I need advice
SJaye wrote: I need advice. I took a pregnancy test yesterday afternoon, and it turned up positive. There was definitely two pink lines, however one was rather faint. I know its a possibility, because my period was due on the 15th April, well it never showed, and I thought, it could be one week late, and due on the 21st April, but it's now the 28th and it hasn't showed itself. The main reason I thought it could be due around the 21st is because I've just recently come off Implanon (mid January 2005) so it was a bit messed up for a little while. So my main question is, is there such a thing as a false positive, when it comes to pregnancy tests? I plan on taking another test tomorrow. But all the same I'm curious.
Hillbilly Housewife replied: I think you should take the 2nd test.... if it comes out positive too, see a doctor, to be sure.
I took a pg test once where I was the only one that saw the line, it was so faint. Nobody else believed me...until I got the blood test done at the clinic.
Good luck!
ediep replied: when I took my first peg test there was a faint line. I took the next one the next morning and the line was darker. Try again with your first pee of the day, it may show up darker.
Good luck
SJaye replied: Thanks. Just one question though ... what happens if the second test is negative. I'm thinking I'll still go the doctors and get it checked out, ya never know, I suppose.
Hillbilly Housewife replied: If the 2nd test is negative, then you're probably not pregnant. But check with a doctore, just in case.
SJaye replied: Okay, thanks.
angelhair replied: hello, the most accurate is a blod test from your doctor to check for hcg, but I had such a faint line that I kept on holding it to the light to make sure it was still there and low and behole I was pregnant. I agree though the best thing is to go to doctor and get a blood test otherwisw you could be like me and had over your paycheck to the god of pregnancy tests!!! love see
SJaye replied: Well I took the second pregnancy test today. It was positive. I'm not sure of my feelings right about now. You see, its a little complicated. You see, I'm engaged, and my fiancee and I are planning to get married on the 18th Feb 2006. Honesty I'm wondering if it can still be pulled off on the 18th Feb 2006, with a baby. Cause, judging by the first day of my last period (which was 19th March 2005) the baby is due around the 24th December 2005. I'm telling my fiancee tonight.
mysweetpeasWil&Wes replied: Keep us posted! I'm always thrilled to hear someone is PG...so congrats! But I'm sorry if things are complicated for you right now...let us know how telling your fiance went!
mammag replied: Well, that would give you a month and a half afterwards. If you have a lot of the planning done before hand and then just do the finishing touches after baby is born, I think you would be fine. I guess it also depends on how elaborate of a wedding you are having.
Congrats on the pg though! Does your fiance have any idea that you are pregnant? Do you think he'll be happy about it?
Hillbilly Housewife replied: Well....as it says on my youngest's last bib.... Spit happens.
No seriously... ifyou're healthy, and you watch your weight (around 30 pounds to gain if you're not overweight, and between 15-20 if you are overweight - at least according to the doctors I've been to, I was never anywhere NEAR that, I doubled and tripled that... ) you shouldn't have any problems fitting into your dress.
I'm sorta going through thte same thing... my dress is bought, fitted....and now, I'll have to let it out a bit - but tailors and seamstresses can do it no problem should you need to have it bigger.
GOod luck...and keep us posted on telling your fiance!
SJaye replied: Thanks guys.
Well Rhyce took it surprisingly well, after the forever silence. He actually seems happier than me at the moment. Not hard though, considering...
As for the wedding. I haven't got my dress sized yet. But I normally sway between 50kg-53kg (I haven't weighed myself in a while) I wouldn't say I'm overweight. The only thing I'm a little worried about, is the bust and the hips. You're hips to get wider or whatever right? I think I heard that somewhere. I have a relatively small bust, so I'm not so worried about that with the dress. It's going to be a rennaisance/Lord of the Rings style dress anyway so it won't be that bad.