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Gas Prices

BAC'sMom wrote: What is a gallon going for in your area?

It’s $2.32 here ohmy.gif

AlexsPajamaMama replied: $2.32 sounds like a very nice price!
It has gone down here lately....$2.79-$2.86

luvmykids replied: I wouldn't complain a bit about $2.32, it's still right at $3.00 here growl.gif

BAC'sMom replied:

Silly, I am not complaining I was shocked that it had dropped over night!

gr33n3y3z replied: 2.67

1lilpeanut2love replied: $$2.55

My3LilMonkeys replied: $2.75

luvmykids replied:
Ah, sorry. blush.gif Shoot if it's dropping that much over there maybe I should hop over and fill up emlaugh.gif

coasterqueen replied:
same here. thumb.gif

Pathetic how giddy I get about the price being that low after it's been well into the $3.00 range around here for so long. rolleyes.gif dry.gif

Maddie&EthansMom replied: I saw it as low as 2.50 this afternoon. thumb.gif It's steadily going down. biggrin.gif

luvbug00 replied: 2.98 and going down!

Brias3 replied: I noticed it a few towns over today at 2.86. What I've been happily filling up for is $2.95. ANYTHING under 3.00 seems cheap to me nowadays dry.gif

luvmykids replied: growl.gif Why is everyone else so low? I just got on and the cheapest I found is $2.91. Which is a decrease but it ain't $2.32!

Cece00 replied: We're about 2.69 here

Swood75 replied: $2.53 here and steadily going down...YAY!!!

C&K*s Mommie replied: I saw it at $2.59, $2.62 & I filled 3/4 up at $2.69 and it still was $2.69 at the same place.

I am shocked! Thanks weather disturbances who have helped to divert and tear apart any major hurricanes in the Gulf! thumb.gif

3xsthefun replied: It is $2.75 here.

Bamamom replied: $2.67 - who would've thought I'd be excited over gas being 2.67. I remember telling my mom that I would NEVER pay 1.50 for gas biggrin.gif

holley79 replied: I paid 2.64 this morning at Murphy's.

J-rod replied: 2.79-2.85 here

TheOaf66 replied: Holy SH*t...sorry for the language but that is so low I thought ours was going down nicely we're still at $2.89...where do you live so I can move there laugh.gif

Heather77 replied: OMG I can't believe how cheap all your gas is!! blink.gif It's $3.13 here... and has ben for a good month now. This is the lowest it's been in months!

mom21kid2dogs replied: I filled up for $2.42 this evening at Kroger (I had .10 off) SE Ohio

I'm sure they'll on the rise again by tomorrow night no matter where you live!

amymom replied:
Holly cow! I paid $3.05 yesterday and was happy it was under $3.10. But I am praying for under $2.50 too!

Hillbilly Housewife replied: 99 cents a litre. I don't feel like doing the conversion.


JP&KJMOM replied: So far the cheapest I found toady was $2.59. I have to fill up after work so hopefully it will drop some more today! tongue.gif

Kaitlin'smom replied: up where I live 2.35 just north of Dayton Oh, south of dayton is 2.38

I am sooo happy its under 2.50 a gallon.

Swood75 replied: well,it has gone down some more here today it was down to $2.47..I would love to see it back down under $2 but doubt that will happen...

Swood75 replied: down to $2.43 today...YAY!!!!! thumb.gif

luvmykids replied: We're finally dropping, $2.60 today which hopefully will lower even more after the holiday weekend! thumb.gif

1lilpeanut2love replied: The cheapest I saw today in Southern MD was $2.48!! wink.gif

huggybugboy replied: I can't complain since I've moved down here. It's $3.02-$3.08 here, but back home its $3.59!!

MyBabeMaddie replied: Gas just keeps going down here and I'm not complaining!!! We went from $2.99 a week ago to $2.59 tonight! YES!! biggrin.gif

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