I Can't sleep... Scared too
mummy2girls wrote: Iam so terrified to fall asleep, even though i am so tired i could pass out. I cant seem to allow myself to close my eyes because i am scared i will have bad dreams. I was so close to admitting myself into the physiactric(sp?) ward at the hospital because i was just feeling i was going to harm myself. I did talk to someone and will continue too! I am scared because i had dreams Of jordan shortly after i lost him , in where he asked why i killed him! Why oh why can i not have sons? I just dont get it. I am so upset right now! Im glad jenna is at my moms because i feel i will snap at her. Please can someone help me ease my mind so i can fall alseep in peace? I know i said i would be MIA but after reading those sweet words i feel like i need to be here..at least in this forum for now
Mommy2BAK replied: Oh sweetie
We love you so much and I am so terribly sorry to hear about your loss , Joshua will forever be in our thoughts We are here for you!
I love you, I wish I was closer to you to just give you a shoulder to cry on, you are in my thoughts and prayers.
Kaitlin'smom replied: OH SHELLY I hope your getting some rest. i to wish I could be there for you in person. Try and rest and know YOU DID NOTHING WRONG.
gr33n3y3z replied: You did nothing wrong Shelly
Your so tired your mind is starting to wonder about things you need to get some sleep
amymom replied: Oh Shelly I am so sorry. Please get some rest and know we are here for you. Boy I wish I knew what it was that would ease your mind.
I am glad you have family support and professional support. Please keep talking to those people It will help you best.
mom2tripp replied: I can only imagine what you must be going through and it must be horrible. I hope that you have someone that is close to you that you can turn to in this time. I know that we are all here for you if you ever need to talk---SOOO SORRY SHELLY
luvbug00 replied: Shelly I am truely sorry for your loss .. I know how hard this is for you. We are all here if you want to talk.
Shelly, also there is a disease called incontinentia pigmenti. It is a gene that runs threw females. we have it on Brads side of the family. His aunt has it with this gene woman with this gene can not carry males. It is very rare here is the link.. http://imgen.bcm.tmc.edu/IPIF/nipfgene.htm#Wrong
Again I am soo sorry.
amynicole21 replied: I wish I knew what to say.
Nathansmom replied: You did nothing wrong Shelly! I'm glad you have someone you can talk to. I know we don't know each other well, but I am here for you if you need me. I am going to email you my phone #, since I'm so close, I can be there in minutes if you need someone!
angelhair replied: shelly I am so very sorry for everything! my heart is breaking and as soon as I read your post i said oh no! have you talked to the doctor to take anything for the anxiety and sleeplessness. after such a shock i am not surprized you cannot sleep. again i am so so sorry. love dee
A&A'smommy replied: awwww hun have you asked about maybe getting something to help you sleep!!! It is NOT your fault sometimes things happen to us that we may not be able to understand!!! If you need anything at all please don't hesitate to ask us or someone close to you please do NOT hurt yourself!!!!
CantWait replied: I'm so sorry Shelly. There's nothing you could have done to prevent this and it's simply not your fault. Please try and get some rest. If you can't go to the ER and see if they can give you something to sleep. You really need it to heal.
ediep replied: I hope you are getting some rest now
I am so sorry Shelly
Sarah&Mackenzie replied: I wish I knew what to say to make you feel better. All I can do is offer you my support and I am praying for you!!!
chloe&tysmommy replied: Oh Shelly please don't blame yourself!! You had no control over what happened ...I'm so sorry
You should talk with your doctor and maybe he can give you something to sleep..you need your rest
huggybugboy replied: I am so sorry for your loss. The only thing I can do for you is to pray. And I will.