How do back up your photos? - store online?
MommytoKKC wrote: I've been thinking i need to backup my photos on something other then a hard drive. I've heard you shouldn't just make CDs, though, because they don't last forever. Some people have told me they back them up through on line sites. How do you do yours? Is there a good site you recommend? Thanks
luvbug00 replied: photobucket. but i dont reccomend it. it's sooo confusing!
Marissa replied: Mozy is free up to 2GB, which is a lot of pictures. After the 2GB mark they have fees.
MommyToAshley replied: We duplicate them and back them up to another harddrive (so they are on our computer and then a back-up drive). Rod wrote a program to automate it. Then, I'd recommend storing the back-up drive in a fireproof safe. I know they are supposed to be secure, but I don't like the idea of uploading my photos to another company's harddrive.
mom21kid2dogs replied: Because we have lost pictures, I'm a little OCD about it. I never leave photos on the camera media. I download immediately, back them up to a CD and monthly archival CD which we keep in the bank safe deposit box. We also have an EHD set to back up all our photo programs. My sister and I have talked about an offsite online photo storage but have never done it. We do take about 2000 pics a year so our bank box is getting pretty full.
coasterqueen replied: Same here. We keep copies on CD's at the bank. We also have an internet source for back-up, then we also have them on an external harddrive for back-up. THEN we also put them on our family website so there is a back-up.........the only thing I never do is print them all out.
~Roo'sMama~ replied: All we do is put them on cd's. I have thought about putting them in an online photo bank, but we haven't gotten that far yet.
mom21kid2dogs replied: I've been getting better at printing them lately. For the last two years, my NY resolution was to print them like film~if I get 24, I print. It's actually been working pretty darn well!!
coasterqueen replied: I just decided not to print. Ya know. We have a digital frame that has a lot of the pics in there. Also, we do the printed scrapbooks every year that has a LOT of the pics in there as well and that's a $200 thing every year, so here, if you wanna look at pics, look at them on cd or in the scrapbook. If I printed out all the pics we have I'd never have anywhere to store them.
mom21kid2dogs replied: Yeah. I hear that! I went to a totally different form of scrapping where I do more monthly than single event LO's. I still do single event LO's but I incorporate them into the monthly portion of my scrapbook. In addition, I got 12X12's that have 6 slots of 4X6 openings per side. That way I can have all my pics and my scrapbooks scrapped in linear fashion.
Sorry to jack the original post
CantWait replied: I keep them on my camera until they are put in an album or printed, than I back them up on my external hard drive, and also on CD's. I just have way to many pictures.
A&A'smommy replied: I reccomend an external hardrive.. or two. We have a NAS (Network-attached storage) unit, and a home server. I'm married to a computer guy so in his mind these things are neccessary...