How much for babysitting?
MM'sMama wrote: Hey everyone I was wondering if you could help with this. My little sister just turned 16 and was asked by a neighbor if she would want a summer job watching her grandson for her son. A little background on the situation is this. He's a single dad (21 I believe) he just starting working at his job. Before he was the stay at home dad because the mom made more. But about 4 months ago she walked out on them so now he has returned to work. It would be about 32 hours a week and the little boy is 3. So the question is how much should she charge this boys dad? My sister wants to charge him some what low and cut him a break. What do you all think would be fair? And should it be a weekly charge or per hour? TIA
mammag replied: Is it five days a week? What are the hours going to be?
mckayleesmom replied: Hum...Ladee dee ladee dee....Im thinking maybe a flat rate of 100 dollars a week sounds pretty fair if shes trying to help him out.
amymom replied: Will your sister be fully responsible for everything, feeding etc. Or will GRandma of 3 yr old be around to help? I think 75 to 100 would be reasonable if she is trying to help out the dad. What is he going to do when your sis goes back to school?
A&A'smommy replied: When I use to babysit I charged 5 dollars an hour... since she wants to cut him a break 75 to 100 dollars a week sounds fair, thats also pretty good for a 16 year old!
Insanemomof3 replied: IMO, I would only charge about 50 a week. Ok, he is 21, what kind of job does a 21 year old single dad have? If it is better than a minimum wage job, good for him! But chances are it is minimum. 100 a week would be about half what he brings home. Not really helping him out.
Childcare here, by a professional for one child is $400 a month. I would say that her getting 50 a week should be good. Maybe I am way off here, but that is my opinion!
I think it is awesome though that she is willing to help him out.
luvbug00 replied: I personally think this isn't a good Idea. I don't know if there will be another adult home with her or what the laws are your state but here there are laws to how long a person under 18 can care for a younger child. So she's be with a 3 year old for about 6 hours if he works every day, or 8 hours for 4 days a week then that's alot of time! When I was 21 no one cut me a break even family so I kinda don't have much sympathy there. I think you sister is probaly a very responcible 16 year old and must be very smart and sweet to be asked to take on such an important task. I just think this young man should look into a homesitter or get help from the government. No one is too good for to ask for help when you need it.
SOUTHERN MOMMY replied: It all should depend on what he makes if he makes 400 a week then 100 is good if he only makes 250 a week then 100 would be way to much i feel like she should ask him what he can afford if not i would say $15.00 per day that is right in the middle of 50 or 100 a week
Boys r us replied: I would say $15/per day
ions_momma replied: I would say about $15 or $20 a day, or about $75 dollars a week depending on how she wants to be paid (by the week in full or by the day).
MM'sMama replied: Thank you so much everyone for the replys and help .
mckayleesmom: Thank you I think it is really sweet of her to do, I remember how hard is was for Dh and I and I am very proud of her.
Her hours will be 4 days a week and it will be from 1pm to 7pm so really only 24 hours per week. His grandma will take him the rest of the time.
She will be reasonable for feedings etc.. As far as when summer is over with I am not sure but his grandma said they only needed her for the summer.
She baby sits for others around our area and she usuallt charges $5 an hour too but she really wants to cut him a break.
She is very reasonable and is trained in CPR and infant CPR and first aid. She usually baby sits full time during the summer so I do feel she ca handle this well. And my mom will always be right next door if needed and I am only 3 blocks away.
happymom:I totally understand where you are coming from I had DS when I was very young and I know how hard it is DH and I struggled a LOT in the beginning. I am truly sorry if I touched a tender spot that was honestly not my intension. However I am very proud of her and proud that she is willing to cut him a break.
Thanks again everyone for the replys and help she talked to him and he said he could afford to pay her $85 a week for un tp 30 hours if need be and his mom (the boys grandma) said she will pay her $2 an hour past that is she has to work late or anything.
amymom replied: It all sounds good! I am glad you and your mom are nearby for her to call on in a big emergency. She does sound very responsible and I do know that a 16 yr can handle this responsibility. I hope she saves some of her money and enjoys some too.
JessC replied: That is the going rate here for my brother to go to a babysitter, and trinity is right, he is a single dad, and im sure he cant afford a WHOLE lot KWIM?!
Gammy2 replied: I do in home babysitting and i make $15.00 per day and if 2 kids then $10.00 for the second. I babysit from 2:00pm until 8:00pm. This is what i make from private pay. For the oneswith help from the state i get $17.00/day per child plus an alotment for food from the state also. (which isn't much). Good luck to your sister and sounds reasonable to me. Also, i live in WV and pay rates on everything is low.