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He's finally movin!

mysweetpeasWil&Wes wrote: I was getting worried that this little guy isn't moving much for being 25 weeks along, but as I'm sitting at the computer right now, WOW, he is rockin and rollin in there!!! ohmy.gif I felt this tight pressure on one side, so I put my hand there and WHAMO, I got a foot jabbed in the palm of my hand, then a knee cap or leg that rolled on literally made me jump! OMG this at last feeling very real!!!!!!! wub.gif

Poor guy has his room all ready for him, but still no name... growl.gif

moped replied: GREAT!!!!!!!!!!

I still vote Charlie

mysweetpeasWil&Wes replied:
I wish! We're back to Alex was Adam for awhile, then Kyle...but now DH likes Simon (little Sy). I'm getting frustrated and just keep my mouth shut when DH brings up names!

moped replied: What about Max.............

luvmykids replied: You're giving me baby fever! I'm excited for all you soon-to-be-new-moms-again!

kayla's mama replied: Oh thats so exciting.....I like Alex and Charlie wink.gif

mysweetpeasWil&Wes replied:
I have an uncle Max and love the name, but Rich thinks it sounds like a dog's name! growl.gif

This kid is still moving! Must be the two ice cream bars I downed! tongue.gif

MyLuvBugs replied: Congratulations!!!! That's so wonderful. I'm a little envious, I've only got flutters. smile.gif

My3LilMonkeys replied: Movement - my favorite part of pg. wub.gif

mckayleesmom replied: How about Liam......get it...Wil and Liam....William

moped replied:
Oh Liam is another fave of mine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


NEWMOM05 replied: I like Alex. The best part of PG was feeling the baby move. wub.gif

mysweetpeasWil&Wes replied:
I love the name Liam too, but Wil's middle name is William (first name Richard after Dh) and I think the names are too alike (obviously). I don't think I'll ever get Charlie or Max...Dh dislikes both names! bawling.gif

coasterqueen replied: thumb.gif So glad he's movin'. Course I"m sure the closer you get you'll wish he wasn't. happy.gif

mckayleesmom replied: How about Wesley......Wil and Wes

~Roo'sMama~ replied:
Hadn't you already decided on Wes? I think I missed something. tongue.gif

That's so great that he's starting to move a lot! I loved that. wub.gif

mysweetpeasWil&Wes replied:
Yeah, Wes was one of our original choices, but it seriously changes weekly! rolleyes.gif

PrairieMom replied: Well, we seem to be sticking with Alexis for ours, so if you name yours Alex I am really going to have to start wondering about the paralells of our pregnancys... laugh.gif

mysweetpeasWil&Wes replied:
bigthink.gif So true! Alex IS my vote so far... wink.gif

PrairieMom replied:
Can't balme ya, its a good name! laugh.gif

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