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Hi Newbie

ibchupacabra wrote: Hi I am new - just thought I would introduce myself here really quick...

I am Laura, mom of Dylan. I live in Colorado and work full time. I hope to get to know you all

luvmykids replied: wavey.gif Hi Laura,
I'm Monica, SAHM to Kylie, Colt & Macie. We live in NM. Welcome and hope to see you around! I love that picture of Dylan!

CAMSMOM1 replied: WELCOME LAURA!!!!! hismiley.gif welcome.gif

It's nice to meet you! deal.gif

My name is Ann, I'm 23 yrs old. Married for 3 yrs, and we have a son, Cameron, who is 21 months old. We are from California. wub.gif

I'm glad you decided to join us! I hope to see you around the boards! wavey.gif

Ann sunflower.gif

3xsthefun replied: Hi Laura! Nice to meet you! wavey.gif

I'm Tina, married to Rob, mommy to Kaitlynn (5) and Maegan (2).

fashionmumofboys replied: wavey.gif and welcome.gif Laura

Myprecioushearts replied: hismiley.gif I just joined here a few days ago myself. Welcome!

Freckled Momma replied: Hi, Laura and Welcome! wavey.gif

C&K*s Mommie replied: wavey.gif Hey Laura!

My name is Nicole, I am the wife of Christopher and the mother to Christian and Kellie. I am a SAHM, and a p/t student. We live in Florida.

Hope to see you around the boards, sometime! smile.gif

Love that pic of your son, very cute!! thumb.gif

CantWait replied: Hi there and welcome to the Club. Great picture wub.gif thumb.gif

scattytart replied: hismiley.gif welcome.gif im emily married to barry mum to calum 1 week 5 days

MamaJAM replied: wavey.gif

PrairieMom replied: wavey.gif

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