Fun prediction poll - Boy or Girl
J-rod wrote: ok so U/S scheduled for tomorrow afternoon.
guess if it s a boy or girl...and please post your choice.
ashtonsmama replied: I voted girl--I'm just sending everyone girl vibes, and hoping they come back to me!
mckayleesmom replied: Im going to say Boy...since your baby and Salamanders are due around the same time and theirs is already a girl.....
amymom replied: I am thinking BOY no reason just thinking that.
AlexsPajamaMama replied: I voted many baby girls being born this year
My3LilMonkeys replied: I voted boy - just a feeling!
moped replied: Girl all the way!
1lilpeanut2love replied: I voted GIRL!!!!
I voted that way because my 1st was a girl. Also, seems like lots of girls are being born lately!!
CantWait replied: I'm going to say GIRL
TheOaf66 replied: well looks like I made it dead even
BAC'sMom replied: BOY
Mommy2Isabella replied: I voted GIRL! Because, you guys are due I think a day before or a day after Sal and I , and we are having a girl. Everyone around us seems to be having a girl as well! PLUS, who doesn't love a BEAUTIFUL baby girl? But I guess that goes for boys too ... they are cute ... but PINK is such a wonderful color!!!!
~~*Missi*~~ replied: two things before i can vote?
1. how old is MOMMY to be when she got knocked up
2. when did you concieve and when are you due
YES i am going to a prediction site that was right for sabrina lol
J-rod replied: 1. she is/was 23
2. concieved nov. 19 DUE august 13
moped replied: WHAT???????????????????????? LATER?????????????????????
NO WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
J-rod replied:
ill post in the morning....have one person to tell before i post online.
~~*Missi*~~ replied: Ok mister Jrod LOL I have tried ALL the site I know and its says a BOY everytime if its not a boy you ruined those sites for me LOL
Good luck Girl or Boy its a perfect beautiful baby right.....
PrairieMom replied: Boy Boy boy boy