Do your bed sheets
Boys r us wrote: match your comforter?
Everytime I get a new comforter/bedding I'm really good about using the sheets that match it..but then after a few sheet changes, I could care less!
Right now, I have a blue and creme striped comforter on my bed, but my sheets are yellow and I think my pillow cases are lavendar,creme and blue striped! HAaa
mammag replied: Ha! Ha! That is sooooo me!!!! Whatever is clean goes on the bed.
coasterqueen replied: Uh no.....except I don't get a new comforter that often either, lol. I have bought maybe 2 in 5 years and we would only have one but DH thought it was too "thick" so we bought the second one which was a quilt.
I can't afford to buy new sheets to match them. I'm still using the same sheets I had 13 years ago.
5littleladies replied: I always get white sheets-That way they match everything.
Kaitlin'smom replied: only when they are clean
mom89 replied: Yes. We have the coca-cola bedding. My dh knows I like the coca-cola stuff,so he saw the bedding one day and bought it! But now I'm growing tired of it..afterall,its been on the bed for over a year maybe? LOL Shh don't tell him!!
ediep replied: no, We have a quilt on our bed and we have coordinated sheets but not a matching set. I always have the pillow cases matching the sheets though
MommyToAshley replied: Most of our sheets coordinate with the different comforters we have, so they usually match, but not always.
TANNER'S MOM replied: My father bought our nice comforter set. It downe and I love it. And he was smart enough to buy two sheets of sheets that went with it. So, that when one is dirty, the other is clean and that has worked so well that I have started doing that with everyone's in the house.
We don't have mixed matched sheets either!
3xsthefun replied: Nope...I don't think I've ever had sheets that matched my comforter.
Maddie&EthansMom replied: DH won't let us have anything but white. For our wedding we did get the sheets to match our comforter, but we wore a hole in those. We are looking into a new comforter now, but I can't make up my mind.
A&A'smommy replied: yes mine are beige they are really pretty too!
kimberley replied: my quilt has many shades of blue in it and all my sheets are blue
Mommy2BAK replied: yes, its a set though that came with the comforter
3boys4me replied: Mine usually match. I like the white idea. Maybe I will start that. My pillowcases seem to disappear all the time.
MyBlueEyedBabies replied: Our match right now bugt it's completely a fluke...They didn't match the brick duvet cover that was on by comforter but dd threw up on it so we are using the moss one....And my sheets have trees and stuff on it so they match
MomToMany replied: No, mine don't. Don't think they ever have......
mom21kid2dogs replied: Heck no!! I only do the "house" laundry once a month so I'd need several sets if I was going to do that. Plus I switch out comforters for the seasons. When I make the bed (which isn't all the time ) how can you tell what the heck is on there?
gr33n3y3z replied: Our sheets never match anything heck come to think of it we have 4 diffrent kinds of pillow cases on the pillows LOL
Kirstenmumof3 replied: NO they don't! I need a new bedding set so badly!
loveydad replied: *laughing* My bed has what ever pillow cases i can scrounge up, three pieces of fleece, a fleece blanket, and two comforters on it. It used to have a nice sleeping bag on there too. I just use whatever sheets I have. Now my kids THEY have matching bedding.
kileyjae replied: Shoot...I'm happy when my top and bottom sheet match somewhat! LOL
And, pillow cases...forget it.
Right now we have one white, one Care Bear, one Snoopy, and one green.
sweethrt'smom replied: I am happy to get the sheets on my bed, LOL. No one EVER goes into the "pit" that is my bedroom. It is the catch all for the entire house, UGHHHH! Guess it is better to have one trashed room, than for all of them to be trashed .
aspenblue1 replied: Oh yeah mine have to match. My DH would have a fit if they didn't.