I'm so impatient!
~Roo'sMama~ wrote: I know this is probably really silly of me, but I am just dying to have some *real* symptoms here! I'm tired, but other than that, I got nothin! I'd even take some morning sickness just to make it sink in for me a bit more. I felt more pg before i found out than I do now! Maybe I'm just in shock. Hee hee sorry... I just had to vent.
amynicole21 replied: My symptoms are starting to go away already! Not that I'm complaining. Although, I have been eating NON STOP just to keep the queasies away. Luckily I haven't had bad m/s just yet, and maybe it will just stay away for good (hope hope). Even if you think you want them, I hope you have a very symptom free and uneventful pregnancy.
coasterqueen replied: OMG Sara!!! Where were you a few weeks ago? I would have given my left arm to give someone this m/s I had. UGH! I'm just now starting to feel like a new woman, although I'm tired all the time at least the m/s finally went away.
Thank your lucky stars you have no symptoms. Hey I'd even give you some of this 15 pounds I've gained in 12 weeks if you'd like some.
5littleladies replied: Sorry Karen but I have to laugh at this!! Wouldn't it be nice if that was really possible??
Don't worry Sara-you will probably be like your sister and be miserable in a few weeks. Enjoy it while you can!
coasterqueen replied: Yeah, course I'd only give it to my WORST enemy so I couldn't give it to Sara, either.
And I did want to add that many people don't get symptoms or symptoms come and go often until about the 8th week and then they can really start coming on. I think it's the 8th week. I can't remember, but my doc told me that. I do remember early on my symptoms coming and going and then BAM! there they were to stay for a bit.
~Roo'sMama~ replied: I know i know..... i'm sure that once I start getting m/s and stuff I'll be wishing I'd been more careful what I wished for!
BTW Jen - that is the grossest emoticon i have ever seen!
A&A'smommy replied: LOL well I had a WONDERFUL pregnancy I never had ANY symptoms except using the bathroom a lot and bigger breast and at the VERY VERY end I got a bladder infection but that was it! So I say ENJOY because I don't think I could STAND to have m/s lol but whatever makes you happy! Congratulations again, btw how far along are you?
~Roo'sMama~ replied: About four weeks I think... although why they count the 2 weeks between your last period and conception is beyond me!!
Maddie&EthansMom replied: I was the same way with my first pregnancy. I didn't really have symptoms at all with her. Even if you go through your entire pregnancy with no symptoms, trust me by the 9th month you will be sooooooo ready to NOT be pregnant anymore or FEEL pregnant anymore. Just as quickly as that feeling comes...in a few months after the baby is born you will wish to be pg again. Aren't we strange creatures.
kimberley replied: LOL you'll be eating those words in no time but ikwym. with my first pg i was dying to experience everything all at once. now, after my third child... i know better lol.
Josie83 replied: I sort of see where you're coming from sara, you want to feel pregnant . . . I remember I was so desperate to start showing when I was pregnant with Cassie! I so wanted to have a bump! And then of course at nine months you just want to get rid of that bump and have your baby! but I would say be careful what you wish for!! xx
~Roo'sMama~ replied: Lol I didn't see this before. That is the LAST thing I need!!! (the bigger breasts i mean!! )