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I can change the litter box now??

coasterqueen wrote: This had me ROFL last night. DH always takes out the trash and cleans the litter boxes out on Tuesday. Well last night he was doing this and I asked him if he would like me to do it so he could be with DD. He said "you can't change the litter boxes since your pg, I mean since your nursing". I was ROFL! I replied "no, that was only when I was pg, I can now". He dropped the garbage on the floor (oops) and said "WHAT!?!"

laugh.gif He thought there was a safety issue with changing the litter and nursing. Darn! dry.gif I wish I wouldn't have said anything. He still changed the boxes, but I think it will be my turn last week. I should have kept my big mouth shut. LOL!

emlaugh.gif emlaugh.gif

Kaitlin'smom replied: can we? I still have DH do that cause I did not think I should.

Oh I did have to once after Kaitlin was born but I wore a mask and gloves...LOL rolling_smile.gif

supermom replied: I don't think that changing the litter box is a no-no when you are nursing, only while you are PG can you harm the baby with the lovely disease toxoplasmosis......

DansMom replied: I was paranoid while pregnant, so did a bunch of research and this is what I learned:

If your cats are indoor cats who never catch mice or other little critters, and as long as you don't feed them raw meat, there is little to no danger even when you're PG (although it's best not to take the chance!!). The toxoplasmosis bacteria is in the raw meat they eat---and that's why we have to have well-cooked steaks ourselves when we're PG. Cats are able to pass the bacteria to humans who handle their poops for about two weeks after they've ingested raw meat. I also read that if you yourself have ever been exposed to the bacteria and developed immunity there's no danger. I grew up handling grubby barn cats all the time, so I was pretty sure I had already developed an immunity, but I still had someone else do the catbox while I was pregnant.

If they are outdoor cats, even if they don't eat birds and mice they can mess around in dirt where other critters have pooped and bring it into the house. The danger is that in early pregnancy, first trimester especially, toxoplasmosis can lead to miscarriage. That is the one danger associated with taxoplasmosis that I could discover, so I guess nursing and catbox changing are okay.

MommyToAshley replied: I tried to convince DH that it was dangerous for me to do the laundry (we don't have cats), but he didn't fall for it. sad.gif

Kaitlin'smom replied:
LOL your so silly! rolling_smile.gif

Hillbilly Housewife replied: rofl!!

Laundry... I wonder if MY DH would fall for that? He already doesn't let me change the garbage in the kitchen, because he thinks the bag is too heavy.... rolleyes.gif


amynicole21 replied: Actually, on kellymom's site it says to avoid it while nursing... I've been milking this one for a loooooong time wink.gif

juliajaj replied: I agree with DansMom. We I found out I was pregnant with Olivia, I asked our vet. My cat was 4 years old, hadn't been outside since she was 6 months old. He said it's only an issue with outside cats. He said I had more of a risk gardening without wearing gloves since all sorts of animals (mice, cats, dogs, squirrels, birds, etc.) visit the garden. DH said he would scoop out the box anyway. I think I only scooped it out a couple of times while I was pregnant. I resumed scooping duties after Olivia was born.

Kirstenmumof3 replied: rolling_smile.gif rolling_smile.gif rolling_smile.gif OMG that is too funny! I remember doing something simmilar after I had my first DD! I read my DH the discharge orders from the hospital were no heavy lifting or vacuming. Or course I was reading him the stuff you couldn't do after you had a C-Section! It wasn't until we took our prenatal classes when I was pregnant with DS that he found out! rolling_smile.gif rolling_smile.gif rolling_smile.gif

Kaitlin'smom replied:
well I would rather be safe, so I will continute to let us think no while nursing....

CantWait replied: LMBO you and your big mouth ohmy.gif That's too funny rolling_smile.gif

coasterqueen replied:
ROFLMAO!!!! Don't think mine would go for it either. rolling_smile.gif

coasterqueen replied:
Hmmmm, I'll have to check this out. Thanks Amy!

coasterqueen replied:
LOL! Least you got away with it for awhile. LOL. emlaugh.gif

A&A'smommy replied: Ya'll i wish i could do that but my conseous (sp??) wont let me.... dry.gif i have to take out that trash or through a trantrum to get him to do it, and i do ALL the laundry icluding bringing it up and downstairs and im always afraid im going to fall...grrrr...but my kitty ran away so i dont have to worry about changing the litter box anymore bawling.gif .. well anyways ya'll are funny!!!!!! biggrin.gif

coasterqueen replied:
Awww, I'm so sorry. Did your kitty just run away recently? My kitty ran away one time for 14 days, I thought she was never going to come back but all of a sudden she showed up on my doorstep. I was so happy!

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