I'm spotting again
coasterqueen wrote: I know, I know..it's normal to spot during pregnancy...but I am so scared right now I can barely type I'm crying so hard. It's been 11 days since I last spotted and I finally felt like that spotting was implantation bleeding. But when I just went to the bathroom I wipes and saw spotting. It's brown (sorry tmi) so I know I'm still safe but I also have cramping and it's a tiny bit stronger than what it's been.
I called the doc's office and of course they have a huge shortage of doctors today. There are normally 4 and there is only 1 today and he doesn't come in til this afternoon. So the nurse said to take it easy today and they'll call back late this afternoon.
I am so scared. Please pray for my baby, please.
kimberley replied: (((big hugs))) Karen! i know you must be scared but *try* not to worry until you have seen the doctor. many women spot throughout pg and have beautiful, healthy babies. my prayers and thoughts are with you and your little bean today.
Kirstenmumof3 replied: OH Karen, I'm sorry you are going through this! Please try to relax and hopefully the doctor will see you today! Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers!
DansMom replied: Brown is just old blood---I had that now and then through my first trimester. It's always good to call the doc, but try not to worry
MomToMany replied: Lots of (((HUGS))) Karen! P&PT coming your way, along with some ***** Sticky Baby Vibes *****
Jamison'smama replied: Awwe big big hugs---you know it is nothing but take it easy--are you able to go home today and just rest? Hang in there!!!
jem0622 replied: I'm sorry you are having to sit and worry. They could at least send you to get your hCG and progesterone checked! Sheesh! That would require you to go to the lab and not see them.
Try not to stress your body. Just take it easy. Remember that even the slightest stretching in your uterus can cause you to see brown blood.
Are you having any cramps that are menstrual-like? Any other strange feelings? HUGS.
ediep replied: awww, hang in there. Try not to worry, I know that is easy to say but hard to do! Relax and I'll be thinking and praying for you!
A&A'smommy replied: aww honey! (((((BIG HUGS))))) and LOTS of P&PT'S for you baby bean! I'm sure your little one is just fine!!!
coasterqueen replied: Thanks everyone! I'm STILL waiting to hear back from the doctors office but the spotting seems to be *away* for the moment, just visited this morning, but the cramping seems to be constant today.
I know it's probably old blood..even though I wonder when will it just go away. I can't imagine it being old blood several times, kwim?
I just want to hear this baby's heart beat so badly. I'm so emotional and there are so many things about this pregnancy that seem so much harder than it was with Kylie. I cry at everything, have every symptom that is way too much. I cried when I was cutting Kylie a peach last night and I have no idea.
I'm sure the doctor isn't going to have me do anything until I go next Friday. Is 7 weeks to early to hear a heartbeat???? I'm going to BEG to get a transvaginal ultrasound next week so I can *see* what's going on.
Jamison'smama replied: Not too early to SEE a heartbeat--I had an internal ultrasound with Jamison at 5 weeks 6 days and saw the heartbeat--apparently that is pretty early but not out of the question. For some reason I think it is hard to hear until after 10 weeks. When I was 9 weeks with this baby I had the internal ultrasound and saw the heartbeat at 9 weeks. I think you should request that--my Doc does them regularly for the first visit to get the due date.
I got it early last time because I had pain on one side and they looked for an ectopic---it was just me being paranoid.
I think the second pregnancy is worse emotionally--I have been a wreck--I could write for an hour about the emotions I have gone through so I get it--I understand your frustration and worry.
Hang in there and ask for what you want!!!!
Guest_angelhair replied: I am 2 and a half months preg on friday and I to have had cramping but when checked with doctor he said that the cramping could be from the uterus growing. I to have wiped and saw what I thought were smears of blood but am not to worried because there was never anything on my underwaer or on the pantyliners. do you notice it just when you wipe sometimes or it also on your underwear? also have had 2 miscarriages and usually the spotting is constant and sometimes turns into bleeding. I also saw a heartbeat on a trnasvaginal ultrasound at 6 weeks so you should see a heartbeat at 7 weeks. I am sure everything will be fine.
kimberley replied: well i really hope you can get into the doctor before next week to ease your mind at least. it is definitely not too early to see a heartbeat but don't be alarmed if they don't. it doesn't always pick it up on the external u/s. i am sure everything will be fine. just try to relax and have lots of snuggle time with Kylie and DH. it is very therapeutic. hang in there.
mama3x replied: I know it's hard not to worry - I am the champion worried/superstitious/paranoid pg mom in the world (so I think). But I wanted to pass LOTS OF positive vibes to you and a
I've been having lots of cramping this time around in addition to some back pressure/pain, not something that's happened before. So I am checking the TP everytime I use the bathroom.
Call the dr. as you need to and drink lots of water. Lay down with your feet up and if it's hot where you are, set that fan on you. Worrying does make the cramping worse so try to relax. We're all pulling for you!!!!!
Oh - we couldn't hear the HB at 11 wks and that's classified as possible but most likely too early. But we did see it at 9 wks on u/s.
momof2girls replied: I know its really scary but I wanted to let you know when I was pg with Kiley I spotted off and on my entire pg, sometimes it was pinkish/red blood, not alot but enough to scare me, she is very healthy and over 10mo old. I freaked out everytime I saw it I just knew I was losing her, but that is not the case my ob told me this happens to several women, could be the stretching, they really do not know.
TRY not to worry, the stress from you worrying will not be good for baby, I know its not easy but try....
I know I was sooo scared too!
Littlejojames replied: So Sorry
Hope that all is ok. Please let us know
Kaitlin'smom replied: (((BIG HUGS))) I hope all is well and you got to check in with the doctor. Update when you can