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Everybody wish DH luck

luvmykids wrote: He's leaving today for a week to the Golf Channels Amateur Tour National Championship in Clearwater FL. He's not in the top flight so he's not up for the actual championship but he's up for the title in his handicap division thumb.gif thumb.gif

Kaitlin'smom replied: hope he gets lots of Birdies laugh.gif best of luck

bawoodsmall replied: How fun!! I hope he wins it all. I have fallen off the golf channel list but is it going to be on the tube?

luvmykids replied: I know they're going to have people there, and I think they may show clips. I doubt they'll televise the actual tourney though.

gr33n3y3z replied: Good luck to him they just may on espn you never know

Insanemomof3 replied: Good luck!!! thumb.gif

TheOaf66 replied: good luck to him thumb.gif

mysweetpeasWil&Wes replied: GL! thumb.gif

moped replied: How exciting! Good luck
Will he be on tv at all?

redchief replied: A golfer's blessing:

A&A'smommy replied: Thats awesome!!! Good luck to him!!! thumb.gif

coasterqueen replied: How cool! GL to your DH.

Calimama replied: Good luck!!

luvmykids replied:
They're not broadcasting it but they'll be reporting from it, from what I understand. He actually did make it on tv once, standing behind Tiger Woods laugh.gif

Ed, I'll be passing on the golfers blessing smile.gif

CantWait replied: Congrats to your dh. Best of luck to him. thumb.gif thumb.gif

lovemy2 replied: Go DH Go thumb.gif thumb.gif

Anthony275 replied: good luck

AlexsPajamaMama replied: Oh cool! Goood luck to him!!

(I just told dh and he is jealous!!)

MoonMama replied: Sounds fun! thumb.gif GOOD LUCK to him!

Maddie&EthansMom replied: COOL!!! GL to him!!! thumb.gif thumb.gif

mammag replied: Good Luck!!!!

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