I think this might be it!
Christie wrote: I really really feel like I am PG this time. I have been having A LOT of symptoms like...
1. Friday, I woke up and started getting this annoying sharp pain where my left ovary is (I think that might have been implantation) 2. really light cramps that come and go 3. Definite sore BBs is something pushes up against them. They also feel really heavy. 4. Grumpiness 5. Cravings (I opened up the refrigerator and go "Yum, pickles!!", I like pickles but I never crave them. lol 6. Broke out on my chest and even my stomach 7. I have been trying to lose weight and have been doing the treadmill once or twice a day for 20 minutes and feel like I've gained weight! 8. Have been extremely bloated. Friday night, I looked PG because my tummy was so puffed out and I couldn't suck in. 9. Sore throat (I was reading that some other women had this as a symptom and I thought it was kinda silly), but sure enough, I woke up this morning with a scratchy throat. 10. Absolutely no CM at all which is really weird for me. When DH and I were actually trying, I used to think the CM I was getting was a symptom but it wasn't, so it's even stranger for me not to have any. 11. Dizziness 12. "In the mood" a lot! 13. I just feel PG!
I told myself that I wasn't going to get my hopes up, but I seriously think that I will be shocked if I'm not. I am going to try to wait until my birthday which is June 20th to test. That would be a great birthday present!
momofone replied: Good Luck! KUP
PrairieMom replied: oooh! The suspense is killing me! the 20th is so far away! I hope this is finally it for you. ~~~~~~~~BABY DUST!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
moped replied: KUP
Christie replied: Thank You! Believe me, I will be posting here as soon as I pee on that stick! lol
alice&arik replied: I feel the exact same way!! I wanted pickles on Friday too, my fiance said " are you pregnant?" so he went and bought the tests.
I have EXTREMELY sore BBs and have that "dizzy" feeling. I don't really know how to describe it either.
And really weird cravings! I even ate steak last night which would normally make me gag. But right now that doesn't sound good, blah!
I have taken 2 digital tests and 2 regular "double line" tests since Friday just to make sure I am really pregnant!
Good Luck! We would probably have close to the same due date!
Christie replied:
So you got BFPs on all your tests? Congratulations! I am keeping my fingers crossed! I used a due date predictor and it said that my due date would be on or around March 2nd which is really cool because my DH's birthday and my parents anniversary are both on March 5th. My parents would love to finally have a grandchild for their anniversary gift!
What day of your cycle are you on? How many DPO did you test? I think I am 9 DPO right now and if I test on Wednesday then I will be 12 DPO but I am so impatient that I don't know if I am going to make it that long! lol
Christie replied: I just noticed that your birthday is June 1st, 1981... mine is June 20th, 1981. Happy belated birthday! I can't believe I'm going to be 26! Inching closer and closer to 30... wow, that sounds so weird. lol. If you don't mind me asking, where are you from?
alice&arik replied: Yes all four of my tests were positive. Well I wasn't tracking it very good, but I took an ovulation test on the 2nd, and I am pretty sure that is when I ovualted. So that would make today 15 DPO. Friday when I tested the first time would have been day 13 DPO. I think, if I did the math right.
The due date calculator says I will be due February 25th.
We were going by the "if it happens, it happens" method, but when my fiance went to get tests last time he got ovulation tests instead of pregnancy tests so that is the only reason I used them. He thought he got an awesome deal because there were 7 in a box and I told him to get a box of 2!
But the 1st day of my last men . was the 21st of May. My fiance is only home on the weekends because he works out of town so we were pretty lucky that I ovulated on a Saturday! Funny how things work out!
alice&arik replied: Thanks! Happy EARLY Birthday to you! We are pretty close with bdays too!
I am from Minnesota, north-west area. Where are you from?
I know what you mean, I feel old when I think about when I graduated H.S. 26 doesn't feel much different than 25, it's when you start rounding up that's scary!
alice&arik replied: I can't figure it out, what does BFP stand for? I know it means a positive test, but can't get the abbr.
Christie replied: I had to ask the same question awhile back because I couldn't figure it out either. lol. It stands for Big Fat Positive.
That's so funny about your husband getting the OPK instead of a HPT. I can see how he would get confused though since they keep them right there together. My DH has no idea I even suspect that I'm PG. I hope to surprise him if I'm right. Oh, and, I'm starting to feel the first signs of nausea... I usually don't like being nauseous but in this case it's a good thing!
I'm from Oklahoma, right outside of Oklahoma City. My DH is from West Virginia and that's where his family lives so I'm sure it will be difficult (if I'm PG) for them to be so far away from their first grandchild. I guess they are just going to have to save up for lots of plane trips!
I will post as soon as I test... it might be sooner than Wednesday because I'm not known for being very patient. lol
Danalana replied: I wish you well! I tested positive on Wednesday, and I am getting the ovary pain, as well. Just a lot of weird tugging and twinges and stuff. Anyway, let us know!
boyohboyohboy replied: Baby dust coming your way.. i sure hope this is it for you!
alice&arik replied: Yesterday I was pretty nauseous, I am scared to eat anything this morning in case I get it again!
My family is spread all over too, plus we are planning on moving to Rochester, MN so we will be away from everyone. The only bad part is not having those free babysitters!
alice&arik replied: Congrats to you too!
We will all be close in due dates! This should be fun!
CantWait replied: Good Luck, hope this is it for you. KUP.
lisar replied: KUP
Christie replied: Just got up to take my DH to get a steroid injection for his back. Woke up feeling yucky and nauseous and BBs are even more sore. Still feeling good about this one! May go ahead and test early.
Mommyof3 replied: Congratulations! I hope it all works out wonderfully!!!
Kaitlin'smom replied: your more patient that I would be, I would have tested by now.
Danalana replied: Me too...I'm a pregnancy test freak!
2BMom replied: Good Luck
A&A'smommy replied: Good luck I hope this it for you!!! If you do test and its comes out negative wait a few more days and then test again.
Christie replied: Well, I caved and tested and it was a BFN, but I think it's still too early. If I'm right, I would only be 10 DPO and I didn't use FMU. Actually, I had to force out the little amount that I had in me. lol. I am going to "try" to wait until Wednesday (should be 12 DPO) and use FMU, but I may wake up tomorrow and change my mind.
PrairieMom replied: I was wondering how you were going to resist. sorry, about the BFN, but hang in there. I was 2 days late with my daughter, and still barely tested positive.
luvbug00 replied: Good luck!!!!!
Calimama replied: Good luck!!
Christie replied: Thanks everyone I know it is still early, but I hate seeing those BFNs! If I'm not PG then I am going to feel like I'm going crazy. These symptoms have just been way too prominent to be in my head. Ugh! I hate this waiting game!
alice&arik replied: With Arik I was 5 weeks pregnant before I found out. I had tested a few times and then once it was a faint line I went to the clinic and they couldn't even tell with a urine test I had to have a blood test. So even I was shocked to get a BFP this early.
Hang in there, I have a good feeling since we have the same symptoms!
Christie replied: When I took the test, I prepared myself for it to be negative because I know with it only being 10 DPO that it could be negative even if I am PG but I forgot how much I hate seeing that one line! lol.
When I woke up this morning, I felt like crap. My bb's were aching worse than the previous day and I felt sick at my stomach. As the day has gone on I started feeling better and my bbs aren't hurting near has much. It's like my symptoms are going away. I'm so confused!
Did your symptoms kinda fluctuate? Like be worse at a certain time, but then feel better for awhile?
Danalana replied: don't put a lot of thought into symptons...your bb's might be really sore one minute, and then not so sore the next. The test is the important thing. I tested positive at 11 dpo, but some people take a while to show a positive. It depends on the hCG level and how low it started and it doubling.
Bouncing3 replied: Good luck! I hope it is positive when you retake the test!!!
alice&arik replied: My symptoms come and go. My dizziness and sore BBs are like a rollercoaster. Today I actually felt pretty good except when I would try to eat something, I would just lose my appetite and get nauseous.
Christie replied: I fell asleep on the couch a little bit ago and when I woke up, OUCH! My bbs were really sore again. It seems like my symptoms are worse in the morning and evening. Even though I should probably wait until Wednesday to test again, I'm sure I won't be able to resist testing in the morning. Still have no CM which I always have before AF. Keeping my fingers crossed for my BFP in the next couple of days!
mom2my2cuties replied: Hey Christie,
Just wanted you to know I am thinking of you. Hoping for a positive for you tomorrow.
Christie replied: Thank you so much Went ahead and did another test this morning... still BFN. Thought I saw a very very very light line, but that could have been in my head. Symptoms are back, bb's still extremely sore, still getting light cramping and my lower back is aching. I never get sore bb's before or even during AF and I only getting cramping after AF starts (occasionally the day before) but never a week before. If I'm not PG then my body is either playing tricks on me or I'm going crazy!
PrairieMom replied: fine lines count.
mom2my2cuties replied: Yes fine lines DEFINATELY count. Remember, if it's still pretty early for you, the line is going to be pretty faint. With my first one this time, the line was so faint I actually kept looking at it for like 2 hours afterwards trying to determine if I was for sure seeing what I thought I was seeing.
moped replied: When is yoiur period due??? Wait 3 days after that if you can. Thats my advice
tammyhopkins replied: You can have all the symptoms and not be pregnant too. I was 25 days past when AF was suppose to start in april and was not pregnant but had all the syptoms from 2 weeks after my period. Sometimes when you want something really bad you talk your body into thinking it is.
I agree that ou should wait until a couple days after AF is due and test again. i know it is hard but the more tests you take the more dissappointment you will get if it is a BFN
Christie replied:
Just an update, still BFN. I'm just going to wait and see if AF shows up or not. I will still keep everyone posted
2BMom replied: When is AF due?
Christie replied: My cycles vary from 26 to 28 days, so either Fri., Sat., or Sun.
Kaitlin'smom replied: ~~~NO AF~~~~
so I hope AF stays away and you have a little bean growing and just not quite ready to let you know.
indywndy_04 replied: You should show pictures of it so we can see and decide if we see a faint line...it helps to show other people!