Holy Smokes!
coasterqueen wrote: I actually did some work today at work. I did SO much work today that it seems like I did a month's worth.
I took Tracy's advice to do some work then reward myself with being able to come on to the board, etc, etc. And for once I did some work too!
Thanks Tracy .
MomToMany replied: Congratulations on getting some work done!
aspenblue1 replied: congrats on gettting some work done.
A&A'smommy replied: Thats awesome!!! I'm so glad for you, that must be some kind of relief!!
MommyToAshley replied: Doesn't that feel great!
I got a lot of work done today too ... it must be in the air!
I'll have to try Tracy's method in the future.
favre4fan replied: I had so much to do today I missed getting on the board as much as i wanted too! it feels good to get everything done!!
Josie83 replied: Well done! xx
Boys r us replied: Good for you!! LOL Sometimes I amaze myself when I do the samething! I'll say okay I'm allowed to check on the boards once an hour..but I have to be good at work first. It's hard...knowing this board is minimized, lurking in the far corner of my screen..and maybe somebody posted something really good..and whaaaaaa I can't read it for an hour! LOL
kimberley replied: lol good job Karen!
DansMom replied: You're welcome---I got a lot done today too! It works
Kirstenmumof3 replied: WOOHOO! That's great! Good for you!
Maddie&EthansMom replied: Alright!! Maybe that is what I need to do!