany replied: LOL, I guess I'm happy for you! Congratulations !!
coasterqueen replied: Bless your heart. At least you see the positive in it .
Kirstenmumof3 replied: Awww I'm sorry you are experiencing morning sickness so early! I hope it doesn't last!
ediep replied: yay!!!, I mean sorry!! Hope you don't stay sick for 9 months, with jason I was sick for aout 10 weeks.
Josie83 replied: I was going to say sorry that you feel ill but that I didn't think you'd mind . . . I hope you're not too rough xx
Maddie&EthansMom replied: I KWYM! I felt the same way when I was pg with Ethan. Everytime I got sick a little smile came across my face. It is such a good sign that the baby is there and doing great.
loveydad replied: I didn't think i'd ever say this, but congratulations on your sickness...
mvmc replied: I have joined the club too. I found out for sure thursday. I already had prety much known for at least a week or 2. I started to get the gaging thursday after I took my at home test. Friday I was nausious for a little while in the morning. Saturday and today were awful. I had to get work done (which I have almost done now) while I was puking in a cup. I have felt pretty good for about an hour now......it is almost time to go back to bed!!!!!