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HAPPY BIRTHDAY ERIN - Ed and Lisa's daughter

Edward's Mommy wrote: HAPPY BIRTHDAY ERIN!!!

wub.gif party.gif partysmiley.gif jazzband.gif banana.gif birthday.gif forum_balloon.gif gift.gif grouphug.gif groupwave.gif party2.gif partying.gif hug.gif love2.gif djdance.gif woohoo.gif birthday2.gif cheerleader.gif elephant.gif greenapple.gif

luvmykids replied: HAPPY 17 ERIN

jazzband.gif partysmiley.gif jazzband.gif partysmiley.gif jazzband.gif partysmiley.gif jazzband.gif partysmiley.gif jazzband.gif

And congrats Lisa & Ed, on another parenting success story!

MM'sMama replied: cheerleader.gif birthday2.gif djdance.gif clapsmiley.gif partying.gif partydance.gif party2.gif groupwave.gif sun.gif forum_balloon.gif birthday.gif


holley79 replied: HAPPY BIRTHDAY ERIN!!

birthday.gif birthday.gif birthday.gif birthday.gif birthday.gif birthday.gif birthday.gif birthday.gif birthday.gif birthday.gif birthday.gif birthday.gif birthday.gif birthday.gif birthday.gif

gr33n3y3z replied: birthday.gif Erin party.gif partysmiley.gif jazzband.gif
forum_balloon.gif sunflower.gif groupwave.gif party2.gif drinkjuice.gif

amymom replied: Happy Happy Birthday Erin!

amynicole21 replied: partying.gif HAPPY BIRTHDAY ERIN! partying.gif

Maddie&EthansMom replied: Oh wow! I can't believe she is 17! That was one of my favorite ages. happy.gif


C&K*s Mommie replied: party.gif birthday.gif forum_balloon.gif HAPPY 17th BIRTHDAY, Erin!! gift.gif party2.gif woohoo.gif

3xsthefun replied: Happy Birthday Erin! party.gif birthday.gif party2.gif partying.gif

BAC'sMom replied: Happy Birthday

Kaitlin'smom replied: Happy Birthday, hope its a great one.

forum_balloon.gif birthday.gif forum_balloon.gif birthday.gif forum_balloon.gif birthday.gif forum_balloon.gif birthday.gif forum_balloon.gif

punkeemunkee'smom replied: birthday.gif gift.gif party2.gif birthday2.gif cheerleader.gif coolsmiley.gif gift.gif birthday.gif

coasterqueen replied: Happy 17th Birthday Erin!!!!! Hope you have a great day! thumb.gif

aspenblue1 replied: Happy Birthday Erin!

mom21kid2dogs replied: love2.gif Happy 17th Birtday, Erin!!! love2.gif

zdk753 replied: user posted image Happy 17th B-Day Erin!!!

kimberley replied: partying.gif party2.gif banana.gif birthday.gif birthday.gif banana.gif party2.gif partying.gif

forum_balloon.gif sunflower.gif gift.gif Happy Birthday Erin!!! gift.gif sunflower.gif forum_balloon.gif

hug.gif partydance.gif djdance.gif groupwave.gif djdance.gif partydance.gif hug.gif

gr33n3y3z replied: Hey everyone its Erin THANK YOU SOO MUCH EVERYONE!!!!!! I appriciate all the banners!!! thumb.gif

CantWait replied: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!

ashtonsmama replied: HAPPY BIRTHDAY ERIN!!!
groupwave.gif groupwave.gif groupwave.gif groupwave.gif groupwave.gif groupwave.gif groupwave.gif groupwave.gif groupwave.gif groupwave.gif groupwave.gif groupwave.gif

My3LilMonkeys replied: forum_balloon.gif Happy Birthday Erin!!!! birthday.gif

redchief replied: You all are too sweet. You made her day. Thank you so much. smile.gif

Oh, and happy birthday, sweetheart. smile.gif

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