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I am in DEEP hot water... - And I can't swim!

3xmommy wrote: Omg I am so stupid you guys sad.gif

This guy emailed me offering a job... I said, sure, tell me what it is.
He mails back and says all I have to do is cash some money orders (that came from a guy who owed him cash...) and send him the money through Western Union, keeping 10% for myself. Well, I got a package from UPS today that had $7,000 in traveller's checks in it... I thought "Oh crap...".

I did NOT go to the bank... because I figured on money laundering. He wanted the money in AFRICA. Today I got mail from him saying he needed it split and sent to three different people... not the original deal. I called American Express (which is where they came from) and gave 'em all the check numbers. ALL COUNTERFIET!
He told me that and I nearly wet myself on the spot! I was so scared!

He said I wasn't the only one though and said as long as I cooperate with them, I won't be in trouble. Problem is... sure, they won't bother me... but what happens when that guy finds out he's in trouble? Oh God I'm so dumb sad.gif

I didn't think twice... we don't have much money and the thought of going to buy me a pair of shoes and mabey a pair of pants got in my way... if you guys get an email like the one I got, ignore it!!!

Thanks for letting me get it all out.

A&A'smommy replied: wow thats nuts, I hope they get it worked out quickly!!

1lilpeanut2love replied: Some people need to get a life. I'm sorry you're in such hot water. I hope you get it all worked out! hug.gif hug.gif

My3LilMonkeys replied: That is a bigtime SCAM and I'm sorry you got taken in by it. I'm glad you were smart enough not to try and cash them. hug.gif

mysweetpeasWil&Wes replied: Yikes! I've heard about those email scams...Sorry it happened to you.

3xmommy replied: I just can't believe I fell for it! I used to think I was fairly smart... not now sad.gif(

I am so stressed! sad.gif(

holley79 replied: WE have been doing a lot of reports on this lately. Don't even reply to those types of email. They are all crooks. We have a lot of people that are in very hot water right now because of it. You were right to not cash them. thumb.gif

gr33n3y3z replied: cooperate with them and then watch your back
bc they have your address and make sure thet the law lets you know what is going on also and American Express this is a dangerous business

Sorry this happend to you

Just remember if it sounds good forget it

hug.gif hug.gif hug.gif hug.gif

J-rod replied: you'll be ok....this scam has been going on for a long time. i once sold a set of mustang rims for $400...guy wanted to send me a check for $4000 and me to send the rest to his "friend" in nigeria. rolleyes.gif yea ok.....dont worry these guys are just middle men for a big scam.....he will never get to you...ever....he is just some small pion. glad you did the right thing and your not out 7000 dollars.

Jamison'smama replied: This is a common scam --it happened to a friend of mine through Ebay--a man made a big purchase, paid hundreds more than the item cost then wanted the money back less 100.00 for "your trouble" the money order was fake as well. They count on some people figuring it out. It's hard to trace back to the scammers so they aren't too worried about being turned in.

Hillbilly Housewife replied: ohmy.gif ohmy.gif

oh no!

ohmy.gif ohmy.gif

i feel soooo stupid now... I'm waiting on some $$ too.... I mean I WAS waiting on some "money"... I drew the line at giving m,y personal info though... I gave my old address - where my mail is being forwarded from...


blush.gif blush.gif

Don't feel stupid... it happens to the best of us... emlaugh.gif

mckayleesmom replied: I get those emails about 2 times a week...I just erase them.

lisar replied: I have never even heard of that scam. Glad I know now. I hope everything gets worked for you.

Bee_Kay replied: I get those kind of emails a couple times a week also....

usually I just erase them... but if I am feeling feisty, I reply with a very unlady-like response tongue.gif

ashtonsmama replied:

How scary, never gonna do that one again, huh?

J-rod replied: i just got this email this morning...these guys never quit...and FYI - you are not the first or will be the last to fall victim to their quite sure youll be ok.

TheOaf66 replied: Yours is not an uncommon situation. This scam has been goin on for about 4 yrs now, so you did everything right. Any kind of money order, traveler cheque, and especially some big amount of money (from Nigeria). This scam is someone tries to contact you saying they are a long lost relative or something and then they say send a cashiers check for about 2000.00 to them and they will send you 500,000.00 in return, do not under any circumstances fall for this one.

luvmykids replied: We had an employee fall for a similar one, he gave them his bank account number so they could wire money to him and have him distribute it and keep a commission. All that happened was they drained his account!

My2Beauties replied: ohmy.gif I hadn't heard of this, glad I never look at my junk mail. I never look at that stuff anyways it always seems to good to be true.

kit_kats_mom replied: Sorry to break it to you Rocky. I believe you've been had by the Nigerian Bank Scheme. I'd notify the authorities and bank immediately.

Nigerian bank scams
A very common type of email fraud is advance fee fraud schemes. The perpetrators of advance fee fraud (sometimes referred to as Nigerian or foreign bank scams) are often very creative and innovative. This fraud is also called 4-1-9 fraud after the section of the Nigerian penal code that addresses fraud schemes. Nigerian nationals, purporting to be officials of government or banking institutions, will fax or email letters to individuals and businesses in the US and other countries. The correspondence states that a reputable foreign company or individual is needed for the deposit of an overpayment on a procurement contract. Some variations of this scheme have the son or daughter of a murdered official plead for your assistance in depositing an inheritance in a US bank. Individuals are asked to provide funds to cover various fees, and also asked for personal identifiers such as Social Security numbers, bank account numbers, and other similar data. Once this information is received, the victims often find that their bank accounts are emptied. It is hard to pinpoint how much has been lost in these scams since many victims do not report their losses to authorities due to fear or embarrassment.

If you receive this type of message, you may report it to the US Secret Service for its ongoing investigation of this type of fraud; forward the message with full headers to . For more information, see the Secret Service web site at:

moped replied: WOW cary - those are good articles..................

Hillbilly Housewife replied: yikes!

I'm calling my bank right now!

CantWait replied: hug.gif Sorry you got conned, that really sucks. I wouldn't worry to much about it though, everything is going to work out ok, and like J-Rod said these are probably just middle men and they won't be coming back at ya for fear of getting caught. hug.gif

MomtoPate replied: OMG....I had never heard of something like this!!! Thank goodness you called AE asap and therefore you will not get in any trouble from this. I am so sorry that this happened to you.

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