Eating Placenta
CantWait wrote: Ok I'm sorry but I had to ask. In light of all the controversy surrounding Tom Cruise and comments that he made in GQ about eating the Placenta, and watching it on the news today and realizing that this is actually a common practice with some, and they're are recipes for this. Hey Animals do it don't they???
I was wondering if you would eat the placenta of your newborn? Me personally I would not, it's pretty nasty if you ask me.
CantWait replied: BTW as if I have to say it, discussions, no debates please.
ilovemybaby replied: Considering I won't even eat liver, kidney or anything that comes from inside an animal or human (meat is fine but not organs!)................ No way!
I helped a cat deliver her kitties once and she ate the placenta. EWWW Apparently it gives them energy/strength. Since it's full of good stuff.
Bee_Kay replied: LOL !!
Well, I don't go into heat and I don't "meow" so that would be a NO !!!
CosmetologyMommy replied: I personally could not.
1lilpeanut2love replied: I couldn't!
Maddie&EthansMom replied: Scenes from Interview with a Vampire are running rapidly thru my head.
And yeah, I'd eat the placenta....If I were a MOUNTAIN LION!!
edited for spelling
Crystalina replied: Ok, I can understand an animal doing this because...well, they are animals. What is the reasoning behind a human doing this? I'm sorry but I haven't read much about it.
Animals have also been known to eat their young when they are sick. Not gonna happen in my house.
My3LilMonkeys replied: Well, I would have to look into the reasons why someone would do that, but maybe. I have eaten a lot of weird things in my time.
EvesMom replied: I'm not a cannible
A&A'smommy replied: EWWWWWWWW NO!!!!!!
luvmykids replied: I didn't vote because there wasn't an option that applied, which is
punkeemunkee'smom replied:
redchief replied: There isn't much I won't eat. Placenta is not, has never been, and will never be, on my menu.
MomToJade&Jordan replied:
CantWait replied: Apparently from the newscast that I watched provides nutrients to the new mom's body, and helps lessen the chances of PPD. Whatever.
jacobsmama replied: wow this is just a very weird thing and I have to say NO...So did Tom Cruise eat the placenta??? YUCK!!!
~~*Missi*~~ replied: I say no but honestly if they told me that it would do something I am sure I would try it LOL
Honestly I know that in some countries they do save it and eat it in pate (However spelled) and others save it for a year and eat it on the babys 1st birthday in a "cake" recipe
Animals do it yes but they like thier bums too and i am not about to start that!
CantWait replied: NO, he was later quoted by GQ that ummm well Maybe I won't, or something like that. So I don't believe he did.
ilovemybaby replied: LMBO at some of the replies!
The options should really be "Yes" and "H*ll no!"
ashtonsmama replied: UM....let me think.... . . . . . . . . . NOOOOOOOOOO!
NEWMOM05 replied: My skin crawls just thinking about it. Oh no, the next thing on Fear Factor. EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!
C&K*s Mommie replied: NO!!
Nina J replied: Definatly not!!!
holley79 replied: I'm with Barb on this one.
MamaJAM replied: Ummm...NO!
If I had any desire to keep the placenta - I'd have planted them with a tree to celebrate my kids' arrivals.
MommyToAshley replied:
3_call_me_mama replied: This is actually quite funny. i just took this poll on another site I visit (more of a crunchy mom site) and it is the EXACT opposite of here. Most of them ARE or HAVE eaten the placenta of their children/ SO while I am in the minority there... I'm in teh majority here. I wouldn't... but if someone else wants to please dont' invite me to your house for dinner!!!
gr33n3y3z replied: Let me think about it for a min. NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3xsthefun replied: NO!!!
PrairieMom replied: I would not eat it on a train
I would not eat it on a plane
I would not eat it on a box
I would not eat it with a fox!
(its gonna be a LOOOOOOOOOOOONG day!)
Italianhuney replied: if it's straight from after birth no, maybe if it was washed, cooked, and sauteed... MAYBE lol
Kaitlin'smom replied: NO
but with as weird as TC is I coudl see him brainwashing KH into with him, just hope he does not invite Brooke over for dinner.
jcc64 replied: You know what guys- it's really not any grosser than eating any other meat product, if you happen to be a carnivore- which I suspect most of you are. I haven't done it, because, well, there are easier ways to get some protein. But if I happened to be in some poor 3rd world country, where protein wasn't readily available and I knew it would fortify me after the considerable demands of labor and pg, yeah, I'd do it. Btw, if any of you knew what was in half the meat stuff you eat on a regular basis, you'd be horrified. You've probably already eaten some other animal's placenta and weren't even aware of it.
Bee_Kay replied: Judy- Funny you should mention that...... after reading (and replying to) this post last night, I did a little research on this subject....
and Rod Stewart and his wife did that exact same thing (kept it and planted it) with his other children present.
I'd never heard of doing such a thing before.
coasterqueen replied: ITA.
While I don't think I could eat placenta KNOWING it was a placenta, if I thought about it enough I guess I could. I won't eat liver but I LOVE braunswager (sp?) which is liver meat. It is a very common practice, though, and those who are 'crunchy' that won't eat it will usually plant it. I've heard that's a common practice too, especially of those that homebirth. The hospitals won't let you have the placenta as is my understanding.
mckayleesmom replied: No thanks....Im a super super picky that wouldn't fly well with me. I just got sick reading your wierd things to eat post.
mysweetpeasWil&Wes replied: No I wouldn' doc was shocked at how BIG my placenta was, so the thought of eating it makes me , but I knew a girl in HS who said her mom ate hers. Burried it under a tree or something too.
Edward's Mommy replied: Who said yes??? I don't think I would!!!
Mom2BNTN replied: 2 words for you.....NO WAY!!!! That just seems too gross to me.
kimberley replied:
i am burying mine and planting a tree over it but i cannot fathom eating human anything!
Hillbilly Housewife replied: You know, I probably would. I've eaten snot, crap, re-swallowed vomit, swallowed bodily fluids... how bad can a little meat be? With a little BBQ sauce?
I've actually read the ingredients in my birth control pills before. One of the ingredients was some crushed obscure gross looking crustacian... and in a face cream I *used* to use, there was placenta in it.
So yep -0 i'd take a bite, but i probably wouldn't eat it all.
mom2tripp replied: OMG I think I just threw up in my mouth a little
My3LilMonkeys replied: I did! I'll try anything once (well, almost anything - I'm not going to try to jump out of a plane without a parachute or anything like that )
It's nice to see that 3 other people voted with me - I was the only yes for quite a while there.
jcc64 replied: I was one of the other people who said yes for the reasons stated in my post.
Celestrina replied: Mabye that's why Tom Cruise doesn't believe in PPD (sorry, didn't mean to get off topic).
my2monkeyboys replied: Eating animal meat is not the same as being a canniba and to me it would be equal to cannibalism, so I couldn't do it (unless they put a gun to my son's head or something). Planting it under a tree is kind of a neat idea though. I do wonder... what does the hospital do with it if they won't let you have it?
moped replied: Ummmmmmmmmmmm yeah, NOT!!!!!!!!
Cannot, will not
My2Beauties replied: I hear what Jeanne is saying about meat, but what I don't know won't hurt me. I don't know if I've ate another animal's placenta so I'm fine with that, but I couldn't knowingly eat my placenta