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Ever wonder why you didnt feel like getting gas? - Could it be fate?? Or just lazziness?

MomofTay&Sam wrote: Lets break this down..
First dont say sorry, I am just venting..
(venting at 1 am because I slept with Sammy on my chest for 3 hours late this evening, and I can vent w/o using vulgar language now)

6:45 am 7/25 My car starts and BIL here's it, decides one of us is going to the store. So doesnt get up.

7:30 am DH leaves for work, outside police everywhere. Seems a stolen car was parked infront of our house running still and a neighbor called the police.

7:32 am COP says did you see or hear anything to DH. DH says I didnt hear anything and WHERE IS MY CAR?? The thief left his stolen car at my house and stole my NEW car out of the driveway.

7:40 I am just falling back to sleep with Sam and DH says OMG our car is gone/stolen..Come outside. (we have had this car 2 months) I start to feel sick and just get overwhelmed.

7:45 I realise my car seat my stroller 2 diaper bags packed full of crap, my older sons LAX equipment(his sticks were signed) and all the baby bags, sunscreen, nets for stroller, rain protecter for stroller, lots and lots of perfectly packed stuff is all gone.

8 am the cop gets done with the stolen car left here so they could take mine and says ummm your plate number? I was so out of my mind crying I couldnt give him anything, he used my Insurance and tracked the info down.

9 am DH takes MIL's car to work and leaves me in shambles, he didnt want to go, but I said GO! Needed time to just cry alone.

9:15 am I call the insurance co and say it's stolen, incase they killed someone or hit a building.

9:30 My son and his sleep over friend go for a bike ride?? OMG I needed him, a bike ride???

10:50 NYPD shows report a car stolen? Yes YES YES I did, than the shock started to happen. I say is it BAD?? He says we found it four blocks UP. OMG I say my baby stuff?????? He says he is not sure.

My lawn boy(which would kill me if he heard me call him that) He is a NYPD cop and a firefighter and does lawns on the side was in my yard. The cop says can you come get it? I say well you see this baby on my hip, how can I ?? I say BILLYYYYY he comes running over and goes with the cop to get my car... repltying to this because it might be to long.....

MomofTay&Sam replied: Billy brings my car back and the wholem stering column is gone, they knew what they where doing. BUT now I laugh because THEY worked sooooo hard, they beat me trunk to death trying to get in and never GOT IN. Haaa to them! Now the damage is done and I have to go on, but this is unreal. I live in a very nice part of Long Island. If these vandles would have had gas than the car would have been parted out. Thank God I was lazy yesterday!

MomofTay&Sam replied: ps nothing was stolen, they tore the baby shades down and ripped them apart, they pissed in the car and tore the owners manuel in the glove box to shreds. The good stuff was in the trunk which they coudnt get IN! HAAAAAAAAAAAA I hope they were sweating! They stole 5 cars last night in my area I am sure it will ake the paper tomm. sad.gif sad.gif and I had a alarm!

Kirstenmumof3 replied: ohmy.gif OMG I would have been so terrified! I'm so glad you got your car back! Is your insurance company going to pay for the repairs? I'm so glad you where lazy and didn't get gas! Lots of hugs YOUR WAY! grouphug.gif grouphug.gif grouphug.gif grouphug.gif grouphug.gif

~CrazieMama~ replied: OMG!! ohmy.gif That's awful!! I am glad though, that you did not get gas. I am also glad nothing was taken. As for the alarm on the car, I would call that company and tell them that they have a crappy alarm system. I do hope your insurance pays for all the damage. I am sorry you had to go through all that. grouphug.gif

amynicole21 replied: OMG!! What a morning!!! With everything else they did, why did they have to pee in the car mad.gif People make me sick! I hope they are found and sent away for a long time!! I'm so glad they didn't get the good stuff, though.

Kaitlin'smom replied: Oh man that stinks! Glad they could not get into the trunk and that you were to lazy to get gas! Hope all goes well with the repairs.

+Zemirah+ replied: Omgosh.

Okay, I won't say "sorry" to your vent. I'm such a doof, I misunderstood the title and thought it was gonna be a thread about flatulance at first laugh.gif

(this from a woman who has had almost no sleep this week wacko.gif wacko.gif wacko.gif )

DansMom replied: ohmy.gif That is incredible! There are some pathetic creeps in this world---I'm so glad these ones were thwarted! I'll have to tell my husband this story, since he always ends up filling the tank in my car. I just hate stopping for gas!

Sorry this happened to you! That must have been some adrenalin rush. I would have freaked.

mckayleesmom replied: Man I would be pissed,,,hopefully the insurance will pay for it and to get it detailed cause they peed in it. That is so disgusting. Hopefully one of these days they will get a really bad case of crabs and will learn to stop wipping there things out and peeing any old place.

supermom replied: Oh, hun - what a way to start the weekend!! I am so glad you didn't get gas and you were able to get all of your stuff back, even though they did trash your car - that part really sucks, but the stuff like your son's signed sticks, well, they are worth more than money.

Hope all goes well with the insurance co, and grouphug.gif to you!

Mommieto2Girls replied: OMG, that's awful. I hope they catch them!!!! Never fill the car

grouphug.gif grouphug.gif grouphug.gif

MomofTay&Sam replied: Thanks guys I am much much better today! We located a stering column about 2 hours from us and can get it on Monday. The insurance claim went in late Firday night, they said two business days. If they do not cover it all than home owners insurance will. $500 deductible but the part today was 150, and thats just the beginning so it will be worth the money. What a mess. I am glad I have you guys to vent to!

MommyToAshley replied: I am glad that they found the everything... how scarey and how frustrating! I wonder if since they vandalized your car, the insurance will pay everything? I am not an expert, but my brother had his car vandalized and the insurance company said that there is no deductible for vandalizism. I guess it would depend on your policy, but I would check into it.

I hope they catch the creeps that did that to your car!


MomofTay&Sam replied: Thanks Dee Dee I will check into it first thing Monday morning! smile.gif smile.gif

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