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Happy Birthday (belated) Katherine!! - Born 9/2/2002 on Labor Day!

jdkjd wrote: With the hurricanes and such I missed the day but...

forum_balloon.gif HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! forum_balloon.gif

Here's Katherine on her birthday:

jem0622 replied: Happy belated birthday, big girl!

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Guest_kit_kats_mom replied: Aw. Thanks guys! We had a great birthday party and I will post pictures when we get home. This stupid hurricane has changed our travel plans so we are still stuck at my moms but hopefully we will be able to go home tomorrow. blink.gif

Kaitlin'smom replied: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!

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momof2girls replied:
Happy Birthday!!!!
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Jamison'smama replied: forum_balloon.gif Happy Happy 2nd Birthday Sweet Girl!!!! forum_balloon.gif

Kirstenmumof3 replied: birthday.gif forum_balloon.gif birthday.gif forum_balloon.gif birthday.gif forum_balloon.gif
birthday.gif forum_balloon.gif birthday.gif forum_balloon.gif birthday.gif forum_balloon.gif

MomToJade&Jordan replied: HAPPY BELATED 2ND BIRTHDAY K!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I hope you were able to enjoy your birthday besides all of the weather. Jade sends her birthday wishes as well.

amynicole21 replied: partying.gif HAPPY BIRTHDAY KATHERINE! partying.gif

A&A'smommy replied: HAPPY BIRTHDAY SWEETIE!!!!!! wub.gif

Josie83 replied: Happy birthday katherine!! Lots of love Josie and Cassie xx

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jazzband.gif partydance.gif birthday.gif jazzband.gif partydance.gif birthday.gif jazzband.gif partydance.gif birthday.gif

paradisemommy replied: groupwave.gifforum_balloon.gifgroupwave.gifforum_balloon.gif
birthday.gifjazzband.gif Happy Belated 2nd Birthday, Katherine!! jazzband.gifbirthday.gif

aspenblue1 replied: Happy Birthday!

banana.gif birthday.gif forum_balloon.gif birthday.gif forum_balloon.gif birthday.gif forum_balloon.gif banana.gif

coasterqueen replied: HAPPY BIRTHDAY KATHERINE!!!!! Hope you had a great day! wub.gif

DansMom replied: Happy Birthday Katherine!! party2.gif party2.gif partying.gif partying.gif

(I missed a lot of birthdays while I was away!!)

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