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Does anybody here watch kids during the day

kayla's mama wrote: I just started watching a little girl during the day. Do you have to claim it as income? I'm not registared as of yet, still waiting on our reg sitter to see if she's coming back or not. I was just curious. I'm thinking about adding more children and getting registared later if it seems to work out.


C&K*s Mommie replied: Have no clue, but best wishes for now and for later when you add more children! smile.gif

CAMSMOM1 replied: You can claim so much if you are a daycare provider. Your power bill, ect. You are using your house as a business during those hours, there are a lot of things you can write off on your taxes. You can also get on a food plan through the State, that will provide food for your kids. If you're going to watch more children, then I suggest doing it. My Mom was a daycare provider for 15+ years, so let me know if you have any questions. thumb.gif

I'm glad things are going good with Abbie. I think you would make an awesome daycare provider. I'd let you watch Cam in a heartbeat. wub.gif

kayla's mama replied: Thanks I wasn't sure IF I would like it...but you know, it has been fun. I have the best of 2 world IMO, I get to stay home with Kayla and make money smile.gif

CAMSMOM1 replied: I didn't really answer your question so: You don't need to claim it unless you get your license. Basically you're just "babysitting" right now. But if you decide to make this a business, and have more than one child, then you need to claim it and get licensed. It's about a 3 month process. They have to inspect your house, finger print, CPR, ect. If you are going to make this a business, the parents need to see you're licensed. KWIM? But if you're only planning on watching Abbie, then no, you don't have to. If this makes sense?! blush.gif

1lilpeanut2love replied: I know here in MD you are not supposed to watch kids unless u have a license. I'm not sure about the policy in your state. Here it would be considered 'UNDER THE TABLE' work. Hope u found out something. I would like to watch other kids too!!!!

1lilpeanut2love replied: It takes alot to get ur license. I went to a meeting one night for it and it seemed like alot of work to have to go through to watch kids. U and ur hubby would both have to pass background checks too.

CAMSMOM1 replied:

That's true, but basically Brandi is just "babysitting" for awhile. It's not a permit thing, there is no contract, ect.
Cam stays with Grandma, and she doesn't claim it. Basically she isn't running a daycare in her home, she only watches Cam part time. There's a difference. But once you make it a business, adding children, ect...then yes, you should/need to be licensed. thumb.gif

To get your license is a process. But fingerprints take about a week to go through, and that won't be a problem. And they inspect your house, and let you know if you need to make any changes so it's "child friendly & safe". But I'm sure you're house is baby proof already, and would pass inspections fine. It has to be clean, and you have to have child supplies, ect. Get recommendations/referrals. If you have a pool, it has to be gated. If you want some more info, let me know. It takes about 3 months here in Cali to get licensed. It only takes longer if there's a hold up in the process, such as your house, fingerprints. You should have no problem with it.



CAMSMOM1 replied:

Wow girl! blink.gif I wasn't being mean at all, just giving some additional information. I certainly wasn't saying you are wrong. Sorry if you thought I was. hug.gif

MyLuvBugs replied: Only my own kid....That's enough for me. laugh.gif

1lilpeanut2love replied:
THat's funny!! Me too!! LOL rolling_smile.gif

luvmykids replied:
Not necessarily true .... even with just one kid, and an "unofficial" daycare, if the parents paying you want to claim the child care expenses for their taxes, they have to report who they paid it to and how much.

If it's not enough that they'll want to claim it, you're ok under the table. But if they're planning on claiming it, the IRS will know about it wether you report it or not. The exception is if it's under $600.00, I think it doesn't have to be reported. You can look at for better info.

mckayleesmom replied: Don't you have to go to school to get your daycare licence also? I thought you had to take college courses.

CAMSMOM1 replied:

Very true & valid point Monica. thumb.gif If the parents want to claim the child on their taxes, then she would have to report it. But from what I've talked about with Brandi, I think it's under the table because Brandi is taking over for his sister, who used to babysit? But you're right, and she should probably discuss this with the parents, and see what they want to do. thumb.gif

And I'm not sure if it's different state to state, but I don't believe you have to have child development units to be licensed, at least in California. It's recommended to have infant/child dev courses/units...but not required. It really helps to have it, for the parents that are interested in your program. wink.gif

mummy2girls replied: well yes if the parents plan on claiming the childcare expenses then yes you should get liscened. Just talk with the parents and see from there...

if you decide to take more in then you defentily need to be liscened... it can take up to 3 months to do it. You need a child welfare check, criminal background check, first aid and cpr in childcare, etc. And that all can take a few months. And then any other person in your household that is over 13 years old need to as well.

and what brianne asked... here in canada you dont need to take schooling to be one. It would be a bonus for the parents of ther kids if you do.. I have 15 years experience and am currently working on my level 1 through work. Then will get my level 2 then 3 afterwards:)

Its a very fun thing to very excited myself!

kayla's mama replied: Thanks guys for all the input...

I was thinking that I would have to claim it if they claimed it.

As far as getting liscensed and all that....I'm not even sure if this is going to be a permnant thing or not, mainly depends on our current sitters health. But if it does I will def. get liscensed and do whatever it takes to make myself a legal beagle!!!!

CAMSMOM1 replied: Sounds awesome Brandi! Hope you become a legal beagle soon! laugh.gif rolling_smile.gif

luvmykids replied:
I was just saying that having to claim it isn't just based on wether or not you're licensed, KWIM? Of course being licensed makes it a whole different ballgame, but even if you're not and the parents report it and you don't, it could be ugly. Also, at least in NM, you can have several kids without being licensed, but you would still have to claim that income also. I guess what I'm trying to say is that reporting income and having a daycare license are not necessarily related if that makes any sense. You can have income without the license, and still have to report it.

In NM you don't have to have any college credits for childcare but do have to take a few classes offerred by the licensing division plus be CPR certified to get a license. And I know you have to do continuing ed type classes every so often to renew it. HTH.

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