I caught the stomach virus
Maddie&EthansMom wrote: I started getting queasy around 9 last night and threw up continuously between 10 and 2. Then started getting diarrhea with the vomiting. (sorry tmi) It's tapered off some, but I feel like I've been hit by a truck. Scotty got Maddie ready for school this morning and Ethan just woke up and is watching cartoons. I need for him to be a good boy today so I can rest. And I can only pray he doesn't get sick. I am really missing out on our cuddle time this morning
booey2 replied: Tons of hugs and get well quick vibes to you. This is no way to spend you birthday. Lets kick that bug to the curb. Also sending some good boy vibes for Ethan, that he lets his great mommy rest.
BAC'sMom replied: So sorry and on your birthday no doubt.
Hope you get to feeling better soon.
punkeemunkee'smom replied: I am sorry! That is noway to spend your birthday!
Kaitlin'smom replied: I hope you feel better soon
I remember when I was sick DH stayed home the first day with us and the next day Kait stayed home with me so was so much better than I ever thought she would be, she would get my rag wet for me and get me water. We just hung out and napped together. I hope Ethan is just as good for you.
ediep replied: oh no Aimee!!! and on your birthday.....
well, having just been through that stomach bug I wanted to give you a take care of yourself. Rest, try to drink, it will pass
MommyToAshley replied:
I'm so sorry you have to spend your birthday sick. It sounds horrible. I am glad to hear Maddie is feeling better... I hope the bug passes quickly for you as well. Get rest and feel better soon.
coasterqueen replied: Aimee. Not a good way to spend your birthday. Happy Birthday, even though I know it's not good timing.
I hope you feel better REAL soon.
KingMom replied: So sorry to hear you are sick on your birthday Aimee, get well quick!
Sarah&Mackenzie replied: Hope you feel better soon!!!
b&bsmom replied: So sorry. ((((good boy vibes))))) ((((keep away germs vibes)))))) stay away you nasty germs feel good soon
amymom replied: Awww feel better soon!!!
jcc64 replied: Oh hon, I'm sorry you're sick on your b-day. But after cleaning up all that puke, it's sort of inevitable that you take your turn at bat. I remember having the stomach bug on my 40th birthday- dh had arranged a huge party- friends flying in from out of town, the whole deal- and I spent most of it with my head in the toilet. Hope it passes fast, and you can party a day or two later.
3xsthefun replied: Sorry you are sick on your birthday.
Hope you are feeling better soon!
C&K*s Mommie replied: Hope this passes quickly for you, and Ethan will not be the next to get it. Three out of four family members are enough with this virus. Many GET WELL wishes!!
mommyto2 replied: I hope you are feeling better.
My 3 yr old just got out of the hospital on Friday. She has Rotavirus. Most children get the virus but she just couldn't handle it without medical intervention. It was so hard to watch them poke and prode my baby trying to figure out what was wrong.
CAMSMOM1 replied: Oh no, poor thing! I'm so sorry you are sick, on your birthday. I'm glad Scotty is going to take you out on Sunday, so you can celebrate. I hope you feel better soon.
ashtonsmama replied: I'm so sorry you're feeling yucky...and on your birthday too! Hope you feel better ASAP!
AlexsPajamaMama replied: Get better soon!! DS had that saturday night and all day sunday, then I had it all day tuesday and feel 100% better today. Its awful while it lasts though
Oh and my Dad had it last night and is at work today not feeling good still
JAYMESMOM replied: I know how you feel it hit me around 10 last night. We had an appt for an eval at FOC today so I had to get out of bed. Now I am waiting for DH to get home from Nick's bowling lesson and give them dinenr and then I am back to bed.
Kirstenmumof3 replied: I hope you feel better soon! Sending Get Well Vibes Your Way!
holley79 replied: I'm so sorry you got sick. I hope that you got to feeling better.
Nina J replied: Hope you get better soon!