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How long did you breastfeed for?

Nina J wrote: I only breast feed Emily for 2 months, but I wish I could've gone longer. I got really sick and was taking so many medications I had to stop sad.gif
I have a lot of friends who are telling me it's not worth it to go for more than 6 months, but I'd like to go until at least one year old. But, since I don't know anyone who's breastfeed for longer than 6 months, can you give me some good pro's?
I just want to hear other people's experiences, since my friends are fairly useless laugh.gif

amynicole21 replied: You'll find a lot of extended breastfeeders on this board wink.gif I nursed Sophia until she was 26mos and she weaned herself. In fact, I don't know if I would have gone as long as I did with Sophia if I didn't know people on here who also nursed past 2. (Thanks guys!)

Extended nursing is a great way to give comfort to your baby, ensure they are getting lots of nutrients - especially if they are sick and don't want to eat anything or are on a food jag. Baby needs formula or bmilk for at least 12mos, so nursing past 6mos was just automatic for me - didn't want to spend all the money on formula and was too lazy to fix bottles all the time wink.gif Mostly though, I kept it up until she weaned herself because I didn't want to put her through any traumatic weaning process.

I'm sure others will have reasons for why THEY bfed past 6mos. It's all about what you feel is right for your family. Don't let others make up your mind for you. You'll always find tons of support for it here. hug.gif

EvesMom replied: I will nurse Evey as long as she wants. The biggest pro for me is the convenience. The breast is always avaiable when she is hungry, and clean up is a breeze! happy.gif
Plus the bond is real strong. When she does wean herself I don't know what I'm gonna do.

aspenblue1 replied: I nursed Isabella for about 13 months until she wasn't interested in it anymore. I still nurse Kyrsten, she is 9 months, and will continue until at least 12 months.

Jamison'smama replied: I nursed Jamison until she was around 25 months then she self weaned because I was pregnant, I am still nursing Jack at 15 months. I certainly planned to nurse until 12 months. Why introduce formula if you don't have to? Then convenience, their desire, the bonding etc. just took over. I was grateful on many occasions when Jama was sick with Rotavirus or any other intestinal problems that I could nurse---it was what kept her from dehydrating--for some reason she could keep down breastmilk and nothing else. I love the ability to instantly comfort them. Co-sleeping and nursing will be some of my favorite memories.

supermom replied: Ditto what everyone else said. My kids are still "close" (and Emily is still co-sleeping) even after quitting nursing. They BOTH still love to cuddle, and Anders will be 6 in less than a week. It's a great feeling knowing your kids really love to snuggle with you!

I nursed Anders until he was 3 1/2 yrs and Emily until she was abotu 28-29 mos (she'd go for days without asking for booby, then out of the blue want it - never refused her, it was a comfort thing, obviously, by that time).

I can't remember my kids ever being that sick, even after they started daycare (love those nursing antibodies!).

Even after 6 mos, they would still not be able to drink whole milk, and I was like Amy, didn't want to spend the $$ and too lazy to make bottles - teehee - so nursing was just SO convenient.

Hope you decide to go "all the way" - it's a GREAT experience.

~Roo'sMama~ replied: ITA with everyone here. It's a bit silly to say that it's not worth it to nurse past 6 months - like Amy said baby needs either breastmilk or formula until at least a year, so why switch to formula at 6 months if you're already nursing? The benefits of breastmilk don't go away after 6 months. Formula is a lifesaver when you can't nurse, but if you can, breastmilk is always best. wink.gif

paradisemommy replied: ita with what everyone else said..i nursed my son until he was 3 1/2 tandem nursed for a brief while and am currently nursing my 8 month old daughter.

i don't think there is anything more rewarding than watching a child breastfeed and knowing that you are responsible for helping this little one's growth and nourishment. the closeness that you share..even the littlest gestures of him/her carressing your side or hand or other breast absolutely melts my heart.

i chose to let them self-wean because i never wanted to put them through a tramatic experience also - they rely on you for food, nourishment and comfort - i think to just take that away from them would be a pretty devastating action.

my kids were hardly sick and when they were, it seemed they would get over it so quickly. and i'm with brenda, it was always comforting to me to know that while they were sick - they always kept the breastmilk down and always wanted it even if they didn't want any food.

and of course convenience is a great plus - no bottles, no sterilizing, no washing, no cleanup...

and for me - it is so awesome to know that you had the cure-all for every little bump, scrape, owie, pain by just offering a piece of yourself... wub.gif wub.gif

Kirstenmumof3 replied: 3 days with Emily, 15mths with Spencer and 2 years 4 mths with Claudia wub.gif

MyLuvBugs replied: I was only able to BF for 4-4 1/2 months, and only part time for those months. sad.gif I'm hoping this time will be different.

mom2tripp replied: Tripp nursed for 9 1/2 months and would not take it after that, I would have done if for as long as he wanted to thumb.gif

Lynda836 replied: I've just hit 7 months bf my son and he's still going strong. He does get the occasional bottle of formula just because I couldn't pump enough give expressed. I'm going back to work soon and will be away from my son and husband for several months so I have to wean totally to formula soon, but I'm trying to wait as long as possible. If I wasn't going back to work so soon, I would have tried to continue to bf until the end of my mat leave (1 yr).

ashtonsmama replied: Well, I wanted to nurse Ashton until he was 2 or longer, but now that I'm pregnant I'm thinking about just weaning him off round-the-clock feeding by the time the baby comes (maybe just bedtime and naptime feedings) and tandem nursing both of them. We'll see how that goes, but I'd really like to try at least.
And try to get in touch with your local LLLI (La Leche League) if you have one nearby...they've been super helpful to me so far, and they have meetings and groups and such for nursing moms, and lots of them nurse for longer than a year. Check the site out:
La Leche League website

Kaitlin'smom replied: wub.gif almost 15 months when she gave it up sad.gif I would have gone longer. I loved it, it was a wonderful experiece and if I were to have more I would most deffinalty do it again. Why past 6 months mostly cause she still needed it and it was sooo much cheeper, she did have some formula as I was not able to pump for her sad.gif It was deffianly easier than fixing a bottle and cleaning it up IMO. She is over 3 and still LOVES to snuggle with her mommy. wub.gif

holley79 replied: I think I am going to nurse Annika as long as I can. If for some reason I/ her decides not to nurse any longer then I will pump in a bottle and still give her BM.

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