I went to the doc today - update on my tush situation
ediep wrote: anway, the ob examined me and said I have a throbossed hemorrhoid and I need to have it taken care of. Before I was even dresses, he asked the nurse to call a surgeon, who happens to be next door to the Ob office, to see when I can get in. They can take me tomorrow. So.....tomorrow, I am going to have my thrombossed hemorrhoid lanced!
you guys, I am so terrified!!! The Ob said thatthe procedure will hurt, but once its done, I will have immediate relief. Thank God, because I am in so much pain right now....I can sit, last night I couldn't sleep unless I had ice on my tush.
send some positive thoughts tomorrow at 1pm please
MommyToAshley replied: Oh goodness.. that sounds painful. So glad you are getting it taken care of right away... just remember you will feel so much better by this time tomorrow.
Many P&PT's for you.
Maddie&EthansMom replied: Oh hun! I'm so sorry it was bad enough to need surgery, but it will be so much better getting it taken care of before giving birth. I can't imagine the pain. I hope you do have immediate relief, just as the doctor said.
Many P&PT going out to you.
Boys r us replied: Oh Edie, I hope that you get some relief immedietely!!! That sounds awful hun!
Good luck and I'll be thinking of you tomorrow at 1pm..ohh goodness, I have Tanner's Parent Teacher Conference at 1pm tomorrow, I'll try not to let to let on that I'm thinking of about my pregnant friend's butt while we're discussing Tanner's school work
Good Luck Edie!!
gr33n3y3z replied: I'm sorry to hear this You will feel so much better after Please up date when its done Thoughts and prayers hun
jacobsmama replied: I had a feeling, I know that you are gonna be just fine and the amount of discomfort you are already in you will do just fine during the removal and the surgeons do it all the time! You hang in there and KUP. I hope you get better very soon!
CantWait replied: Oh gosh girl, hope it's quick and brings instant relief. I'll be thinking of you tomorrow for sure. Oh the things us women have to go through when we're pregnant.
~Roo'sMama~ replied: Oh my goodness Edie! I'm sorry that sounds awful! I'm glad you'll be getting some relief finally tomorrow.
MyLuvBugs replied: Oh WOW Edie!! Tons of P&PT's for you tomorrow. KUP!!
mckayleesmom replied: Youch! Good luck sweetie!
amynicole21 replied: Eek I hope they numb you up first.
Sarah&Mackenzie replied: Good luck with the procedure today.