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How did they get a new DH last night - with the writers strike?

luvmykids wrote: I thought last night would be another rerun, but I'm watching it online now and it's new...did I miss something on the writers strike? blush.gif

mysweetpeasWil&Wes replied: I was wondering the same thing last night, but don't know what changed. GA will be new this Thursday too, yipee! DH sure was good, don't you think? I don't want to spoil it for anyone so I won't talk about it. wink.gif

Calimama replied: I loved it!! thumb.gif

My3LilMonkeys replied: It was written before the strike - they just decided to wait to air it (probably until it had little/no competition). There are still a few shows that have episodes left - and some like LOST that have a bunch they haven't aired yet.

Calimama replied:
Oh!! Smart move..

luvmykids replied:
Ahaaaaa....sneaky dogs rolling_smile.gif

It was a great episode! thumb.gif

lovemy2 replied: I think it was one of the last ones because if you noticed there were no coming attractions......I think it just wasn't on because of the holidays, etc. Sucks... mad.gif

AlexsPajamaMama replied: I agree it was an awesome show!!
And GA looks like a really good one too!!

What about Private Practice is that going to be new I havent heard so Im thinking probably not..bummer I love that show

luvmykids replied:
They are such teases.....give us a new episode and make us wait months and months to see what happens next dry.gif

CantWait replied: Awesome thumb.gif

Hillbilly Housewife replied: ARGGG i wanted to see it........ i didn't know it was playing! sad.gif

luvmykids replied:
go to, you can watch full episodes with limited commercial interruptions laugh.gif

Hillbilly Housewife replied:
oh sweeeeeeeeeeeeet! thanks!

luvmykids replied:
I watch a lot of shows that way now, fewer commercials and since we don't have DVR anymore I can still pause, etc for my meddling kids laugh.gif

Hillbilly Housewife replied:
growl.gif growl.gif

"only viewers within the United States can watch these full length episodes"

luvmykids replied:
ohmy.gif growl.gif That completely sucks!!!!!!!!!!!

Hillbilly Housewife replied: you're telling me

Kentuckychick replied: Yeah... blah.

Grey's final episode is Thursday night the "season finale" that's not really...
And I think last night was the final episode of DH but don't quote me on that. I think just about all of the shows are reaching the end now. I'm really ticked off about Scrubs -- I mean it was their LAST season and the stinkin' writers ruined it dry.gif

I say go back to work. I mean I understand to a point, but they should look at the money they make (LOADS) and think about the fact that they have put half of LA out of work. Really, I don't feel sorry for the writers. Those crew/production members don't make enough to begin with and now (with the exception of a few late night shows whose hosts were kind enough to continue paying them) they are going to be making nothing... yeah I know a few.

Now they're saying because it's gone on this long it will be at least January '09 before we start seeing new shows again. NOW COME ON... McSteamy and McDreamy could be old and gray by then bawling.gif

I personally think it's all a scam and they are ending all episodes convieniently at the beginning of election year which means we are going to be seeing LOADS of political mumbo jumbo and completely missing out on all the hottness and humor and drama and the things we look for in our weekly shows.

Anyone from Canada have room for a houseguest!?!?!?!
I'm moving in!

-- Lovingly --
Not bitter tongue.gif

luvmykids replied:
Holy you know what! ohmy.gif ohmy.gif ohmy.gif

Hillbilly Housewife replied:
WTF do you think WE watch? Little House on the Prairie?!


TV ain't no better here dear. hug.gif

Kentuckychick replied:
LOL, I KNOW you watch the same shows! But surely, SURELY you don't preempt every FIVE MINUTES during the US election year for "Update on the Iowa Caucus! 2008" and I just know the debates are coming up and I don't have the strength to watch.

At least maybe you guys will be showing reruns!! wink.gif

Hell "Little House on the Prarie" would be a better alternative. thumb.gif

PS -- if you do watch the election stuff -- I'll just go to Antarctica instead!

luvmykids replied:
I know, I KNOW growl.gif I hate debate season mad.gif

I actually loved Little House on the Prairie, I think my kids would like it too, so I'd gladly take it! laugh.gif

Hillbilly Housewife replied:
Yeah, actually... our programming is as annoying as yours. We unfortunately get the darn US caca del toro spiel every 5 minutes too.

Kinda happy i speak least french shows are midly entertaining, in a stupid slapstick comedy type of way... well compared to watching idiots prance around in a half-arsed attempt to show off who won't screw up more in the next 4 years....

Kentuckychick replied:
Oh ick... I apologize from all of us wink.gif

I'll just try Australia or Antarctica then... maybe even Europe -- I seen some British comedies that are pretty funny.

I guess it is important for y'all to know what's going on too. I mean the US must be like that annoying downstairs neighbor in an apartment with thin floors who's always causing a ruckus. It's important to know who's moving in next tongue.gif

Hillbilly Housewife replied:
Yeah but I mean come on. Even WE have a channel dedicated 100% to that crap. WE don't force it on our masses on every channel, every 5 minutes, thus forcing the OTHER part of America to watch it too. Only really during newsflashes during commercial breaks, or, well, the actual news.

Ya'll should have a government channel too. mad.gif

ETA: Just realized that sounded a bit harsh. I meant it in a nice way. emlaugh.gif

grapfruit replied:
Actually they DON'T make loads (the majority of the writers). There are only a few that are in a good position that make a lot of money. Most writers are out of work 2 years for every year they work.

From the Writer's Website: Most writers are middle class; 46% did not even work last year. Of those who do work, one quarter make less than $37,700 a year and 50% make less than $105,000 a year. Over a five year period of employment and unemployment, a writer's average income is $62,000 per year
(And I say: don't forget, most live in CA, where cost of living is high...)

The strike is not over wages or anything like that it's over residuals. Basically the money that comes from re-runs. This is what writers live on during that 2 years they're out of work, looking for work. More and more shows are never being re-run on tv, only on the internet. The networks AREN'T giving them the residuals on the shows on the internet. In a nut shell that's what they want. The residuals from the shows that re-run on the internet.

Their pentions and health plans are funded by the residuals. So if those go away so do the pentions and health plans, and then writers would be on a "pay per hire basis". And most (remember they have families too) wouldn't be able to survive.

Here's a link to the Writers Strike FAQ page
The information about the health and pention plans is near the bottom...

booey2 replied: Thanks for the heads up, I just went and read a recap and all I can say is WOW. Now someone go and kick those writers back to work now, LOL, I want more of the new shows back. rolling_smile.gif

holley79 replied: DH was awesome!!!

tammyhopkins replied: I am surprised tha tthe soap's are still running new episodes. i heard they were going to be reruns too and haven't yet.

This sucks i go on maternity leave for a year in March and there will be nothing to watch those late nights sitting up feeding dam that sucks.

jcc64 replied:

Bwahahahahaha! Very funny! rolling_smile.gif

I'm missing my "Daily Show" fix. I heard he went back on the air last night, but now with nothing to watch, I'm in the habit of going to bed early.

Kentuckychick replied:
I did know what the strike was over, but thanks for making me aware of what they actually make... since I wasn't aware of that.
And like I said I do understand why they're striking.

I think for me it just seems that they don't care at all about all of the people they're completely putting out of jobs who will be making no money at all or having to go work minimum wage jobs because of it.

Though I'm sure they do care.
I guess who I should really be annoyed at are the companies they're striking against who won't agree to settle. I'm just taking out my anger on the wrong people wink.gif

It's a crazy world we live in!

Kentuckychick replied:
Not harsh at all because it's SO true.
And we DO have a government channel -- CSpan. And we have CourtTV that covers all major court cases (and some really ignorant ones) and of course all the news channels (CNN, MSNBC, FOX, ext...) that are news all day long -- but they only show Britney Spears anymore

The problem is that all of the shows are on "local" channels and the local news stations really enjoy talking politics and breaking in for political issues and heck, they also like to update us every 5 minutes when there's a storm 200 miles away that may drown us in a 1/2 inch of snow!!! It's crazy like that! They are very pushy.

The worst is during the actual presidential election they will scroll the results as they come in for each state at the bottom of the screen, then they will interupt the program to READ those results to us, THEN they will take us LIVE to footage of the candidates sitting around holding their breath and then they will spend the rest of the night interupting our programming for various updates when really they should just update us when all is said and done.

There are a lot of reasons I want to move to Canada... television is only one of them!

grapfruit replied: Rachel,

No problem. The only reason I'm even 1/2 way informed is b/c of Bill Sheft (sp?). He's a writer for David Letterman's team (and Carson before him) has phoned into Bob and Tom (syndicated radio morning show, BIG boost for comedians everywhere). They ARE aware and upset that people not protected by the Guild are out of work. That's part of the reason Letterman and Kilbourn's people struck a seperate deal to go back to work. Letterman (who is part of the Guild) feels strongly about his workers (I think I heard 117 people work for him) and was VERY aware that they needed him to go back to work. The reason Leno, Conan and Jimmy Kimmel are back to work (all part of the Guild) is b/c they (and NBC) are disputing the strike, saying that Leno and the rest aren't covered when their writing their OWN monologe.

HOWEVER; I can see the writers' point and why the have to strike. It's not like the car or steel union striking b/c they don't want them to increase the deductible on their health insurance or something like that. They're being set up to lose darn near everything. And for workers that don't have a lot to begin w/....that's not too good.

Part of the reason they average $62K/year is b/c of the if they start not getting them.....I think their average will plumment sleep.gif

I guess it's just not fair when you really think about it. The executives/producers/most actors make a killing, and the people that give them the material, darn near nothing in comparison....

I think it's good to discuss and talk about things like this. It's better then talking about Britney or something :barf:

Hillbilly Housewife replied:
like placenta? lol

grapfruit replied:
I ALMOST posted that biggrin.gif

Hillbilly Housewife replied:
but you posted the next best thing to ingest, barf!

grapfruit replied:
Ok, this is going WAY off topic. But that reminded me of it.

Does anybody watch American Dad?? (On Fox) And did anybody see Sunday's episode! ROFLMAO!! If so you'll laugh at the too! laugh.gif

Hillbilly Housewife replied: no, what's it about? well..other than the obvious...

jcc64 replied: I totally sympathize with the writers. It always seems like the people that actually create the material are the least respected, most marginalized while everyone around them- the actors, producers, studios, advertisers, etc are making obscene amounts of money! It's the same thing in my former business- textile design. Without the designers' work, there would be nothing to sell or market- but of course we make the least $$$, no royalties or residuals, and are constantly being pressured to work for almost nothing. Ugh! It's one of the reasons I left the field.

grapfruit replied:
Have you ever seen "Family Guy"? It's by the same creators. I'll find something on YouTube for ya.

Hillbilly Housewife replied:

I'm SURE I'd LOVE it! laugh.gif

grapfruit replied: I have to add that I read ever post in this thread thinking (what husband?!?!?) b/c it said DH.

It didn't dawn on me until later that it was "Desperate Housewives".... blush.gif

Hillbilly Housewife replied:
have some placenta, you might just feel smarter. thumb.gif

grapfruit replied:
I don't think my prego friend would want me stealing it from them! rolling_smile.gif My one friend would gag so much if she read that thread! LOL

My3LilMonkeys replied:
That can't be right...can it? If the strike were to end tomorrow and all of the writers went back to work, they're saying it would be a YEAR before they could get anything produced? unsure.gif

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