I really, strongly
Boys r us wrote: dislike my husband right now!!!
What is wrong with MEN..it's like he can be so nice and exactly what I need, then one stupid, RECKLESS, THOUGHTLESS comment from him can ruin it all!
Maybe I'm overreacting..who knows...but I'm about 20 pounds bigger than I was when I got pg with Braedon...and I WANT to lose it FOR ME! he knows how hard I've struggled to get it off..considering when I went in to give birth to brae I h'd gained 80 pounds during my pregnancy, now granted a lot of it came off before I had even left the hospital..but it's been a real struggle to get it off. Anyhow...he knows what an evil battle it is for me and he never really says anything about it...but today..over EMAIL no less we were discussing another baby..nothing serious..just when each of us thought it would be ideal to have another one...don't know how we really even got on the subject..anyhow..I said..well, when do you want to have another baby? and he proceeds to say, "Don't you think you should lose the baby weight from braedon first?" OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!!!!!!! I went through the ROOF! Part of me is REALLy hurt that he would say that, but then when I subtract out the emotional thinking..I know he didn't mean it in a malice way..really..no matter how crude it sounded, I know what he meant..he meant b/c it's so important to ME and I've said in the past, I didn't want another one until I got back my body from Braedon's pregnancy! But still..I was FUMING!!!! Still am actually
Anyhow, I didn't email him back..so he's so d@mn clueless that he doesn't even get that I was mad and dropped the conversation and hadn't emailed him for 3 hours! and he just emailed me and said, "hey when you get off do you think you can stop by the VW place and get the new remote programmed fro the car real quick.."
I emailed back and said,"sure, I'll do it as soon as I loose the baby weight!"
and he just replied back, "EASY..."
and then I responded back and said, "you're gonna get an "EASY" foot up your @$$!"
What in the HECK is wrong with men?????? Why are they so freaking DUMB and say crap without thinking????????????????????????????????????????????? why?
Oh well..he's cut off now! and when he wants to know WHY..I'm going to tell him I don't want to chance getting pregnant b/f I loose the baby weight! We'll see how well that settles with him, freaking jerk!
coasterqueen replied: Sorry your replies to him were hilarious!
Honestly I don't understand men but they really don't think. I think sometimes they have a pea for a brain. Seriously! I know my DH has been with me for 12 years and I've told him things over and over and over again and he still hasn't gotten it in 12 years. It's like trying to train some dogs...it's IMPOSSIBLE!
Sorry he said that to you though . I know I'd be fuming too. I really wish they would think before they speak or act. That's wayyyyy too much to ask of them though.
P.S. sorry to the men on our board....no offense to you...
Maddie&EthansMom replied: Oh I would have FREAKED! Men are definetly clueless!! I know Scotty drives me insane and says some of the most hurtful things. What irritates me the most is that the bastage doesnt' even realize it 99.9% of the time!! He will just roll over and go to sleep or act as though nothing was ever said. MEN!
MomToMany replied: I'm sorry.
GavinsMommy replied: Men are just retarded. It's all about THEM, THEM, THEM! If my husband ever says that to me...we will never be having sex again. Lol. And he hasn't gotten the hint yet, but...as long as I know he is looking at porn...I will not be having any more sex with him.
redchief replied: Ohboy... I'm in dangerous territory here. But what the heck!
It was thoughtless of him to say that to you. Your replies, however, had me in stitches.
Now, for the dangerous part (and probably gonna get my rear end trashed for it, but here goes). We ARE a little retarded. We talk about weight like we talk about beer. We don't take it personally when a friend says something like, "Hey, puttin' on a little around the middle, aren't you?" It's just conversation. Considering how this whole stupid world is okay with men being "a little overweight," but women have to be like Barbie... it's also stupidly unfair.
I'm sorry that your DH said that to you, but it's my bet that he didn't say it because he felt you were unattractive. It's my guess that he knows how hard you're trying to lose that weight and that, in his mind, pregnancy won't allow you to diet and excercise so that you can lose the weight. It's a logic thing, and I'll bet emotion had little to do with his conclusion. That's just my
Now I will go back to giggling like an idiot at your extremely funny responses.
A&A'smommy replied: awww yeah men are a little retarded LOLOLOL Redcheif you make things so much clearer!!! ((((HUGS)))) I'm sure he didn't mean it that way!!
Kaitlin'smom replied: MEN are retarded when it comes to things like that, they can be so clueless and plain stupid, sometimes I feel like the last 12 1/2 years with DH and he still does not get it....can be so utterly frustrating.
oh and another thing Why do they make promises they dont remember or wont do? I mean com on if you plan on NEVER doing it or juts plain forgetting dont make the darn promise.....soory
mama3x replied: I HAD to laugh at those responses, I love it.
How men can say things like that I do not know - especially when they're the ones who make comments about how we should lose weight or whatever!!!!! I'd like to tell your DH what he can do with that VW remote. Easy, my foot...he's not gonna get anything easy from you now!!!!! Maybe when he finally helps you lose the weight after all, he helped with the reason you put it on.
I am in full support and in the same state of not understanding as you.
Of course, I still love redchief being brave enough to provide his input!
MommyToAshley replied: Hope your DH likes sleeping in the doghouse tonight.
Josie83 replied: Sometimes they really do the most insensitive things. I'm so sorry that he hurt your feelings like that . . . I've seen pictures of you and he's lucky to have a hot wife like you! how flaming rude. Everyone knows their insecurities and they don't need them flagged up by their nearest and dearest! How flipping rude! xx
My2Beauties replied: Oh I would be steaming You told him right girl!
darrylswifeskylersmom replied: Im sorry he was hurtfull! men are dumba$$es! no other word for them they have no idea how emotions work!!
loveydad replied: okay, im probably going to get crap for this but here goes.
I am a man, and no, I'm not retarded. I've never told my gf she needs to lose weight. I'm not clueless, or stupid, nor do I not think.
I'm really beginning to feel like Men have no place here. I'm sorry to say it, but it hurts to be ignored and bashed like this.
Please keep in mind that there are men on this board too. I'm a full time single dad now, I have all the responsiblities of you guys. It's hard on me too. I just lost my gf.
I'm sorry. I won't bring it up again, but thats my piece.
coasterqueen replied: Loveydad,
I'm sorry if we hurt you by what we said. It wasn't really our intention per se. It's just that a lot (not all) are clueless when it comes to how women feel...they just aren't in tune with women's feelings. I only know a handful of men who truly do and it sounds like you are the same.
I think men can say the same for a lot of things about women...honestly. I'd admit it. A lot of the things Dh says about me or women in general...I know are true.
Please don't feel you don't have a place here....because we'd miss you terribly if you left.
MomToMany replied: I'm sorry Loveydad. Please don't leave. Everyone gets frustrated with the opposite sex. We didn't mean to hurt your feelings, or any other men on the boards.
Please don't leave
Josie83 replied: I don't think anyone would judge you or think badly of you for voicing your opinion. I think maybe we should apologise for being so stereotypical an dupsetting you. What Karen and Mollie have said is true, we would all be so upset if you left this board. We love having you on here and you are one of te most amazing parents I ahve ever come across. I'm really sorry if we upset you xx
ediep replied: Nichole, so sorry he said that.....I agree with redcheif (thanks for the insight, redcheif) he was probabaly just saying that it will be harder to loose weight if preg, not inteding to be hurtful....BELIEVE ME, I know how hurtful it is when someone comment on weight. I have lots of issues with that. Hope he enjoys being in the doghouse tonight.
Lovey dad- so sorry to hurt your feelings, we wre just responding to this one situation, not meaning all men are hurtful or "retarted" , just this one man because he said this one thing....