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I never realized! - circumsision was such a hot topic...

luvbug00 wrote: I was checking out one of the parenting sites that belong to and I noticed that this was a "hot topic" for them. I never even knew people concidered it to be such a strong issue. I mean they were all into it and I was very surprised. Do you guys concider this to be a "hot topic"?

mckayleesmom replied: Nope...I consider it a personal decision and can care less what someone thinks of me for it... thumb.gif

Insanemomof3 replied: I don't really feel it is THAT big of a deal. Both my boys are not circumsized. There are just alot of "medical reasons" they argue FOR circumsizing. (sp?) Anyway, my boys have NEVER had a problem there. You keep them clean, and teach them to clean themselves properly there are no problems. JMO

mammag replied: I wouldn't consider it a hot topic to me. I agree with Brianne....personal choice.

DansMom replied:
Yes! We've had two heated threads on the question of circumcision in the two years that I've been posting here. Mostly healthy debate, no personal attacks or anything, but definitely heated biggrin.gif

Daniel's intact, and I'm an "intactivist", but only if someone is on the fence about this decision. I don't judge people who feel strongly about having it done---but I feel just as strongly about not doing it to my children.

ammommy replied: You know, it never occured to me not to get it done until the doc asked about our prererences.

ions_momma replied: I agree with the other people who said that it is just a personal opinion. You should be able to do what you feel is right.

luvbug00 replied: I was just wondering because thease ladies on the other site were going back and forth. there was an entire forem on the topic and about 4 pages on why to and why not to do it. I don't want to start an unwanted debate but I was just wondering what's all the hubbub for? could you inform me on the sid of the intactivist?

mckayleesmom replied: The debates usually form because some people believe that circumsising your baby helps keep their little tallywackers cleaner and if you don't do might cause infection.....Then there are woman that say that they chose not to circumsize because there has never been any real research done to prove that it causes infection and think that people that chose to circumsize bring unwanted pain on their babies.......I think thats my view of how the debates get started anyways.

Kaitlin'smom replied: I agree its a personal choise, and alot of the heat of it comes form the people who dont want to respect anothers choise on what they think is right and wats best for there family. JMO

DansMom replied: These are my reasons:

Circumcision is not normal, even though it's the norm in the US. The organ is perfectly designed by our creator or by natural selection (depending on your beliefs) to function, self-protect and self-clean in its original form. It's easy to keep clean---not any harder than keeping girl-parts clean.

Circumcision began as a regional religious practice in biblical times, and in the US centuries later grew in popularity as a treatment for masturbation, infidelity and epilipsy (back in the days of quack medicine). The idea was to desensitize the male so he wouldn't touch himself or stray from his wife. Other medical reasons, more modern in appeal, replaced those early medical reasons, but they weren't based on statistics or fact. In my opinion, today it's just one more line-item on your hospital bill---they make money on it, so they keep it going. In many European countries it's not the norm at all (I think in Sweden only 4% of boys are circumcised, something like that). Official health organizations in the US have finally published statements that the procedure is not medically necessary.

Although it's seen as routine, the procedure is surgical, errors do occur, and I wouldn't take the risk for my child. More and more boys are not being circumcised, so I'm not worried about locker-room issues (and I have answers ready to give Daniel should he or anyone else ask about his differences). I also don't think an infant just born needs to be subjected to that kind of pain and recovery for no reason (at least not my child). I know they recover and forget, but it doesn't seem necessary.

I don't begrudge other people's choices on this, nor do I judge other moms for making a different choice.

DansMom replied:
Brianne, thank you for "tallywackers"---that made my day rolling_smile.gif

luvbug00 replied: alright. Thanks for the info. wink.gif

Kaitlin'smom replied:
laugh.gif me to

mckayleesmom replied:
Your welcome!! biggrin.gif

My2Beauties replied: If I ever had a boy I would have it done. Just my personal decision like Brianne said, because I've known guys who have grown up hating the fact that they weren't done, but then I've known other guys who don't mind it! (please don't you guys think I've done anything with all these guys - LOL rolling_smile.gif, just friends of mine)!! The ones who didn't like it always had major problems down there. But I hold nothing against parents who don't do it.

My2Beauties replied: I want to add to, I don't think it's medically necessary neither. Dans mom is right. Also, I'm not saying the guys problems due to their uncurcumsized "tallywacker", if you will, was because of anything medical, who knows maybe they irritated it or something. I don't know, I've never seen an uncircumsized one before laugh.gif Hey - what does it look like unsure.gif ? i'm being serious, so don't laugh guys laugh.gif

Kaitlin'smom replied:
I did know know either so I looked it up on the net. That was back when the episode of Friends were oin and Joey siad he had not been and monica said it would be like growing a turtleneck, so I had to knwo what it looked liked.

Josie83 replied: For me it is not personally a hot topic, I think it is personal decision. It is not something I've even considered . . . but then I had a baby girl so its not something that even cropped up wink.gif laugh.gif I think its important to be respectful of other people's decisions and realise that it is a personal choice for you and your baby xx

luvbug00 replied: from experence, it's a worm with a turtle neck on..and he goes inside to hide somtimes.

3xsthefun replied: To me it is a personal choice, and should not be a debate. But I have seen on other sites where mothers get into heated debates over it. If we should ever happen to have another baby and the baby is a boy, then yes we would have it done.

MomToMany replied: It is a personal choice to me. The boys are circumcised, but if we ever have another, he will NOT be. I've learned a lot about since Ethan was little, so I'm not doing it again.

Insanemomof3 replied: I just remembered something a doctor told me on the subject. You know how with scar tissue, the scar is pretty much numb? Well, circumsision tends to make things a little less sensitive due to the scar tissue, and well, ummmm some research went on (don't know where) and guys who were not cut felt more pleasure during woohoo sessions. laugh.gif

mysweetpeasWil&Wes replied: Not a hot topic for me unless someone were to attack me for not doing it. I'm a Jewish mother yet I have an uncirc son. Tradition is tradition, but I find it completely DH isn't. wink.gif

I agree with you brianne. I had both of the boys done only because Dh was not and at 16 he had to have it done (not sure why) and he had so much pain and the doctor told me that it is nit as painful when they are little so i thought i would save them the pain of it later in life, however if i had it to do over i might not have.JMO

jcc64 replied: Tracy- that's the best explanation for not circ'ing I've seen yet.

JessC replied: Well, DF is circumsized and so is my older brother from what Ive heard, and if I have a boy it will be circumzied.
My little brother is NOT and when he went into the hospital last month, because my step dad had not shown him the proper way to clean it! dry.gif mad.gif dry.gif mad.gif

Anyways, he almost had to be circumsized, I think its personal choice, just like brianne said and thats what I think, JMO. wink.gif smile.gif

Tracy, that was a good explanation! I like the way you put it. thumb.gif rolling_smile.gif

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