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I feel like a monster

MyBabeMaddie wrote: Steve and I have been fighting a lot lately, its like everything he did all of a sudden started to annoy me, Today was he birthday and we broke up this morning. Long story I guess, I just feel like an @ss. dry.gif

luvmykids replied: hug.gif

I had a few boyfriends who were REALLY great, nice, solid decent guys but everything would drive me insane after a few months. I would try to keep my cool and end up blowing up and dumping them some horrible way or with horrible timing...I still don't know why blush.gif

MyBrownEyedBoy replied: Sweetie, these things happen. And usually for a reason. I know how much you liked him. You're not a monster. It isn't easy to break up. Keep your chin up.

My3LilMonkeys replied: hug.gif hug.gif

moped replied: Oh I am so sorry - is it something you can work out?

A&A'smommy replied: The other girls are right you aren't a monster, its all part of the dating process and usually a break up happens for a reason if he was driving you crazy now imagine a couple months from now wink.gif hug.gif hug.gif I'm sorry sweetie!!! hug.gif hug.gif

PrairieMom replied: hug.gif

bawoodsmall replied: Dont feel bad. You were going with what you felt so as long as you are honest to yourself. These things happen.

CantWait replied: I'm sorry. hug.gif hug.gif hug.gif

Insanemomof3 replied: hug.gif hug.gif hug.gif

Calimama replied: I'm sorry hun, I hope you work things out if that's what you want. hug.gif

lovemy2 replied: I am sorry hun - but IMO is there really ever a GOOD time to break up with someone hug.gif hug.gif I hope if you want that you can work it out - hug.gif

mysweetpeasWil&Wes replied: Sounds like you got the "ick"...That's what my GFs and I called it in college when you couldn't stand just about everything the guy was doing. It was always a clear sign to move on. Once you got the ick, there is no getting rid of it IMO. Sorry though. It's never easy breaking up. hug.gif

wcs40110 replied: Its unfortunant it happened on his birthday but better now than later. your not a monser.

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